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Jan 11, 2009 23:39


Sinking [Cain thinks, as he sinks. end of Part One G general]
Bubble [The group reunites in the hallway. Part Two G general]
All Right [Raw has a message for Az. post-series G general]
Restraint [Azkadellia questions Zero's ability. Part Two G implied Az/Zero]
Thump [Cain ponders the idea of friends and family. post-series G general]
Why? [Cain interrogates Zero. post-series PG angst]
Trapped [It takes time for Az to heal. post-series PG implied Cain/Az]
Home for Christmas [Az thinks about time. post-series G general]
Under My Tree [The newlyweds share a dance. pre-series G Ahamo/the Queen]
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays [It's Glitch's first Christmas. post-series G general]
The Christmas Song [Gulch checks on the farmhouse. post-series, same 'verse as O Holy Night G general]
I Guess it's Christmas Time [DG and Raw discuss their new roles. post-series G general]
The First Noel [The Mystic Man ponders in his cell. Part Two G general]
It's Christmas [Ahamo's in Year 5 of his exile. pre-series G angst]
O Holy Night [Dorothy has a secret. pre-series, same 'verse as The Christmas Song G general]
Gone Soft [Cain has a realization in the woods. Part Three G general]
Biding Time [The cave was a secondary solution. Crossover with Wicked pre-series G angst]
When the Filter Fails [Things tend to get interesting when one's internal monologue is on the fritz. post-series PG implied-by-Az Cain/DG]
Left [DG hasn't learned what topics Cain doesn't have an opinion on. post-series G general]
Everything Has Its Place [Honestly, why are there so many forks?! post-series G general]
Accomplishments, Splomplishments [Ambrose is smart. Glitch wants to learn. One would think they'd get along. post-series G general]
Memory Lane Isn't Paved With Hay [There are times when the past needs to stay in the past. This was one of those times. post-series PG angst]
Where it Ends [DG reaches her breaking point and takes Cain down with her. post-series PG-13 Cain/DG]
Not all Scarecrows are Cool [Brains can really mess with one's head. post-series PG general]
Gem [Az cleans out her closet. post-series G general]
Games [DG's bored. post-series G general]
Sugar [DG has hiccups. post-series G general]
Dream [DG's not sleeping. post-series G general]
Poetry [DG must force herself. post-series G general]
Empty [Gulch actually worries. Part One G general]
Orchard [Az has to start somewhere. post-series G general]
Popularity [Just a magic trick, really. pre-series G general]
Hummingbird [Brains can really mess with one's head. post-series G general]
Garden [Cain's got DG’s back. post-series G general]
Limit [Limits are meant to be tested. pre-series and post- PG general]
Escape [Cain's getting out of the suit. Part One G angst]
Yellow [DG hates yellow. pre-series and post- G general]
Labyrinth [Glitch is lost. pre-series G angst]
Teardrop [Cain's not alone in his experiences. pre-series and during G angst]
Moss [Waiting to be useful. pre-series G general]
Visit [Viewers are made, not born. pre-series G general]
Frolic ["Princess caught frolicking nude, reports say." post-series PG general]
Prisons Come in Many Forms [Zero thinks about things. post-series PG angst]
Cheater [DG tells Glitch and Az about Annie. post-series G general]
Voyage [DG tells the boys about her trip home. Part Three G general]
Hot [Popsicle might just melt. pre-series G general]
Spiral [The Longcoats are removing DG from the palace. between Part One and Part Two G general]
Blast [Glitch blows up his lab. post-series G general]
Faith Hope [Sometimes, all you need is a little hope in faith. post-series G angst]
Soup's On! [Zero and the Longcoats have dinner. pre-series G general]
A Walking Guide of the Outer Zone [For the hikers, not the thinkers. general series G general]
Apples and Berries [They say you shouldn't mix apples and oranges. But the Zone doesn't have oranges... pre-series PGish drama]
Fitting In [The Princess ponders while being poked by pins. post-series G general]
Glitch [DG and Glitch discuss his name. Cain broods. The usual... during Part One PG general]
Nursery Rhyme [DG finally finds where she belongs. post-series G general]
The Other Side of Cain [If you can't run with the Tin Man... post-series G general]
Stubborn [Your friends learn from you. post-series G general]
It Starts with a Note [A series of notes. pre-series PG angst]
Hate to Leave [Why does the phone always ring during dinner? pre-series G general]
Heat of the Moment [Some men don't get hints. pre-series or post- PGish Wyatt/Adora or Cain/DG, etc.]
Just Keep Moving [Sometimes the hassle of the journey is worth the destination. pre-series PG-13 Wyatt/Adora]
Just Words [Words are just words. It's how you use them... pre-series G angst]
Pie is Universal [“I wanna experience the universe and I wanna eat pie.” -Urgo, Stargate SG-1 post-series G general]
Dad Can Do No Wrong (Even When He Does Wrong) [Wyatt Cain never ceases to amaze his son. pre-series PG general]
The More Things Change [People may be different, but the job remains the same. pre-series and post- PG general]
Emeralds, Chickens and Shoes, Oh My! [There are times when a girl doesn't want to know her family history... This is one of those times. Crossover with Return to Oz post-series G general]
Wyatt Cain's Words of Wisdom [It's Az's turn to get the Wyatt Cain-pep talk... post-series PG general]
Brainiac [The jokes write themselves... post-series G general]
Anywhere [Raw isn't like the other Viewers. pre-series G angst]
Failure to Communicate [You can insult the princess... but not her friends. post-series PG angst]
Stop the Presses [there's nitpicky, and then there's ridiculous. post-series G general]
Outcasts [Milltown was the perfect place... once. pre-series PG drama]
You Don't Know Me [Az has a message for the Witch. Part Three PG angst]
The First Missus Zero ["...with Zero's first wife" implies there's a second... and where there's a second, there's a first... pre-series PG angst]
Goodbye [She's had to make some hard choices... pre-series G angst]
Family Album [because I made a promise... Crossover with Buck Rogers in the 25th Century post-series G implied Cain/DG]
Cookie Jar [DG's memories are like an empty cookie jar... post-series G general]
papAhamo [Ahamo wasn't always so cool under fire... pre-series G angst]
Some Say He is a Wizard [They call it magic. He calls it imagination. pre-series G general]
Not Exactly the Waltons [DeMilo wasn't the only one stranded in Central City... Part One G general]
Bad Idea ['cause it's such a solid plan... o.O Part Three G general]
Lost Boy [Wyatt can't find Jeb... pre-series G general]
Leaky Pipe [Wyatt and Adora are fighting... pre-series G drama]
Boat Ride [Just when DG thought things couldn't get weirder... Crossover with The Princess Bride Part Three PG general]
It Happens to Everyone [Someone's sleepin' in another room... post-series G implied Cain/Glitch]
Oxygen ["No one knows what it's like to feel these feelings like I do... and I blame you." (Behind Blue Eyes, Limp Bizkit) post-series PG-13 Cain/DG]
Shot Through the Heart [For once, Cain's injury isn't DG's fault... but she may be his cure post-series PG-13 Cain/DG]
...for the Love of Glitch [When Raw's being tortured, it's DG to the rescue... post-series G general]
Twenty Platinums [The deal was twenty Platinums... Part Three G general]
Less Talk, More Action [It's a showdown of skill, down there by the lake. Someone call ESPN! post-series G implied Jeb/DG]
What's in a Name? [A man with a balloon and a future queen have a chat... pre-series G general]
We Tell This Story Different in the Zone [Cain gets into an argument. post-series PG crack]
Aim to Misbehave [Cain and Zero have a love/hate relationship. They love to hate each other. pre-series PG angst]
The History Books'll Clean it Up ["'Zombies came and ate them all.' I think all your stories should end this way." -queenof1000days. post-series PG angst]
Bitter Fruit [It's dinner time. pre-series PG angst]
Watch Where You Stick That Hand [The moment is awkward enough... pre-series or post- PG-13 pick you ship]
Running Late [A missing jacket is no excuse... post-series PG-13 Jeb/DG]
Trip [Dorothy watches Scarecrow ponder the floor. pre-series G Dorothy/Scarecrow]
Sketch of a Hero [Everyone has a different definition of a hero. post-series G drama]
Norti [The Cain's have a cure for everything... even the sniffles. post-series G Jeb/DG]
The Streak [Az is causing a scene... pre-series G general]
It's Never Just a Sneeze [There's a bug in the zone, and it's not jittery... post-series G Glitch/DG]
Change in the Weather [A call just came in to the switchboard... Part One G general]
History [DG's slipped away from her guard. Again. post-series G general]
In Control [It's that time of the week... pre-series PG Zero/the weekly shackup]
Famous Last Words [Choose your words wisely... pre-series G general]
Seven-Point-Three Days [While Cain's away... Glitch and DG are miserable. post-series PG general]
If At First You Don't Succeed... [A change in the weather brings back some memories for DG. pre-series and post- PG general]
Cornered ["Like, we're talking, thirteen-annuals-old-behind-the-barn-first-kiss." -rissy_james. pre-series PG Wyatt/Adora]
Hold On to the Nights [It's the nights that get Wyatt through the day. pre-series PG Wyatt/Adora]
Highly Qualified [A future Queen is only as strong as her support staff. pre-series PG-13 Ambrose/the Queen]
Bonding is Easier with Polydent [DG wanted to bond with her sister. All her ideas require the same thing: Kansas. post-series PG general]
The Lesson [DG's not having much luck letting "the light flow". post-series G general]
Science Fair [There's a storm brewin' on the way to Wichita. pre-series G general]
Cookies [DG's getting creative. pre-series PG-13 general]
Silent Treatment [DG's frustrated and Raw is entertained. post-series G general]
Just Another Psycho ["It's what the State does..." - Wyatt Cain. pre-series and Part One PG drama]
Newsworthy [DG's looking for a story. post-series PG general]
Repitition [Glitch will break his resolve if he asks enough. post-series R Glitch/Cain]
Release [It's time for the suit to go. post-series PG drama]
Fishing [Adora tries to fill in for Wyatt. pre-series G general]
Slip and Fall [Safety lectures exist for a reason. post-series PG Jeb/DG]

Short Chapter fics
You Know Who She is Now [DG asks a question. Glitch knows the answer. But he can't tell her. Yet. Part Two G drama]
Showdown [It's the final battle. post-Part Two. AU (as I wrote it before Part Three aired...) G implied Cain/DG]
The Hallway [Cain reminds DG. AU-Part Three G drama]
Witness [Life, death and resurrection. pre-series PG angsty drama] - written by thecricket over at tinman_remix

Nightmare - Cain [Cain's lost the girl from Kansas. post-series G angst]
Nightmare - DG [The girl from Kansas has lost her sister. post-series G angst]
Where's a Dream Book When You Need One? [The girl from Kansas and the Tin Man from the O.Z. compare notes... post-series, follows both Nightmares G implied Cain/DG]

I Never Knew the Meaning of Christmas [While on a mission for the Queen, Cain gets a letter from DG. post-series G angst]
Love's in Our Hearts on Christmas Day [Cain opens his present. post-series G angst]
In Love on Christmas [Cain responds to DG's letters. post-series G angst]
All I Want is You This Christmas [Cain and Jeb have 'the talk,' whether Cain wants to or not. post-series G implied Cain/DG]
The Only Gift [DG's brooding for the third Christmas. post-series G implied Cain/DG]
Kiss Me at Midnight [Cain's finally home. post-series G Cain/DG]

The Genuine Thing [What happens when reality intrudes on fantasy?. Crossover with Medical Investigation, sometime after Half Life post-series G drama]
Really, the Genuine Thing [An innocent comment brings DG face-to-face with Cain's doppleganger. Crossover with Medical Investigation, sometime after Half Life post-series PG drama]
Genuinely, the Real Thing [A Tin Man, a princess and a doctor are standing in a diner... Crossover with Medical Investigation, sometime after Half Life post-series PG drama]

Feel as You Believe 1 [DG casts a spell which has an unexpected side-effect. post-series PG-13 Cain/DG]
Feel as You Believe 2 [DG's got a new friend and everyone's hearing wedding bells. post-series G angst]
Feel as You Believe 3 [DG goes a little crazy on her mother. post-series PG Cain/DG]

Like Father, Like Son [The Cain men have a way... pre-series and post- PG Wyatt/Adora and Jeb/DG]
Not to Worry [She's simply worried for his life... pre-series G drama]
Ahem [...talk about a mood-killer... post-series PG Jeb/DG]

Battle Plan [This is why military minds shouldn't be allowed to play together... post-series G angst]
...But Who's the Daddy? [No one asked the question... post-series PG implied someone/someone]

Mok'tal Oz KREE! ["...I don't think they bought my act. Why? Who'd you say you were? The... ah... Great and Powerful Oz..." -Daniel and Jacob, Tangent. Crossover with Stargate SG-1, post-Continuum post-series PG-13 Cain/DG, implied Jack/Sam and Cam/Lam]
part 01 . part 02

Is the Pope Catholic? [Glitch gets help with the Sun Seeder. Crossover with Van Helsing, post-movie post-series G general]
Werewolves, Vampires and Monsters... Oh Boy! [DG quizzes Carl. Crossover with Van Helsing, post-movie post-series G general]
Sometimes the History Books Get it Wrong [DG and Van Helsing discuss history. Crossover with Van Helsing, post-movie post-series G general]

This Love is Difficult [Neither knows how the affair began... just that it did. post-series PG Jeb/DG]
...but it's real [How the affair began... post-series PG Jeb/DG]
Focus [DG's starting to fall. post-series PG Jeb/DG]
Runaway Princess [DG "ran away" from home and Jeb knows where to find her. post-series PG-13 Jeb/DG]
The Queen's Plot [The Queen's planning things again... post-series PG general]

Wooly Bully [Glitch and DG are shopping for yarn. post-series PG implied Cain/Glitch]
Game, Set, Match [Raw's not the only one working off steam... post-series PG-13 implied Jeb/DG]
Merry Holidays, Cain [It's Christmas Eve in the Zone. post-series PG implied Cain/Glitch]
Best Intentions [Jeb's got a message to deliver. post-series G drama]

Sleeping Beauty [The princess of the Outer Zone can't sleep... post-series PG Cain/DG]
Dark to Light, Part I [DG's planning something... post-series PG general]
First Date [First dates are complicated enough... post-series PG past Cain/DG]
Found [Leigh's hiding spot is about to be discovered. post-series PG general]
It's Just a Book... [A stray piece of paper shoved in a book holds the answers... if it's ever found. post-series PG past Cain/DG]
Wake-up Call [DG's in Cain's room. Like it's nothin'... post-series PG angst]
Birthday Present [Cain's trying to plan ahead. post-series PG fluff]

What is This Feeling? [It wasn't love at first sight. In fact... pre-series PG drama]
Perfect [It's perfect... like a dream. pre-series R Wyatt/Adora]
Every Little Trait, However Small [Some more moments in Adora's training. pre-series PG drama]
Special Delivery [A legend arrives in Central City. pre-series PG general]
Friday Night Dinner [Adora and Ethan meet the Captain and his wife at dinner and Adora learns a little bit about her grandfather... and then some. pre-series PG general]
Frozen Reflections [Adora's going to a fancy city-shindig. pre-series PG drama]
Intimidation [Wyatt's not impressed... yet. pre-series PG angst]
Relocation [The Cains are going into hiding. pre-series PG angst]

OZOCs [Y'know that place where everyone knows your name? pre-series and post- G crack]
Family Tree [Josh gets a geneology lesson. pre-series and post- PG crack]
Family Tree, Part Two [Josh gets another geneology lesson. pre-series and post- PG crack]

Long Chapter fics
Cafeteria Boys - WIP
Scarecrow [Dena checks on Kory after his impromptu scarecrow imitation. post-series, prior to Dinner Conversation PG implied Kory/Dena]
The Cafeteria Boys [Some more backstory for the boys. pre-series and post-, prior to Dinner Conversation G general]
Dinner Conversation [Some new recruits discuss the day's lesson. post-series G general]
Cafeteria Food [DG finds the Royal Guard's lunchroom. post-series G general]
Stallone and Rabbits [The future guard come face to face with their future charge. post-series G general]
Rabbits - and Cain - Can be Scary [Leo's got good reason to be scared of rabbits. post-series PG general]
Why Eat Crow When There's Pie? [Leo 'fields' a question from DG. post-series PG general]
No Laughing Matter [The boys head back to their quarters after meeting DG. post-series, follows Why Eat Crow... G]
Only in the O.Z. Would the Bible Be Funny... [There's something about Kory... post-series PG general]
There's Something About Wheelers [Only thing scarier than rabbits and Cain are Wheelers. Actually, Cain's scarier then Wheelers. post-series PG general]
Ever Wonder What Would Happen if the Sheep Hit the Finaqua? [Who ever thought that confining a Princess was a good idea obviously never met DG. post-series PG angst]
DG and Leo's Excellent Adventure (Which Turned Out to Be a Bogus Journey) [DG is so good at corrupting Leo, he doesn't even realize she's doing it. Poor kid... post-series, during Ever Wonder What Would Happen... PG drama]
What Happened When the Sheep Hit the Finaqua [You shouldn't put DG in a corner... post-series PG angst]
Preparations of Titanic Proportions [DG gets fitted for the dress. post-series PG drama]
Boys are Cute When They're Flustered [Kory, Leo and Aybol pay a visit to Cain's office. post-series PG general]
Checkmate [If you can't run with the Queen, stay out of the Zone... post-series G general]
The Blue and the Gray [It's never just shop talk. post-series, prior to Ever Wonder... G general]
Times They Are a-Changin' [A baffled Tin Man is an entertaining Tin Man. post-series G general]
Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Cain? [Cain brings Aybol in on the plan. post-series G general]
Subterfuge [Aybol's got a new mission. post-series, post-Who's Afraid... G general]
Royal Guards Don't Dance [There's a party in Central City... post-series, post-Who's Afraid... G general]

Don't Touch the Shimmery Liquid - WIP
Don't Touch the Shimmery Liquid [If you don't know what something is, keep your hands OUT OF IT! post-series G-PG Cain/DG]
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve
More Tales [Just some random moments in Cain and DG's life together that didn't make it in the original story post-Don't Touch the Shimmery Liquid G-PG-13 Cain/DG]
The First Tale | The Second Tale | The Third Tale | The Fourth Tale | The Fifth Tale

Family Reunion/Kans-Az - WIP
Family Reunion: Family Reunion [Cain goes home. Crossover with Labyrinth post-series G crack]
part 2 [Cain reflects on how he got where he is. Which is... somewhere. Crossover with Labyrinth post-series G angst]
part 3 [Cain finds his brother in a comprimising position while DG finds out that there are more than two 'sides' to every story... Crossover with Labyrinth post-series G drama]
part 4 [DG plays 'Who's on First' while Cain realizes his sense of smell isn't all it's cracked up to be. post-series Crossover with Labyrinth G drama]
part 5 [Sarah tells DG about her first visit to the Labyrinth. Crossover with Labyrinth post-series PG drama]
part 6 [Dinner, dishes and some storytellin’ Crossover with Labyrinth post-series G drama]
part 7 [Cain and DG head back to the Zone. Crossover with Labyrinth post-series PG drama]
part 8 [Cain and DG get stuck on the way back to the door and discuss the "way" of the Labyrinth. Crossover with Labyrinth post-series G drama]
When Is a Door Not a Door? [Neither brother wants anything to do with Other Side holiday traditions. Crossover with Labyrinth post-series PG general]
Two Cains are Crankier Than One [Sarah's been working on a project for DG. Crossover with Labyrinth post-series PG general]
Kans-Az: First Meeting [Az's first trip to a grocery store. post-series, follows Family Reunion G general]
Azkadellia's First Barbeque [Az goes out for a walk and runs into a familiar face. post-series G general]
Laundry [DG surprises Az. post-series G general]
Bar Queen [Just a little sneak-peek of Kans-Az, the B-plot to Family Reunion. post-series, follows Family Reunion PG-13 Gulch/Az]

Every Broken Road and Stepping Stone - WIP
Every Broken Road and Stepping Stone [When Jeb is in danger, Cain and DG run off to rescue him. But what happens when the rescue party needs rescuing? post-series PG Jeb/DG]
The First Part . The Second Part

Snug as a Bug [It got a little chilly in the village one night... post-series, during Every Broken Road... G drama]
Moving On [Jeb's starting to act a little weird... er. post-series, during Every Broken Road... G general]
Simple Habits [Jeb can't sleep. post-series, during Every Broken Road... G general]
Down the Path [Wyatt Cain has a friend DG doesn't know about. post-series, post-Every Broken Road G general]
From the Shadows [Wyatt's not the only one sneaking into the party... post-series, post-Every Broken Road... G general]
Emergency Situation [DG's sending a message to Jeb... through Wyatt. post-series, post-Every Broken Road... G drama]
Keep Her Safe [Wyatt Cain has a tendency to bend the rules... post-series, follows Every Broken Road... G drama]
Who Knew There Were Dragons in the Zone? [Teddy's got his mother's imagination. post-series, post-Every Broken Road... G general]
Hearing Things [Raw knows Wyatt can see Cain, but even the Viewers doesn't know why. post-series, post-Every Broken Road... G drama]
Getting Around the Law [DG and her son have a chat. post-series, post-Every Broken Road... G general]
When the News Packs a Punch [The problem with High School is that it's High School. post-series, post-Every Broken Road... G angst]
Only in the Movies [Wyatt Cain has enough problems at school... post-series, post-Every Broken Road... G angst]

Follow You Home
Prologue: One . Two

California Queen [DG left the Zone. Cain followed. post-series PG angst]
Part One . Part Two . Part Three . Part Four . Part Five . Part Six . Part Seven . Part Eight . Part Nine . Part Ten . Part Eleven . Part Twelve . Part Thirteen . Part Fourteen . Part Fifteen . Part Sixteen . Part Seventeen . Part Eighteen . Part Nineteen . Part Twenty

California Tin [Cain stayed in LA. But can he survive on the Other Side? post-series PG pre-Cain/DG]
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen | Part Twenty | Part Twenty-One | Part Twenty-Two | Part Twenty-Three | Part Twenty-Four | Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six | Part Twenty-Seven | Part Twenty-Eight | Part Twenty-Nine | Part Thirty | Part Thirty-One | Part Thirty-Two | Part Thirty-Three | Part Thirty-Four | Part Thirty-Five | Part Thirty-Six | Part Thirty-Seven | Part Thirty-Eight | Part Thirty-Nine | Part Forty | Part Forty-One | Part Forty-Two

California Sun [Between the football team, his family and a final exam, Cain's feeling the pressure. And he thought all his trouble was simply falling for his best friend... post-series PG-13 Cain/DG]
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen | Part Twenty | Part Twenty-One | Part Twenty-Two | Part Twenty-Three | Part Twenty-Four | Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six

Five ["Five in the Zone and five here," DG nodded. post-series and pre-CaliQueen G angst]
Theatrics [Scooter-Mike lost a bet... post-series and during CaliSun PG general]
Waking Up (CaliSun 20.2) [DG is finally starting to accept that good things can happen, even to her. post-series PG Cain/DG]
Almost Like Being in Love (CaliSun 24.5) [Cain and DG try to watch Brigadoon. post-series PG Cain/DG]
Watching the Pot [Josh is in denial] post-series G general
An Hour and 45 Minutes [DG has a surprise for Cain's birthday. post-series PG Cain/DG]
Hava Nagila [Jeb's about to get schooled in music appreciation. post-series and post-CaliSun G general]
It's Never a Three-Hour Tour [It's Thanksgiving break at PCC... post-series and post-CaliSun G general]
Unexpected [an alternate ending/Easter Egg for CaliSun. post-series and post-CaliSun G Cain/DG]

Other fics
Perfect Love, Torn Apart [Wyatt/Adora. 35 drabbles. Connected or not. pre-series, during- and post- G-PG-13 angst]
Chance Meetings [Just some random meetings between fandoms. Crossovers with Harry Potter, Firefly, NCIS, Stargate SG-1 and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. pre-series and post- PG general]

Crack for (Jeb)Cain (Part 10ish) [part of transgenic_girl's Crack for Cain series. post-series PG crack]
Crack for Cain (Part 16) [part of transgenic_girl's Crack for Cain series. post-series PG crack]

series: every broken road, fic: tin man, series: queen leigh, series: follow you home, series: cafeteria boys, !info and navigation, series: tin man!adora, series: calitin (fyh), ~crossover, series: caliqueen (fyh), series: llama-fic, series: ozocs, series: shimmery, series: family reunion/kans-az, series: taylor-fic, series: calisun (fyh)

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