48 Less is more

Jan 19, 2012 12:35

Word Soap: As The World Keeps Turning
Author: SYLnl
Title:  #48 Less is more
Rating: PG
Summary:  Reid and Henry go at it…
Big Thanks To: ltklo, for brushing up my grammar

Previously on As The World Keeps Turning:

#1     #2    #3    #4    #5    #6    #7    #8    #9    #10    #11    #12    #13    #14    #15    #16    #17     #18    #19    #20  
  #21   #22    #23  #24  #25    #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32   #33   #34   #35   #36   #37   #38   #39  #40   #41   #42   #43   #44   #45   #46   #47

They just finished their starters when Reid's phone demanded attention. Luke tried his best not to pout. He had no idea how adorable that made him look, until he met Reid's eyes and saw his warmth.

"I'm not on call, don't worry," Reid eased Luke's mind and smiled when he read the text.

- Sorry, seems you're not the only genius in O anymore. K.

Reid showed Luke and filled him in on Katie's latest show.

"Genius is determined by end result, not by action." Luke grinned and Reid's eyes lit up.

"That's brilliant. Can I text that?"

Luke nodded, feeling proud.

The next text came in and Reid smiled again.

- I'm genius enough to disagree... are you at work?

- Nope. Lakeview. Dinner with hot blond

After he sent the text, he dropped his phone next to his plate, all set to give Luke his full attention again. His handsome date was the one distracted this time, though. With his back to the room Reid had no idea what was happening, until he felt female hands, coming from behind, on his cheeks.

"Hello fellow genius," Katie was all bubbly, "enjoying your meal?"

"I was... Does your broomstick has a turbo on it or what? I just texted..."

"We were already here," Katie explained, slapping him softly on the head for the broomstick remark.

We? It made Reid turn around and shake the male hand.

"If it isn't one of Oakhell's most amazing citizens," Reid teased and Henry gave a glimpse of a smile.

"You watched it?"

"Parts of it," Reid nodded. "I know for a fact your wife has been watching..."

That brought some life into Henry. "Kim told us. I hope our information between the lines found its way to her."

"I hope so too," Reid replied and Henry smiled.

"Why don't you join us?" Luke wondered, with a telling look from Reid to Henry. The doctor understood the hidden agenda and joined Luke's invitation.

"Yeah, please do."

"You're sure? I don't want to intrude.."

"Yes, you do..." Reid's teasing grin went from Katie to Henry, "but we let her get away with it anyway, don't we, Hank?"

The man willingly smiled, touched by the obvious attempt to distract him from the hell he was in.

"Yeah, we do..." He waited for the waiter to put a table in its place and sat down next to Reid. "We simply have no choice."

"None," Reid agreed. “We’re totally helpless.”

“Powerless,” Henry nodded.

“Clueless,” Katie added.

“Mindless,” Reid replied.

“Worthless,” Henry contributed with a matching facial expression.

“Reckless,” Luke changed the tune and his tactic worked. He caught Henry’s attention.


“Reckless,” Luke repeated. “That’s what I need you to be.”

Reid smiled. Luke didn’t lose any time getting to the point and he liked that.

Henry was still puzzled. “Why?”

“Because I want you to join me in a new adventure,” Luke smiled and when he saw an interested flicker in Henry’s eyes, he explained his ideas.
Henry’s enthusiasm increased by the minute and wasn’t even affected when Luke shared his ideas for a Reid’s.

“That name is negotiable,” Reid suggested, meeting Luke’s indignation after his remark.

“No, it’s not,” he said firmly.

Reid faked submission. “Not negotiable, I just learned.”

Henry watched him with a telling grin. “And here I was, thinking you were the one calling the shots…”

“Common misconception,” Reid assured him. “Can’t even call my soul my own. He took it all. He’s ruthless.”

“Relentless,” Luke nodded.

“Shameless,” Henry jumped in. “So explain to me again why I should enter into this joint venture?”

“Because my financial resources are endless?” Luke grinned and they all laughed.

“My stomach isn’t bottomless, though,” Katie changed the subject and waved with her menu. “Could we please order, before I faint?”

To their amusement, Reid decided to join them in the first course again. Simply because, according to Reid, a man could never eat enough beef carpaccio in one day and ‘meaningless chatter always made him more hungry than usual’.

Dinner turned out very enjoyable for all of them. Even Henry had amused himself and he glanced at the man who was responsible for a lot of his grins and fits of laughter tonight. For some reason they managed to find some similar sense of humor and Dr. Reid Oliver turned out to be very creative and witty. Henry even started to understand Katie’s weak spot for this guy.

Reid’s interaction with Luke was more difficult to handle. Their loving sparring, the way both men were completely at ease with each other, the obvious equivalence, their perfect balance… it reminded Henry of his relationship with Barbara and it had emphasized his loss.

Henry looked at Luke. His plans for expansion were very well-timed. He could use the distraction and after hearing about the current arrangements for the hospital cafeteria he was pretty sure it wasn’t created to keep him busy.

“Okay, just to sum it all up,” Henry couldn’t wait to get started, “Tomorrow I will come over and check out the current available equipment…”

He ignored Reid’s murmured “I’m so hoping we’re still talking about the cafeteria…” and continued:

“And I will let you know if I need any changes. I’m considering Janet for running the place… I assume you don’t have problems with that?” Henry looked at Luke, who smiled radiantly.

“Nope, I think that would be great.” Luke turned to Reid, “Janet is Terri’s sister.”

“Of course she is,” Reid muttered, but then realized something. “Metro’s Terri?” After Luke’s nod, Reid was back in the game, “And they share the cooking gene?”

“Without a doubt,” Henry confirmed, “Janet is a great cook, especially on the Italian stuff.”

“Sounds excellent,” Reid was a happy man. “The only downside is that we’ll have to wait two more weeks.”

“At least you know it will only be two weeks before things change for the better,” Henry was back to his glooming.

“You’re right,” Reid gave him a serious nod, “I wish I could give you something to hold on to, but I don’t do false hope.”

“I know,” Henry managed a smile. “But there’s hope, right?”

“Yep. The swelling is actually a good thing. If all swelling was gone and she was suffering this memory loss, we’d have a bigger problem. But now there’s reason to hope.”

“Exactly,” Henry looked relieved. “I know I’ve judged your blunt honesty in the past, but now it’s a blessing. It’s a comfort to know you’re honest about the whole thing.”

Reid grinned. “Just admit it, Hank. You’re starting to like me, aren’t you?”

Henry pulled a face. “I’m not ready to go there, but you’re not as bad as I thought. Let’s keep it at that.”

“I’ll take it,” Reid gave him a friendly wink and turned to Luke, leaned over the table and touched his chin.

“How about it… are you ready to leave?”

Luke nodded, giving him a soft kiss. “I’ll settle the bill. Be right back…”

When Katie reached for her purse, Luke raised his hand. “This one is on us,” he winked at her and left the table before she could protest.

“Next one will be on us,” Katie stated and Henry rolled his eyes.

“What makes you think we’re gonna do this again?”

Katie was neither impressed nor fooled.

“Because you had a great time,” she looked at Reid, “You both had. Deny it all you want, I know it’s true. And for what it’s worth, it was wonderful to see my two best friends getting along.”

“Meaningless,” Reid grumbled.

“Pointless,” Henry agreed.

“Useless,” Reid added.

“Hopeless,” Luke stated with a big grin and gave Reid a nudge. “Let’s go, handsome. I’ve got plans with you.”

“What did I tell you?” Reid tapped Henry on his shoulder while passing his chair: “Ruthless.”

Henry grinned, raised his hand as a goodbye and claimed the last word.


word soap, katie snyder, fan fiction, !author|artist: sylnl, romance, atwt, luke snyder, henry coleman, drama, rating pg, dr. reid oliver, luke/reid

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