Fic: More Tales from the Jar-O-Matrimony (01/?)

Jun 07, 2008 22:22

Title: More Tales from the Jar-O-Matrimony (01/?)
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG and Cain
Rating: PG
Summary: Just some random moments in Cain and DG's life together that didn't make it in the original story. Will be sporadic.
Warning: post- Don't Touch the Shimmery Liquid
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The Warden is mine. But you can have her. She scares me.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve
More Tales: the first tale | the second tale | the third tale | the fourth tale | the fifth tale

DG threw a glance to the hall clock as she rushed down the hallway. She’d been held up by her mother and some official land-usage issue to the north of Milltown. It wasn’t that she’d been watching the clock all day...

But she’d been watching the clock all day.

'Please have him still be there,' she thought, hoping that Cain hadn’t gone back to doing whatever he did during the day. She hadn’t yet asked, simply because they were both so busy.

As she reached the main staircase, she took a sharp right and turned into the gallery. It wasn’t exactly a covert location, but it was the most abandoned part of the palace this time of day.

She was just passing the first pillar when his hand caught hers and pulled her toward the wall. “Oof,” she breathed as she flung against him; the force with which he pulled her toward him was more than she could offset on her own.

Not that she was complaining.

“You are late,” Cain said with a smile. Before she could give him a smart-ass response, his lips were on hers and she moved her arms around his neck. He stepped back, pulling her with him, until his back was against the wall.

Here, they were hidden from view by the pillar and, unless someone specifically came into the gallery and crossed to the window, no one would know they were there. It wasn’t a perfect solution, but ever since his return to Finaqua, the two of them were finding it difficult to keep their hands off each other.

They’d finally worked out the mid-day make-out session as a way to survive the remainder of their day until they could retire to their rooms. Sadly, most nights, one or the other’s schedule would keep them until the late hours of the night.

This was the most they’d seen of each other in nearly two days, so they needed to make the most of their time. They had ten minutes before she would have to be back attending to her royal duties; and he, to his.

series: shimmery, fic: tin man

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