29 Curiosity and confusion

Dec 09, 2011 11:49

Word Soap: As The World Keeps Turning
Author: SYLnl
Title:  #29 Curiosity and confusion
Rating: PG13
Summary:  Just setting up the game board…
Big Thanks To: ltklo, for helping out with my homophones
Disclaimers: characters are ATWT property. “Of course they are.”

He remembered mornings he didn’t want to wake up. He remembered mornings he dreaded to face a new day. He remembered mornings he didn’t know what to do with himself. He remembered mornings wondering if this would be the day his relationship would end…again. This morning wasn’t like that. As a matter of fact, he hadn’t had that kind of morning in a few weeks now.
Luke smiled. Without touching, he embraced the man next to him. He loved watching Reid sleep. This nightmare to many, was his dream come true.

In a way, Reid’s reputation worked very well for Luke. He’d realized it yesterday, in line ‘at the grapevine’, overhearing the nurse’s remark on Reid’s lack of smiling. It made him suddenly aware of the huge gap between Dr. Oliver and his Reid. And it made him feel special. It made him feel loved. Reid trusted Luke enough to show him parts of himself he kept hidden from the rest of the world. Reid gave him the royal treatment and it empowered Luke.

This realization had changed his tune. He finally understood what Reid had explained to him several times. “You don’t owe them an explanation, Luke.”  He didn’t owe any explanation of Reid’s behavior. He didn’t owe any explanation of his love for Reid. It was not his job to convince anyone what a loving and caring man Reid really was. If they didn’t take the time or effort to discover that for themselves, so be it.

Luke laughed to himself when he remembered his first impulse to rush to Reid’s defense after Lucy’s accusation-disguised-as-a-question. Okay, it would take some work to tone down his tendency to exonerate whoever was ‘on trial’, but he did pretty well at dinner last night.

The verbal banter between his grandmother and Reid had worried him a few times. After the main course, Lucinda had felt relaxed enough to step over some social boundaries to provoke Reid. And although he had felt the urge to intervene and explain his grandmother’s behavior to Reid, he had decided against it. He knew Reid could handle himself and he did. Brilliantly, he might add.
Luke’s smile grew, thinking about it.

“So tell me, Reid…how does that power play you call a relationship works out for you?”

“The same as it does for you, I guess,” had Reid calmly answered, making John almost choke on his food.

Lucinda had bestowed an approving grin on Reid, but wasn’t done yet.

“It must be heaven to have a much younger partner at your beck and call.”

Reid had just grinned in assent. “And he’s filthy rich too…” His eyes had found Luke’s and they’d shared a telling smile.

Lucinda had caved at that point. She had laughed out loud, leaned against Reid and reached over him to caress Luke’s hand.

“You found yourself a winner this time, my dear. I like him.”

Reid’s murmured “Hooray” had them all laughing and after the waiter removed their plates, Lucinda had whispered to Reid: “Thank you for making my boy so happy.”

Luke had picked up on it and after Reid’s soft “Believe me, it’s my pleasure” he’d squeezed Reid’s upper leg three times. I love you. Reid had turned to him, held his chin for a second and kissed him.

“I love you.”

Lucinda had clapped her hands. “I love public display of affection! Johnnie, my love…are you taking notes?”

Luke’s thoughts came to a halt when the center of his recollection moved. He didn’t want to miss a second of this waking up process, so Luke’s full attention was on Reid. How the breathing changed, how his eyes slowly opened, how his body stretched a little, how he crossed the bridge to consciousness, recognized Luke and smiled.
He knew by now not to talk yet, so he just returned the smile, touching Reid’s cheek. His man closed his eyes again, as if he was taking in this moment. Luke wouldn’t be surprised if he was. Reid sigh sounded content enough, anyway.

He opened his eyes again and put his hand out to caress Luke’s cheek. It was Luke’s personal - and inside - challenge to try to predict Reid’s first words of the day and Reid being at the point of reaching out to him, he knew words would follow soon. Again he lost his own challenge, though, because again Reid proved to be unpredictable. Not in a million years Luke had expected him to say:

“Hey much younger partner of mine… how about laying at my back and calling out?”


With his hands behind his head, Reid enjoyed the view. Luke sat cross-legged on the bed, in front of him, with his laptop. The blond hair was still wet, his eyes sparkled and there was a blush on his cheeks. Luke looked…alive. He didn’t know why that word popped up, but it was well-matched. Alive. Yeah, that’s how he felt too. Alive. As if every cell in his body was awake and joyful. Yet, that same body didn’t feel like moving. And that was perfectly fine. It was his last day off and if he would spend it in bed, watching Luke, all would be well in his world.

Luke looked up to him.
“I like to run something by you…”
Reid gave him an encouraging nod. “Just don’t let it run too fast, because my brain isn’t all here yet.”

Luke grinned.

“Hey!” Reid kicked his leg, making the laptop wobble “You’re the one demanding a four, so this is all your fault!”

“You could have said no,” Luke grinned, “so it’s not my responsibility.”

“Hmmm,” Reid raised his eyebrow, “What happened to that sweet, soft-spoken angel that took the blame, even if he had nothing to do with it?”

Luke laughed out loud, now.

“He went poooooof”, Luke made some adorable hand movements, “Missing him?”

Reid didn’t want to lie about it.

“Not really,” he grinned, “but at times like this he could have helped me out.” Reid shifted his body and the subject: “But what did you want to talk about…”

“Right,” Luke sat himself straight and his enthusiasm filled Reid’s heart. Whatever it was, he was already agreeing to it.

“As you know, I’ve dropped Grimaldi Shipping back into the family and to my honest surprise, they came up with a very fair offer. I had the company evaluated by an expert, and they probably did too. Anyway, my lawyers are looking over the contract and if it turns out okay, I’ll sign it tomorrow.”

“Good for you!” Luke was still sitting next to his feet, so Reid blew him a kiss, making Luke beam.

“Yes, it feels pretty good,” he agreed. “And first I thought about putting the money into the Foundation, but there’s this other plan that’s building in my head.”

Reid was genuinely curious and all ears.

“And in a way your Dr. Morgan triggered it.”

Curiosity turned into confusion.

“He not my Dr. Morgan, so please don’t refer to him like that, and I’d asked you point blank if you had a problem with…”

Luke interrupted him. “I meant no harm with the possessive pronoun, but I won’t do it again, and I’m not having a problem with him. I’m really not. He just triggered a thought about his living arrangements.”

“What? You’re not suggesting we let him move in here, are you?”

“Reid!” That thought hadn’t crossed his mind. “As if I don’t have my hands full handling you!” Luke softly slapped Reid’s leg. “Idiot. Of course not. I’m very selfish when it comes to you ánd our house. No sharing.”

“I’m glad,” Reid shook his head. Luke had him rattled for a moment.

“But with the new neuro wing, we will have some new personnel in town and knowing you only want the best, they won’t all live around here. But they will have to live somewhere and the current market in Oakdale isn’t very attractive for young professionals. So I’m thinking about using the Grimaldi money to buy some land and build some modern accommodations.”

Reid looked impressed. And he was.

“That sounds great.”

Luke smiled with pride.
“I’m glad you like the idea. I do want to run this by Damian, because it feels like his money, and I also want to involve my grandmother, because she owns a lot of real estate in the area, so her expertise will be welcome.”

Reid nodded. “Sounds fair. Any ideas on the area?”

“I did some research and there’s a large area nearby the hospital that’s for sale. But I’m not sure I’ll get permission to build on it.”

“Maybe it’s not a bad idea to secure it anyway,” Reid said, deep in thought. “I expect our neuro wing to do very well in a very short time. Anyone with a good business sense like you could see the potential in that area.”

Luke nodded. “You’re very right about that. So you agree on the purchase?”

Reid was confused. “You don’t need my permission, Luke. It’s your money.”

“To me it’s our money,” Luke shrugged.

“I love you for feeling like that,” Reid was sincerely touched, “But technically…”

“Okay, we can draw up some papers to make it technically our money, but I don’t need a piece of paper to make this…” his finger pointed from himself to Reid, “more real than it already is. I trust you with all that’s mine, Reid. My body, my heart, my soul… my money is just a minor detail.”

“Come here.” When Luke came within reach, Reid pulled him close, cupped Luke’s head and kissed him.

“Thank you.”

Luke nestled himself up against Reid.

“To return to your question… It does sounds like a great investment. And here’s another one to think about… the wing will not only attract hospital personnel, but also patients from the whole county. Their family members will need a place to stay that’s affordable, nice and close by.”

Luke sat up straight again. “That’s a great idea!” He kissed Reid and crawled over the bed to get his laptop.

“I’m thinking I should call my lawyers and let them make a bid on the area. I can buy that without using the Shipping money, so even if Damian disapproves and my grandmother doesn’t want to join, we’ll be okay.”

“I like your thinking,” Reid smiled and Luke jumped off the bed to get his phone.

With a radiant “Carpe Diem” he then flopped besides Reid on the bed and while his right hand was working the phone, the other one found Reid’s hand. “Exciting, isn’t it?”

Reid restricted to a smile, because Luke made contact with one of his lawyers. Yes, it was exciting to Reid, but maybe not in the way Luke felt. It was exciting to see Luke so passionate. It was exciting to see Luke leaning against him - still holding his hand - and looking so secure and safe. It was exciting to remember Luke’s words: I trust you with all that’s mine, Reid.
It could be scary. If he thought about the possibility of losing it all, it could be very scary. So he didn’t allow himself to think about that. This moment was locked in his heart forever.

Previously on As The World Keeps Turning:

#1     #2    #3    #4    #5    #6    #7    #8    #9    #10    #11    #12    #13    #14    #15    #16    #17     #18    #19    #20  
  #21   #22    #23  #24  #25    #26   #27   #28

word soap, fan fiction, rating pg13, romance, sylnl, atwt, drama, luke/reid

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