Title: Leaky Pipe
Author: Erin (
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt, Adora and Jeb
Rating: G
Summary: Wyatt and Adora are fighting...
Warning: pre-series *Written for
Challenge 18. LONG LIVE
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine.
"You won't stay mad at me," Wyatt teased. Adora was furious, and he was laughing.
"Oh, you have no idea how long I can stay mad at you, Wyatt Cain," she warned. Wyatt moved back around the table to join her at the sink and reached for her. She swung back and glared at him before backing away with a huff and leaving Wyatt confused.
"Adora," he sighed, not understand what the big deal was. From across the table, she glared and raised an accusing finger.
"We'll see who's laughing when you're sleeping out here tonight... All alone!" she threatened.
Wyatt must have missed something in the overall, but figured it was best to just let her simmer. He did wince when the bedroom door slammed shut. He knew she loved him, regardless of what she may have shouted.
Picking up the wrench, Wyatt undid the work that had started the entire disagreement and moved over to the fireplace. He picked a random book from the shelf and sat down, waiting. 'Wait her out. We'll see who's tougher,' he thought, knowing it was her.
He heard the door open and, a moment later, Adora was pulling the book toward her.
She climbed into his lap, resting her head against his neck as his arms wrapped around her. He smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead, simply enjoying being that close to her. Wyatt heard Adora sniff and he leaned away to try and get a look at her, but Adora simply pressed her face into his chest.
"I'm sorry," she said a moment later, her eyes feeling heavy as Wyatt rubbed light circles on her back.
"I'm sorry, too," he assured her. He kissed her again and nodded to the kitchen. "We'll see you fix that pipe, yet, 'dor."