Fic: More Tales from the Jar-O-Matrimony (02/?)

Jul 10, 2008 12:45

Title: More Tales from the Jar-O-Matrimony (02/?)
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG and Cain (mention of Adora and Popsicle)
Rating: G
Summary: Just some random moments in Cain and DG’s life together that didn’t make it in the original story. Will be sporadic.
Warning: a few days after Part Seven and Part Eight.
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The Warden is mine. But you can have her. She scares me.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve
More Tales: the first tale | the second tale | the third tale | the fourth tale | the fifth tale

About two days after the incident in the bathroom, DG realized she’d turned into a stalker.

Well, she wasn’t exactly stalking Cain in the vicinity of the bathroom, but every time she saw him, she couldn’t help but see shirtless Cain.

And she’d seen half-naked guys before - growing up in Kansas, a guy in the field without his shirt was the norm - but this was Cain.

She wondered if it was the vest, or the duster or Cain’s general disposition that had made her miss it. Of course, she figured, she wasn’t ever looking at him like that, so why would she think of Cain in any other manner but as Cain?

Wyatt Cain wasn’t that bad-looking. Not at all. But, it was still Cain. She’d seen every side of the man - now, quite literally - and she just couldn’t wrap her brain around the idea of Cain as anything other than Cain.

She had heard some of the ladies in Central City talking, but had never paid it much mind. Cain was still terribly in love with his wife, even after nearly ten years, and DG knew that. She had never intended to push any sort of relationship past what they had - whatever it was - even if the people expected it.

Cain was just as much a victim of that damn pot as she was.

And, while she was more vocal in her distress, she knew Cain wasn’t enjoying it much, either. She often wanted to ask him if there was something he’d rather be doing. She didn’t want to force him to stay - besides, who said they couldn't stay ‘married’ and still live separate lives.

Blame her being raised on the other side; say Cain had duties to attend to on the borders of the Zone... Yet, here he stayed.

Without complaint.

She’d finally decided that it was time she found out just what ‘Me Time’ entailed when Cain came back for the third day in a row, covered in filth. She waited until he had left for the morning and dressed quickly. Once she was sure he’d made it downstairs, she watched from one of the windows on the upper floor as Cain stepped outside into the early morning and moved across the field toward Ahamo’s little shed.

DG hurried down the stairs and stopped at the door, peering out to see if Cain had arrived at the hut or not. It didn’t occur to DG that, from the doorway, she couldn’t see the hut, so she was forced to assume he was there and headed out across the field.

There was no way she could covertly move down the path past the gazebo, especially at that hour, so she bolted right and headed for the tree line. She stopped, now and then, to see if she could see Cain in the vicinity of the hut.

After about ten minutes, DG finally neared the hut and crept up to the back wall, ducking below the window at the back. She had to push up onto her toes to see into the window, but it was still higher than she could extend. Dropping back down, DG huffed and wondered if she could sneak around and look in the door without being seen.

Deciding she could risk it, DG looked around the far side of the cabin and then moved back to the window, before moving slowly around to the end where the door was. As she crept around the corner, Cain came into view of the building behind her with a pile of logs in his arms. He bit back a laugh as he watched her move slowly around to the door and peek inside.

When she found the little workshop empty, DG straightened and frowned. “Whatcha lookin’ for, kid?” Cain asked, stopping just next to her and looking into the hut. DG jumped and spun around, backing against the wall as her heart raced.

“What? Nothing. Nothing at all,” she rambled. Cain raised an eyebrow and breathed a laugh before shaking his head and moving away to the small clearing just behind them both. He dropped the logs to the ground and picked one up, setting it upright on a cut tree trunk. Stepping back over to DG, Cain narrowed his eyes at her and reached around her for the axe that was sitting just inside the door.

“What?” DG asked indignantly, crossing her arms and glaring at him.

“I said nothing,” Cain stated as he moved back over to the pile of firewood. He got in two good swings with the axe and the log split in half. He leaned over to pick up one of the halves, placing it where the full log had just been and stood up. Leaning on the axe handle, Cain turned to face DG.

“Isn’t this a little early for you, kiddo?” DG made a face and sat down in the open doorway for the hut with a huff.

“I grew up on a farm. This is late.” Cain shrugged and proceeded to split the half-log. After that piece broke into two, Cain reached for the other half of the log and split it, as well. He was half-way through splitting the next full log when he stopped and turned to DG.

“Does this mean my time is now your time?” DG made a face and pushed herself up as he finished splitting the log. Moving toward him, she waved as he picked up one of the halves and she pulled the axe handle from him.

“I was curious. Sue me.” Cain shook his head and stepped back with his hands raised slightly. This, he had to see. DG cursed the fact that she hadn’t chopped firewood in a good two years and wondered if she’d be able to do it now. Not that she cared if Cain was impressed or not, but she was sick of everyone acting like she’d break if she tried to do anything strenuous.

God forbid the future Queen broke a sweat.

She’d managed to hike the axe up, but knew that she’d positioned her hands far too low on the handle. Cain immediately stepped forward and held up the blade end so that she could take a step back. When he reached up to pull her hand back, she jerked the axe away and glared at him.

“I can do this, thanks.” Cain let go of the back half of the axe and threw his hands up in defeat, stepping back with a laugh. DG rolled her eyes, took a deep breath and willed herself to remember Popsicle’s lessons.

Cain watched as DG went for the full swing and the axe made contact with the stump. DG grumbled and hiked the axe back up, almost taking a batting stance, and gave the axe another swing. This time, the blade made contact with the log and split almost three-quarters of the way. DG turned back to Cain and shrugged with a smirk, while Cain looked from her to the log.

There was obviously quite a bit about the girl he still didn’t know.

“Not bad, kid. Not bad at all,” he said with a nod, pulling the axe from DG’s grasp. She reached for the log and picked it up, splitting it the rest of the way simply by pulling the two pieces apart.

“Just had to figure out the balance. Every axe is different,” she said with a shrug and set the one half back down to the stump. Cain gave her a look as she stepped back and he took a swing at the new half.

“Is there anything you can’t do?” Cain asked as he nodded to the half DG was still holding. DG set the half down, stepped back and looked out at the sparkling water of the lake behind him.

“Swim,” she said matter-of-factly. Cain split the log and looked up to DG as he realized what she’d said. Blinking, he looked back over his shoulder, then back to DG, who nodded with a sigh.

series: shimmery, fic: tin man

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