Fic: Chance Meetings

Jun 10, 2009 21:03

Title: Chance Meetings
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG, Glitch, Cain, Tutor, Raw, Azkadellia, Zero, Harry Potter, Sirius, Mal, Gibbs, DiNozzo, Zoe, Abby, Bra'tac and Twiki (mention of Apophis, Peter, Vance, Ardala and Kane)
Rating: PG-ish, I suppose
Summary: Just some random meetings between fandoms
Warnings: Timeline varies between fandoms, but no major spoilers *Written for THIS meme. Thanks to icarus_chained, queenof1000days, buffybot76, cascadewaters, moony_blues, velara, effie214 and american_fairy. \O/
Disclaimer: For Tin Man, the original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors and the current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century belongs to Glen Larson and Universal. Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and Warner Brothers. NCIS belongs to CBS and Donald Bellisario. Firefly belongs to Joss and Joss, alone. Stargate SG-1 and all it's bits and pieces belong to the folks at Gekko, Showtime and Sci-Fi. The OCs are mine.

DG and Harry Potter - queenof1000days
"Are you okay?" DG asked as she ran up to the boy's side. She took a step back when he looked up and met her eye. By the time she had realized that there was a person falling through the air, she knew is was too late. That he stood up following the collision, however, had surprised her.

"Yes, I'm fine," Harry grumbled, wiping the dirt off his pants. Stretching slightly, he took a look around to see where he was. "This is not London," he mused with a frown.

DG snorted. "Yeah, it's not Kansas, either." Harry raised and eyebrow and rubbed his shoulder and winced. "Sorry about that," DG said, pointing up. "I wasn't close enough to catch you." She hadn't been able to run fast enough to get within range for what little magic she had mastered.

Harry leaned over to pick up his wand, thankful it hadn't broken upon impact. DG noticed the yellow brick and leaned forward to pick it up for him. Harry shook his head and reached out to catch her hand.

"Don't touch that," he warned and pushed her back. Until Harry knew where he was, he wasn't going to risk taking anyone back with him. DG made a face and shrugged.

"So, uh," DG started, "do you fall out of the sky often?"

"Yeah," Harry sighed. He was really getting sick of hunting down Portkeys.

Mal and Glitch - american_fairy
Mal didn't like the bar. He didn't like the neighborhood. He didn't even like the job.

But, a job was a job.

And without a job, Mal would go plum crazy. Nodding to the man behind the bar, Mal watched as the fancy glass was refilled with a liquid that, based on the color alone, looked a mite unappealing.

"Tell me stay out of trouble," he heard a frustrated voice say over his shoulder. Mal turned his head just enough to see a man in clothes that had seen better days and looking, well... crazy. Normally, he wouldn’t take notice, but the zipper on the man's head was kinda hard to miss.

"Orders me around just because he has a gun," Glitch huffed, inclining his head toward Mal as if they'd been in conversation all along. Mal raised an eyebrow and went back to nursing his drink. "You know, I didn't have to deal with this when I still had my noggin. I was the one giving the orders," Glitch said with a triumphant nod and a finger raised toward his head.

"Refuse one order and they steal your brain," he huffed. Mal noticed that the man with the zipper wasn't being served, and held up a finger for another refill. As the barman moved back to the other end of the bar, Mal passed the fresh glass to Glitch.

"Sounds like you need this more than me." Glitch raised an eyebrow and glanced between Mal and the drink. "I know the Alliance likes to interfere with folks' heads. Thought they'd gone far as they could, but-" Mal nodded toward the zipper.

"Alliance?" Glitch asked, obviously confused, and then shook his head. "Oh, no! Azkadellia did this," he said with a cheery grin.

Cain and Gibbs - buffybot76
"What happens when the rules cancel each other out?" Cain asked as he carried the board from the stack along the back wall and pushed it across the incomplete frame of the boat. Gibbs grinned through a laugh and reached for the bottle of whiskey hiding behind the paint thinner.

"Generally, it's one rule per situation," he nodded and dumped out the glass jar holding the screws. Waving Cain over before he took a rag to the container, Gibbs gave it a wipe and poured some whiskey for himself. As Cain neared, Gibbs filled a clean glass and held it out for Cain to take.

A buzzing sound on the workbench caused both of them to turn, glasses and eyebrows raised. Gibbs sighed and reached for the cellphone, took a look at the screen and tossed it back down. "The boss," Gibbs added a moment later, then finished his drink.

"Rule number three?" Cain asked with a slight smirk.

Tony DiNozzo and Zoe Washburne - icarus_chained
Tony leaned back in the chair and stared across the table. 'Keep eye contact... smile...' The woman sitting across from him - a Missus Zoe Washburne - was staring back, silent and calm. When they'd arrived, she was simply there, sitting on a crate and staring at the body on the floor. She stood, arms raised, and didn't fight back as she was taken into custody.

She wasn't who they were expecting to find - and he was fairly certain she was not the guilty party - but, until she started talking, they real murderer was getting farther away. Not that the dead man was any great loss to society, but to play judge and jury...

'Turn up that DiNozzo charm,' Tony thought, trying not to admit to himself that she scared the Hell out of him.

Even more than Gibbs.

Wyatt Cain and Abby Sciuto - cascadewaters
"This is so cool! Very steampunk," Abby said with a bright smile. As she turned, catching the look on the blonde's face, the smile disappeared. "Sorry," she added quietly and turned back to the iron suit.

Cain didn't want to be within a hundred miles of the damn thing, but, as he was one considered an "expert" on the thing, he was sent to consult with another "expert". The girl reminded him of both princesses - from the odd clothing choices and markings to the mechanical mind and bright eyes - even a little bit of the headcase.

"So," she asked as she removed a module from just inside the door and examined it, "what happened when you got hungry? I mean, did you just think 'I'm hungry' and then you weren't hungry and what happened if you got thirsty?" As she started talking faster, Cain noticed, she started moving around the lab. When she stopped and spun around, a worried Cain actually stood up.

"No Caf-Pow," she gasped and looked at Cain as if her entire world had just come crashing down.

Wyatt Cain and Sirius Black - moony_blues
As the group moved closer to the run-down shack, Cain was glad that Glitch and DG were mid-conversation. He noticed the large black dog sitting on the porch, and he hoped that the group would just keep moving. Raw slowed his pace and caught Cain's arm before nodding toward the house.

"Not what he seems," the Viewer said simply then let his eyes move toward Tutor. Cain's jaw locked and he nodded for Raw to continue with Glitch, DG and Tutor. Once they were out of earshot, Cain huffed and moved toward the house.

He didn't draw the gun, but did make a point to push his coat back, giving the dog a clear view of the pistol. "Let me guess," he said with a slight snap, "you were wrongfully imprisoned and now you're trying to clear your name?"

Cain swore the dog was laughing at him. A moment later, the dog transformed into a man - and, by the look of him, a not-so-healthy one at that - and he nodded. "As a matter of fact..."

"One man-changin' dog is enough. I don't have time for Azkadellia's-" Cain started, placing his hand on the butt of his pistol. Sirius raised his hands and shook his head.

"I assure you, I mean you no harm. I am simply keeping a low profile as the search continues for the man who can clear my name."

"And what name is that, Pooch?"

"Black, actually," Sirius said with a nod. When he realized the man didn't know the name, he smiled slightly. "Sirius Black." Looking off in the direction of the rest of the group, Sirius nodded again. "Best you find a place to stop. It'll get darker before it gets lighter." Cain said nothing.

"I'd offer you shelter and food," Sirius said with a flourished wave to the shack, "but I'm not exactly prepared to entertain." When Cain didn't laugh with him, Sirius cleared his throat. Cain simply nodded and stepped back, pulling his coat over his gun and letting the man know their business was finished.

"Sir," Sirius called after him and nearly bounded off the porch. "I'm not familiar with this Azkadellia you mentioned," he said with a shrug, "but, that 'man-changing dog' with you... the one who's had too many Cauldron Cakes-" Sirius nodded toward Cain's companions again and lowered his voice.

"He is not what he seems."

Bra'tac and Azkadellia - velara
Bra'tac had met many System Lords during his service as First Prime. His purpose was not to notice them, but to obey the rule of Apophis. He was, however, expected to notice the behavior of the First Primes and the Jaffa of those System Lords.

Some came through the Chappa'i, others by Ha'tak and transport rings. This woman, however, simply appeared in their training camp. The Jaffa had been sparring or practicing kelnorim when she appeared from the forest. His soldiers raised their weapons but Bra’tac raised a hand.

The men with her wore odd uniforms and carried no weapons he could see, yet each of them held an air of arrogance. She eyed each of the Jaffa under his command and moved through them, finally stopping in front of him. "You are in command here?" she stated more than asked.

"I am," he responded simply.

She eyed him and straightened. "You do not fear me?" When he didn't blink, Azkadellia raised an eyebrow and smiled. "I am in search of an emerald. What do you know of it?" she asked with a snap. Bra'tac simply stared at her. He didn't know what she spoke of; he’d never even heard that word before.

"You will answer the Sorceress," one of the men demanded.

"Zero," she said simply, barely inclining her head. Bra'tac noticed the contempt on the man's face, but he wasn't sure if it was because of the woman's command or his own refusal to comply. She took a deep breath and looked back to Bra'tac.

Stepping forward, making sure she was well within his personal space, she glared at him. "If I find that you do know of the emerald, you will fear me."

"I can not fear what I do not know," Bra'tac replied, "and as your Jaffa have no markings..."

"I don't have time for this," Azkadellia huffed and turned away. "It isn't here." The Jaffa watched as the group moved away, disappearing into the forest. Bra'tac was impressed by the child - if he didn't know better, he'd think she was a System Lord - but he didn't sense a Goa'uld within her.

There was something else.

Glitch and Twiki - effie214
Glitch was sitting in the hallway when the strange little metal man plonked down the hall. Glitch knew that probably wasn't the right word, but that was the sound he made, so that was the word he would use. "They kick you out, too?" Glitch asked, his chin in his palm.

Twiki turned toward the man with the zipper on his head and titled his head. "You talkin' to me?"

Glitch took a moment to look up and down the corridor before sitting up and nodding. "Cain says that I am too distracting," Glitch huffed. "I think he just wants to stare at the Colonel and was jealous that I had her attention. And he only wants her attention because the princess' attention is on your friend, the Captain."

"Bidi bidi bidi-Buck gets all the girls," Twiki said with a slight nod. "Bidi-Better your princess than the other one-bidi."

Glitch huffed and looked at the ambiquad. "You have a princess?"

"Bidi bidi-And a Kane," Twiki nodded again.

fic: buck rogers in the 25th century, fic: ncis, fic: tin man, fic: harry potter, ~challenge, fic: firefly, fic: stargate sg-1, ~crossover

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