Fic: Family Tree, Part Two

Apr 16, 2009 15:34

Title: Family Tree, Part Two
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters: Cain, DG, Josh, Hass, Kory, Leo, Tim, Sam and Conor (mention of Travis, Ben, Ethan, Henry, Mal, Danger, Jeb, Little Wyatt, Adora and Lulu and pretty much everyone else)
Rating: PG
Summary: Josh gets another geneology lesson.
Warning: pre-series and post- CRACK!! Also, while I have you: ozocs_tavern
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. Tim and Mal are koslorollo's, Lulu and Travis are gatechic's, Conor is chibi_kaz's and Hass is rissy_james'. Danger belongs to himself. The other OCs are mine. My thanks to their owners for letting me STEALplay with them. :)

OZOCs | Family Tree | Family Tree, Part Two

Cain leaned back in his chair as he and DG watched Hass explain to Josh about the directional changes in the Outer Zone. DG finally shook her head and reached for Josh's arm. "Just- north and south," she said, hitching a thumb over her shoulder, then pointing behind Kory and Leo, "and left and right," she continued, pointing in each direction with the opposite hands.

Kory and Leo looked at Cain, who shook his head and turned back to the bar, where Mal and Tim were listening to a story from a very-animated Danger. Sam was behind the bar that afternoon, and nodded to Cain when the Tin Man raised a hand and waved to the table.

Josh glanced between Cain and Hass and watched Travis, Henry, Ethan and Ben talk for a moment and looked back to Cain. "Wyatt," he said quietly then nodded toward the corner. Cain threw a quick look over his shoulder and smiled.

"That's my dad, there on the left," he emphasized with a look to DG, who rolled her eyes.

"And on the right?" Josh asked as Sam stepped between him and DG with a tray of fresh tankards.

"His Adora's father," Cain said, nodding to Sam and smirking. Josh looked up to Sam for a second and frowned.

"Other two are-" Sam started to explain, but Cain cut him off with a look.

"Best Tin Men in the Outer Zone," Cain said simply. Everyone at the table, except Josh and DG, raised their tankards for a moment and drank together. Josh knew there was more to that story, but his mind had wandered back to the discussion about the family trees.

"So your dad," Josh pointed toward the corner, "is related to?"

"Lulu," DG said, catching on to Josh's thought process. Josh tried to remember which of the three girls was Lulu, and Hass helped by pointing to the empty space on his right. Josh sat up and leaned against the table for a second.

"Okay, I'm still a little fuzzy on this one," he started, pointing to Cain and DG. "Together," he said, pointing back to himself. Cain and DG nodded. Pointing to Hass, Josh said again: "Together." They nodded again. Josh looked at Kory, who looked at Leo, and then all three of them looked at Cain and DG.

Cain and DG shared a glance and both shrugged slightly. "Not sure yet," DG said, shaking her head.

"Maybe," Cain said with a shrug of his own.

"Don't know," Kory said, leaning back with a smirk. "Leo, here, might come up from behind and win that race." Josh had to fight a laugh as the color drained from Leo's face and flinched as a handful of pretzels - which he'd started bringing after the first visit - launched across the table.

"Be nice to him," DG demanded as Tim moved between Leo and Hass and sat with a sigh.

"I'm always nice to him," Kory defended with a laugh. DG gave him a look and nodded to Leo.

"Least he found a friend," Tim said with a nod toward Mal and Danger, which got a smile out of Cain.

"Okay, so, together, together and maybe," Josh started, getting back on track. "Not together," he pointed to Cain and looked between Hass and Kory, who both nodded.

"Dead," DG pointed to Cain, "and with Jeb," realizing the boys were talking about Wyatt. Josh pointed to Tim.

"You're still on this? I don't know either of them," Tim huffed and threw a look to Cain, who simply shook his head. Josh pointed to corner and, without turning, Cain pointed left, indicating Ben. "Not together," and, indicating Travis, Cain just snorted.

"I'm with Jeb, and he's gettin' freaky in the kitchen," DG said with a raised eyebrow.

"Shoulda knocked," Cain said, holding up his tankard and smirking. Tim laughed as Kory, Leo, Hass and Josh all tried to work that image out of their heads.

"Anyway," Josh breathed, nodding toward Mal and Danger.

"He's with me, so..." Tim trailed off.

"And Danger is with me," DG nodded. "I mean, I'm with Jeb, but we know-" Shaking her head, DG reached for another pretzel.

"And how many kids are involved?" Josh asked, motioning to the patrons present inside the tavern.

"Just Jeb," Cain responded. DG snorted and pushed back in her chair for a second to cough, but everyone could see her shaking with silent giggles. She held up a hand and waved. "You done?" Cain asked her a moment later, complete with that look. DG nodded.

"Next time, say that with jazz hands," she replied, trying to hold back another laugh. Cain simply shook his head.

"So," Josh drawled. A moment later, he leaned closer to Cain and DG. "How many kids do you have?"

"Just us?" DG asked, pointing between Cain and herself. Josh's eyebrow went up. "Well, there's my kids with Cain, my kids with Jeb, with Glitch, with random Zonian princes, random Kansans..."

"And I've got kids with DG," Cain nodded, "and Jeb, obviously," Cain continued, ignoring the look on Josh's face.

"And some of the kids have kids," DG nodded. "'specially Jeb. He gets around," she nodded again.

"Speak for yourself, there, Princess," Cain glared.

"Only reason you don't have more kids is because Glitch can't get pregnant," she snapped back. Josh raised an eyebrow and looked across the table to Tim, who was nodding.

"That would make for some interesting headlines," they all heard. Turning, Josh looked up to find a young man, about his age, standing behind Kory. New arrivals didn't phase Josh any more, but the fact this man was standing before him in a Bruins t-shirt, did.

"Dee, Wyatt, guys," Conor said, giving them all a nod.

"This is Josh," DG said, motioning to Josh. "Josh, this is Conor." Conor glanced down to Josh and held out a hand.

"The surfer?" Conor asked as Josh nodded. How did everyone already know who he was? Conor let go of Josh's hand and moved around the table, sharing a fist bump with Cain as he pulled a chair from the next table and pushed in between Hass and Cain.

"We made the playoffs," Conor grinned, pointing to his shirt. DG rolled her eyes and passed the pretzels down.

"You're from-" Josh asked with a confused look.

"Boston," Conor replied, picking up Cain's tankard and sniffing the contents. Shrugging, he ignored the look on Cain's face and took a swig. Glancing back to Josh, Conor threw up rock star fingers. "I'm in the band." Josh blinked once and looked at Cain.

"Don't even ask."

Can someone stop Steve? Really? O.o
EDIT: Sam is the bartender from Tin Man!Adora. You haven't met him yet... But you will...

series: cafeteria boys, series: tin man!adora, series: ozocs, fic: tin man, series: follow you home

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