Fic: Hold On to the Nights

May 23, 2009 21:40

Title: Hold On to the Nights
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt and Adora (mention of Jeb and Zero)
Rating: strong PG *implied nekkid*
Summary: It's the nights that get Wyatt through the day...
Warning: pre-series *Written for Round 15 of prompt-in-a-box. Prompt #32: "I watched you disappear into the clouds, swept away into another town." (Last of Days - A Fine Frenzy)
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

The lightest pressure against his skin wakes Wyatt, but he refuses to open his eyes. Adora is lying on top of him, her ear pressed against his chest and her finger tracing random words over his left breast. His lips quirk into the slightest smile and he fights the urge to reach up and grip Adora's wrist.

"That tickles," he breathes with a soft laugh and the smile becomes a grin. Adora shifts her weight and turns her head so that she is now facing him and his hands move to her waist, but his eyes remain closed.

"What time is it?" he asks, already knowing the answer.

"Nearly sunrise," Adora whispers, pressing light kisses against his neck and jaw. Pushing herself up, Adora centers her face over his and smiles. He looks peaceful and she wishes for nothing more than to see this look on his face for the rest of her days.

"Which means you're leaving," Wyatt replies with a frown. Adora shifts again and presses her forehead to his.

“Yes,” she agrees, wishing it wasn’t so, “but I’ll be back at sunset.” It doesn’t make either of them happy, but it’s also nothing they can control. Wyatt’s grasp tightens against her bare skin and he holds her close.

"Just this once, can you stay with me?" he asks, knowing that she won't, she can't.

"Wyatt," Adora begins, then tilts her head slightly and gives him an apologetic smile. "Tomorrow," she tells him, letting her hand rest against his cheek. Wyatt turns his face into her open hand and presses a kiss. Adora pulls away from him and reaches for her dressing gown.

"Cold," Wyatt mutters, frowning as his head turns away. Adora tightens the belt of white lace and turns back to her husband. Standing, she pulls the shifted blanket up and sits back down. Her fingers trace his hairline and she smiles before leaning down again. "It's going to rain today," she tells him.

Wyatt's hand catches the edge of her gown as Adora's hand holds his face. "You have to wake up now, Wyatt," she tells him. She doesn't want to say it, and she knows he doesn't want to hear it. Turning her head away for a moment, Adora fights back tears and swallows before leaning close again.

"I love you, my brave Tin Man." With that, she presses her lips against his and, in mere seconds, the kiss deepens to the passion of those first kisses they shared - not that any kiss following lacked in passion. Wyatt turns his face toward her as she pulls away. "Sunset," Adora whispers and her hand catches his.

As her fingers graze his, Wyatt opens his eyes and whispers: "Love you..." Wyatt frowns and his chin drops to his chest. She's not there, of course. Neither is the white room, with the white sheets and the white blanket.

He's still in the suit and, with the sunrise, he can hear the fight begin outside. He never watches the first loop. Every day, he tells himself that he won't look out the window at all. But, after the second scream from Adora, the one following Zero hitting Jeb, he has to watch.

He isn't sure when the visions of Adora started, and he doesn't care. The nights are theirs, even if it does only exist in his head. As soon as the suns set, the viewer turns off and he is bathed in darkness. Every night, she arrives, and stays with him until the first sun rises in the morning.

He knows that her wake-up call is the suit, beginning its daily repressurization. Their kiss is really a burst of air and whatever chemicals the suit is using to keep him alive, but Wyatt prefers his version. And, every day, he wishes it would just end, simply so he won't have to listen to the battle outside.

But, if it did end, he wouldn't have the night.

~challenge, .prompt_in_a_box, fic: tin man

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