Fic: More Tales from the Jar-O-Matrimony (04/?)

Jan 21, 2009 00:01

Title: More Tales from the Jar-O-Matrimony (04/?)
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG, Cain, the Queen and a few random OCs (mention of Raw, Az and Ahamo)
Rating: PG
Summary: Just some random moments in Cain and DG's life together that didn't make it in the original story. Will be sporadic.
Warning: during Part Twelve - somewhere between the return to Finaqua and the incident in the hallway. For lattelady6. Happy Birthday, again!! four stinkin' minutes late o.O
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The Warden is mine. But you can have her. She scares me.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve
More Tales: the first tale | the second tale | the third tale | the fourth tale | the fifth tale

DG was sitting in her mother's office, going over a report when the Queen came into the room, followed by an aide. DG glanced up and gave her a nod before making a note on the page. The Queen glanced from DG to her aide and nodded the young man out of the room.

Once he was gone, she moved over to DG's side and pulled the report away. "DG, my darling..." DG looked up and gave her mother a confused look. She was only half-way through the information.

"Mom, I-" she started to protest. Setting the pages down on her desk, the Queen turned back to DG and held out a hand.

"DG," she said, smiling as DG took her hand and glanced again to the pages. "I have a project that requires your attention." She pulled DG up and led the girl toward the door.

"What do you need?" DG asked, figuring there was some dignitary to offend, or a public appearance that needed to be made. The Queen rested a hand on DG's cheek and smiled as she looked at her daughter.

"I need you to take a break, darling. I appreciate all the effort you're putting forth, but I fear you are risking-" DG sighed, having received the same speech from Az and Raw.

"Mom, I'm okay. Really." Of course, truthfully, she wasn't sleeping as much as she should, but there really wasn't anything to help that. She'd had bouts of insomnia in Kansas, as well. The Queen pulled DG into a hug and kissed her cheek. As she pulled back, DG noticed her mother's expression and knew this was not a time to argue.

"I want you to find Wyatt," the Queen said simply, knowing that Cain was also working too hard. "And, if I see either of you before breakfast, I will be extremely disappointed." DG's brow raised slightly as her brain processed the instructions.

"Are you ordering me- us... to-" DG stuttered, rearing back slightly and wondering if her mother was feeling all right.

"I remember what it was like to be just-married, darling." DG frowned slightly, wondering if her mother had caught on to their now not-pretending. "And I am well aware of what little time the two of you spend together." She let go of DG and moved back to the desk. "I will send the both of you away, if necessary," she added in a royal-tone.

DG was confused, but could see that her mother wasn't easily fooled, and it was very hard for her not to smile. Nodding slowly, DG stared at the floor for a moment then looked back to her mother. "How long have you known?"

The Queen simply smiled. She knew how the jar worked, but the trick was getting the two of them to see the truth. When they returned from Finaqua, she knew that the two of them had come to their senses. Raw had also been with her, one afternoon, when they'd happened across the sight of Cain and DG, his arms wrapped around her as they stood near the window.

"Darling, you have a duty to the people," she started with a nod, then smiled. "But, your first duty is to yourself." DG glanced back to the floor. "You will find a balance," she assured. "I will see that dinner is sent up," the Queen offered a moment later, reminding DG of her previous order.

DG did feel slightly odd, as she'd pretty much been ordered to take her husband to bed for the rest of the day... by her mother. Nodding slowly, DG turned toward the door and then turned back. She quickly moved over to her mother's side and pulled the woman into a hug.

"I love you, Mom," she smiled.

"And I love you," the Queen responded with her own grin. DG nodded again and moved back to the door. The Queen laughed, wondering what her own husband was up to for a moment before sitting down to look at the report she'd taken from DG.


DG finally managed to find Cain in a meeting with some men she didn't know, though she was fairly sure the one man was part of the security team. She gave all a nod and a slight bow. "Excuse me, gentlemen," she started, nodding once to Cain. "The Queen has a project which requires your immediate attention."

Cain threw a look to the men, who all nodded, and he pulled away from the group. As he neared DG, Cain gave her a smile and a nod toward the door. "Follow me," DG ordered, and started down the hallway for the staircase.

They were up three flights before Cain realized they'd passed the landing for the royal offices. "Deeg," he called after her, reaching out to try and catch DG's hand as she stopped on the residential level. "Hey," he said, finally catching her hand outside the door to their suites.

DG gave him one of those 'there might be ears'-looks and tilted her head toward the door. Cain threw a quick glance over his shoulder and wondered who would possibly be listening on this level. And why was the Queen in their quarters?

As he slipped through the doorway, however, Cain was soon surprised by DG practically jumping on him. He fell back against the door, both of them pushing the door shut as DG pressed against him, kissing him as if she hadn't seen him in a week.

Sadly, his brain processed the fact that it had been nearly a week since they'd been alone together. The knowledge of a project for the Queen was pushed aside as Cain simply took in the moment of being kissed by his wife. As her hands started pulling at his shirt, Cain remembered the project.

"Hey," he finally managed, pulling back from DG just enough to breathe the word. She was undoing the buttons of his shirt with a look of great concentration. Cain caught her shoulders and pushed her back slightly. "Your mother?" he asked. "Immediate attention?"

DG nodded and bit her lower lip as she stared at Cain's mouth. "Uh huh," she breathed. Blinking, her eyes found his. "If she sees us before breakfast, we'll be exiled." What would it hurt to stretch the truth slightly?

"Exiled?" Cain asked, tilting his head and wincing. DG nodded and hooked her fingers over the waist of Cain’s pants. "You're tellin' me that the Queen has ordered us to-" he trailed off, raising an eyebrow.

"That is what I am telling you," DG nodded. Cain looked away and his brow furrowed for a moment as he processed the information. Turning back to DG, he noticed a grin slowly creeping up her face and he smiled in return.

"Well, we wouldn't want to go against the Queen's wishes, now, would we?" DG bit her lip again and grabbed at Cain's shirt, pulling him toward her.

series: shimmery, fic: tin man

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