Fic: Family Tree

Apr 07, 2009 17:14

Title: Family Tree
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters: Josh, Kory, Tim, Hass, Ted, Leigh, Wyatt, Lulu, Dena, Harper and DG (mention of Cain and Jeb)
Rating: PG
Summary: Josh gets a geneology lesson.
Warning: pre-series and post- *Written for Round 13 of prompt_in_a_box. Prompt #32: Discipline is wisdom and vice versa. CRACK For the gang at tinman100, with my love!
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. Tim is koslorollo's, Lulu is gatechic's and Hass is rissy_james'. The other OCs are mine. My thanks to their owners for letting me STEALplay with them. :)

OZOCs | Family Tree | Family Tree, Part Two

It was just after lunch, Zone Standard Time, when Kory entered OZOCs. He spotted Tim and Josh sitting at the usual table and nodded to them before giving a wave to Ted, who was wiping down the bar. As Kory moved around the tables, he glanced toward the kids' corner and nodded to the three young women with open notebooks.

"Where's Hass?" Kory asked as he pulled a chair out and sat with a huff.

"He'll fly in," Tim said off-handedly, snorting slightly.

Josh glanced over his shoulder and turned back to the boys. "Who's the new girl?" Kory and Tim looked to the corner as Ted brought over a tankard for Kory.

"That's the princess," Kory stated, not sure which girl Josh was referring to and turned back to Ted.

"Which one?" Josh asked. He was still trying to figure out the time difference, let alone trying to understand how most every kid he'd seen at that table was related to Wyatt Cain.

"Both of 'em," Kory said after taking a sip then blinked, remembering that there were three girls at the table. "And the other one is-" He looked to the ceiling, trying to place the third girl.

Ted glanced toward the girls for a second and smiled. "I remember when she was just a baby. Like it was yesterday," he added, shaking his head. "You boys need anything, just holler." Tim and Kory nodded to the older man as Josh stared at the table.

"They sisters?"

"Technically, no," Tim said, shaking his head.

"You've never even met Cain," Kory said, sitting up. "How do you know?"

"I pay attention."

"I thought Wyatt had a son," Josh said, interrupting them.

"He does," Hass replied, pulling out a chair between Kory and Tim.

"So how are they related to him?" Josh asked. He knew that Wyatt's son was supposed to be his age, so there was no way they could be his granddaughters.

"This one is his granddaughter," Ted said, nodding to the girl on the end as he set a tankard down in front of Hass and nodded to Tim's.

Josh's brow went up. "And the brunette?"

"Daughter," Kory and Hass replied together. Josh took another glance over his shoulder.

"Let me guess, the one in the middle is his aunt?"

"Niece," Tim replied. "But only the far two are blood." Josh's eyes went wide as he looked at the table, trying to process that one. Kory shook his head and leaned back in his chair.

"Leigh!" he called, and the boys saw the brunette stick her head around the edge of the table.

"Kory!" she replied. He waved her over and stood up, pulling one of the chairs from the next table over.

"Come explain the family tree to this boy. His brain is starting to smoke." The girls climbed out of the corner booth and moved over to the large table.

The boys all rose as they neared - for they all had manners, of course - and the curly-haired blonde moved over to Tim's side and they shared a quick hand-slapping gesture which morphed into a hug. Leigh took the empty chair between Josh and Kory, while Wyatt sat down on Tim's right and Lulu pulled a chair between Hass and Kory.

"Ladies,” Hass said with a nod, "this is Josh Harris. He's from the Other Side."

"No wonder you're confused," Leigh laughed. "Nice to meet you, Josh. I'm Leigh Cain." She offered a hand, which Josh promptly shook.

"I'm Lulu," Luara Cain stated, offering him a wave.

"Wyatt," Wyatt Cole Cain said shyly.

"Wyatt?" Josh repeated with a smile.

"After my grandpa," Wyatt nodded. "Wyatt Cain."

Josh shook his head again. "I'm just trying to picture him as a grandparent."

"Well, he's not really my-" Wyatt started, but promptly stopped. Tim reached over and patted her shoulder for a moment, giving her a grin. "My mom and dad died," she shrugged.

"So you're... Jeb's daughter?" Josh asked, not wanting to offend her. Wyatt nodded.

"And Princess DG is her mother," Hass said with a smile. Josh frowned.

"But, I thought Wyatt and Dee were-"

"They're my parents," Leigh nodded. "Well, not your..." She frowned slightly, not sure how to explain the multiple lines from the single people.

"Wyatt Cain is my uncle," Lulu offered, trying to save the girls - and Josh. "The guy-Wyatt, I mean," Lulu added quickly, glancing to Wyatt. "Not the-"

Tim and Kory laughed as the door opened and everyone looked up to see DG with another brunette and a blonde, about her age. "Party’s here, it seems," she said with a smile. Josh watched as DG and the other two girls moved toward the table. "Hey, Joshie," she grinned. "Everyone," she added, nodding to the table.

"Hey, Mom," Leigh and Wyatt said together as Lulu waved.

"Guys, this is Harper," DG said, pointing to the blonde and rolled her eyes as Dena dropped into Kory's lap and kissed him. DG slapped Kory upside the head and he pulled away from Dena and dropped his roaming hands. "My kids are at this table, bucko!" Shaking her head, DG glanced back to the table. "And this is Dena. Everybody good?" She glanced at everyone and nodded, tilting her head when she got to Josh.

"You doin' okay, Josh?"

"I think I hit myself in the head with the surfboard," Josh said simply.

series: every broken road, series: ozocs, fic: tin man, series: follow you home, series: cafeteria boys, .prompt_in_a_box, ~challenge, ~crossover

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