Fic: The Queen's Plot

Jun 03, 2009 22:37

Title: The Queen's Plot
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters: DG and the Queen (mention of Jeb, Cain, Ahamo and Az)
Rating: PG
Summary: The Queen's planning things again...
Warning: post-series *Written for tinman100's Challenge 23.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.

This love is difficult | ...but it's real | Focus | Runaway Princess | The Queen's Plot

"DG," the Queen called, holding out a hand for her daughter to take. DG gave her mother a tired smile and took the offered hand.

"Yes, mother?" The Queen pushed some loose hairs behind DG's ear and smiled.

"You've been working very hard." DG nodded; there was much to do and she was happy to do it. Okay, she could do without the military history lessons, but it was part of her duty. "As you know, Azkadellia and your father are returning tomorrow." DG nodded.

"I was thinking that, perhaps, you might like to travel with them," the Queen winked.

"Really?" DG asked with bright eyes. The Queen nodded. Putting an arm around her, the Queen pulled DG into the study and away from the door.

"There are many steps to this plan, that you must follow, in order for it to succeed," she warned. DG nodded. "I have already informed Azkadellia of this plan, and she will play her part," the Queen continued.

"At first sun's rise, you will leave through the North gate and, just past the treeline, you will meet Jeb." DG blinked. "He will be leaving through the West gate, on a special project, before sunsrise."

"Leaving at first sun's rise should put you with your father and sister just after mid-day," the Queen nodded, "but you will not make it." DG's brow tightened. The Queen waved a hand, unimportantly, and continued: "Approximately an hour into their journey, the truck will experience... difficulties," she said with a sly grin, "sending your father and your sister back to the Northern Island."

DG was beginning to worry about the mastermind that was masquerading as her mother. "By the time we receive word, of course, of their trouble, it will be too late to send someone to collect you."

"I will send a message West, catching Mister Cain and asking him to head in your direction, keeping an eye on you until morning, where you will continue on your journey, still meeting with Azkadellia and your father."

DG held up a hand. "So, I'm supposed to wait at the treeline all day?" Something in this plan didn't make sense. The Queen smiled.

"No, dear, the project for Mister Cain is to be waiting when you arrive." DG blinked again. "Upon your arrival, the two of you will head East... to the cabin." DG frowned.

Her mother had finally cracked.

"Lately, you and Jeb have worked so hard to ignore each other that you haven't had any time for yourselves." DG pulled away from her mother and shook her head.

"Wait, so you're plotting us a romantic weekend?" Sure, she wanted to be alone with Jeb for a month and do nothing but stay in bed, but to know her mother was trying to set them up was just...


Even for DG-weird.

"DG," the Queen sighed, "in your position, it is impossible to find time for yourself. Whatever the two of you found, you mustn't let it slip away."

The Queen pulled DG over to the small sofa and sat down, proceeding to go over the rest of the plan. "Now, DG," she warned, dropping into her serious-voice, as DG called it. "You must leave the cabin before the first sun rises. If you don't, you won't make the rendezvous point. There won't be a way to get a message to Az once they leave the Island."

DG nodded. She still thought this was a bad idea, but the idea of one whole day alone with Jeb...

"What does Cain say about this?"

"He doesn't know," the Queen grinned.

series: taylor-fic, ~challenge, .tinman100, ~drabble, fic: tin man

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