94 The N-word

Mar 23, 2012 10:00

Word Soap: As The World Keeps Turning
Author: SYLnl
Title:  #94 The N-word
Rating: PG13
Summary:  Talking about the guy we wouldn’t mention anymore…:-)
Big Thanks To: ltklo, for brushing up my grammar

Previously on As The World Keeps Turning:
#1     #2    #3    #4    #5    #6    #7    #8    #9    #10    #11    #12    #13    #14    #15    #16    #17     #18    #19    #20  
  #21   #22    #23  #24  #25    #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32   #33   #34   #35   #36   #37   #38   #39  #40   #41   #42   #43   #44   #45   #46   #47   #48   #49   #50   #51   #52   #53   #54   #55   #56   #57   #58   #59   #60   #61   #62   #63   #64   #65   #66   #67   #68   #69   #70   #71   #72   #73   #74   #75   #76   #77   #78   #79    #80    #81    #82     #83    #84    #85    #86    #87    #88    #89    #90    #91    #92    #93

“Luke, you can use our bathroom…there’s a large shower in there…” Molly’s invitation came with a mischievous grin that made Reid smile and Luke blush.

“But you’d better lock the door, because you never know if I need to be in the bedroom anytime soon…”

Emma gave Molly a friendly smile. “Everybody will stay downstairs while the boys are up,” her voice was stern, but the amusement was apparent. She waved to the men with a telling grin.

“Don’t worry about running out of hot water. We just replaced the boiler.”

After shaking his head with faked embarrassment, Reid followed Luke up the stairs. The beautiful legs in front of him were too tempting to leave alone and when he stroked one of the calves, he could hear Luke gasp. Hmmm. That sounded promising.

Even more promising was the shower.
“Molly was not exaggerating… this is about our size…”

Luke nodded, looking around in surprise. “It must be pretty new. Haven’t seen it before. There used to be a small room here.”

“I’m sure this bathroom is a much better use of space.” Reid was already undressing, when he spotted the window. With a quick hand movement he closed the window shade.

“We don’t want to give those Christmas light guys an inferiority complex now, do we?”

Luke chuckled, as he removed his clothes. “That we don’t,” he agreed. “Or find our beautiful butts on YouTube. Not a great idea either.”

“Hmmm,” Reid found a good spot under the shower head and pulled Luke in, “You’re right. No sharing.”

Although their kiss started heated and hungry, they slowed down. Somehow they needed soothing. Support. Their hands loosened up their aching muscles, their kiss was tender. When their relax quota had been reached, their bodies took them back to the heat and hunger.
Luke surprised Reid by pushing him against the tiles and grabbing the curls in a firm grip.

“Make me forget,” he whispered and Reid didn’t need to ask. He needed to forget too. The cries. The fear. The despair. So he dove in with a deep groan and together they forgot. Time. Place. Everything, but each other.

Many hours later, Reid arrived back at the farm. The lights welcomed him and he smiled. This was much better. For a minute he sat there, enjoying his view, but his stomach urged him to find his way to Emma’s kitchen.

The minute he walked in, all kind of Snyders welcomed him home in all kind of ways. Ethan made a run for it and arrived first, so Reid lifted the boy above his head, lowered him and enjoyed the hug.
Danny had meekly held back, but his smile was huge when Reid lifted him up and kept him on eye level.

“Hello son,” Reid said in a low voice and Danny giggled.

“Hello dad,” the boy tried in his lowest tone and they both chuckled. He even planted a firm kiss on Reid’s cheek and the doctor looked almost blissful. Almost. When Luke came up to him, put his arm around his shoulder and gave him a soft kiss, Reid beamed.

“Hello sweetheart,” Emma pointed at the table, set for two. “Luke postponed his dinner so he could eat with you. If that isn’t love…”

Reid grinned, giving Luke another kiss and nodded at Emma.

“It is. I wasn’t looking, but I found the best. Pretty brilliant, if you ask me…”

“No arguments here,” Emma smiled, while she filled two plates with steaming stew and watched how ‘her boys’ took a seat, while Danny was still in Reid’s arms.

“Danny, do you want to stay here or do you want to join us in the living room?”

The fact that the boy hesitated was a huge step forward. That he actually slid off Reid’s lap and took Emma’s extended hand was a small miracle.

“You were very right, this morning.” Emma whispered to Reid, “If anyone can show this boy what family is, it’s us.” With a telling smile she led Danny to the living room, leaving Reid and Luke to their dinner.

“So dear,” Reid teased, “how was your day?”

Luke had just taken a bite and held his thumb up. After he swallowed he answered: “Pretty good, actually. I’ve seen a lot of cartoons.”

Reid grinned. “Poor you.”

“Ah well,” Luke shrugged, “What can I say… it’s a sacrifice, but I was happy to do it.”

Reid nodded, looking serious.

“Please know it’s extremely appreciated.”

They both chuckled.

“And you?”

“No cartoons,” Reid watched how Luke had still half a plate of stew, while his plate was empty and with a telling grin Luke pointed at the pot on the stove. Without hesitation Reid went for a refill.

“But nothing major either. No brains to plow into, unfortunately.”

“I’m eating.” Luke rolled his eyes and Reid softly laughed.


“Freddy Krueger.”

Their teasing banter made the adults in the living room smile at each other and Abigail summed it up in three words.

“Luke is happy.”

“Yep,” Holden agreed with his daughter, “and it’s about time too. I know we’re not allowed to use the N-word around you, but can I just say I’m glad he’s in LA?”

Abigail gave him a kind nod. “You may. And I would even agree.”

“Is he still trying to contact you?” Molly jumped at the chance to ask something about the guy they were not supposed to talk about and Abi grinned.

“He is. Trying to sneak into my social media stuff with fake names…”

Holden couldn’t help it. He had to laugh. Accepting Abi’s displeasure as the consequence.

“Glad you think it’s funny,” she grumbled, “But I have no idea how to get rid of him.”

“Get rid of who?” Luke asked, while he dropped himself on the couch and smiled at Reid, who followed his lead.

“The N-word,” Molly grinned at Reid and he closed his eyes.

“Is he bothering you?” Luke frowned.

“Well yeah, he kinda is. He just doesn’t want to accept that we’re not gonna happen.”

“Sounds very familiar,” Reid murmured, vaguely surprised Luke didn’t punch, pinch or poke him. He opened one eye to check on his blond and saw Luke watching Danny. Apparently the whole Noah thing didn’t even register. Reid was wrong.

“I could suggest some pictures with another guy, but chances are he won’t accept that either.” Luke sounded half serious, half amused.

Reid chuckled, but didn’t respond.

“He’ll probably fly over here to slam the poor guy to the ground…” Luke sounded absolutely teasing now and Reid touched his nose, growling.

“Man, I can still feel it…”

“Noah hit you?” Obviously that was news to this family and Reid shrugged.

“He did.”


“Because I stole his boyfriend.”

“Stole his… I thought he had broken off the relationship…” Abi frowned.

“He did,” Luke calmly said.

“But why would he call it stealing if you were single at the time?”

“…and he was dating another guy.”


Reid grinned. He liked this. Noah bashing. Long overdue. But then he saw Emma’s look, pointing at the younger kids on the mattresses watching yet another cartoon.

“Little pigs have big ears,” she said softly and the adults nodded. Damn. Reid bit his lip. He was so ready for some serious slandering.

Emma gave him a knowing smile and turned to her son.

“Holden, I appoint you as barista tonight.” She put her legs on the coffee table and faked interest in The Aristocats. “I’d like mine black, please…”

Her son smiled and when Molly got up too, he softly slapped her on her bottom. It made her squeal and Reid shook his head.

“I’m not expecting any coffee for the next hour…”

“And again you show your genius,” Molly laughed and when Reid looked up, they both winked at the same time.

It made Luke crawl to Reid’s chest. “I’m so glad you’re a six,” he whispered and Reid softly kissed him.

“Me too.”

“So boys, what are your plans. Are you staying over again or are you going home? I mean, I’m very happy to have you all here, but the real crisis is over…”

Reid closed his eyes again. Sleeping in his own bed, in the arms of his young lover, would be heaven. But it was not up to him. And he let Luke know.

“Whatever you decide, is okay with me,” Reid said, softly caressing the blond locks.

“What’s your schedule?”

“I’m on call until midnight and then I have a day off.”

Luke nodded. He looked at his siblings and he knew his grandmother was right. The initial shock, the first crisis was over. Sleeping in his own bed, in the arms of his hot doctor, would be heaven.

“Okay…after the coffee we’ll go…”

When Reid’s phone rang, they both pulled a face, but Reid frowned when he saw the ID.

“Morgan, what’s up?”

“I want you to know that we’ve got an emergency, but Bob wants me to operate.”

Reid’s frown deepened.


“Because it’s your mother-in-law.”

fan fiction, rating pg13, !author|artist: sylnl, romance, atwt, drama, dr. reid oliver, luke/reid. word soap

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