05 Holy Codependency!

Nov 10, 2011 13:13

Author: SYLnl
Title:  #5 Holy Codependency!
Rating: G
Summary: Finding a home turns out not half as complicated as moving out…
Disclaimers: Nope, still not making money with this writing… labour of love, all the way.
Big Thanks To:  ltklo, for drilling out my grammatical goof ups

Standing in the kitchen, Luke stared out of the window, trying to wrap his brain around the last few hours. He might be the charming one, but his socially challenged boyfriend achieved the near impossible. According to Reid, delivery periods ‘would not do’ - being an unnecessary waste of his time and energy - and for some reason he made it happen. Okay, there was still a lot of shopping and decorating to do, but their living room was ready to live in and their bedroom…
He gazed outside and smiled the biggest one yet. They found the perfect bed and…
Luke took a deep breath when he felt two arms coming from behind him, finding their way to his stomach.

“What are you doing here…all alone?”
Reid planted a tender kiss in Luke’s neck.

“Thinking about our bed.”

“Why think about it, when you can lie in it?”

Luke laughed out loud.
“You fell asleep and I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“Are you okay?”

Luke turned around and put his hands on Reid’s face, pulling him close for a soft kiss.
“I’m more than okay,” he assured Reid. “You?”

I felt so vulnerable, so inexperienced, so insignificant, so damn young around you.
Reid tilted Luke’s chin and his smile was radiant. “You confirmed what I already suspected,” his eyes and voice were soft, “You’re it for me. I had no clue it could be like this…”

He was already leaning forward to steal yet another kiss, when the telephone rang and they both groaned.
“I’m not on call…I could…”

“Just see who it is…” Luke suggested, thought of something and hastily continued: “If it’s my mom, let it ring.”

“It’s Bob.” After Luke’s nod, Reid took the call.


“Reid,” the older man smiled. For some reason he always smiled when he heard Reid’s voice. “Just wanted you to know…Chris is awake and so far everything looks good.”

“That is great news, Bob! I’m happy for you,” Reid gave Luke the thumbs up and his man mirrored the gesture. “Luke is happy too.”

“Thanks, I appreciate that.”

“Do you want me to check in?”
Bob’s hesitation felt like a ‘yes’, so Reid didn’t wait for an answer.

“You know what…I want to talk to Katie anyway, so we’ll be around shortly…”

“Great,” Bob sounded grateful, “See you then.”

“Dr. Oliver, good to see you,” John Dixon greeted his colleague with a slap on the back, noticed Luke beside him and shook the young man’s hand. “Luke, good to see you too. Bob told me you were coming and I know you’re not on call, but I have this patient and I was wondering if you…”

“I can take a quick look,” Reid checked Luke, who nodded.

“Take your time. Can I see Chris?” he asked Dr. Dixon and received a nod.

“Officially he should have limited visitors, but his room is already packed with family, so I’m not counting anymore.”

Before stepping into the room, Luke watched both doctors leave. Their body language was a surprise. Dr. Dixon had his hand on Reid’s back and for some reason his boyfriend didn’t seem to mind. Luke smiled. It was reassuring to know that more people had the ability to see past the rude and sarcastic exterior. If only his mother… Luke shook his head. No, he was not going there. He opened the door and put his head into the room.
His ‘can I come in’ was welcomed with “Of course!”, so he stepped in.

Chris looked better than Luke expected. “You gave us quite a scare. It’s good to see you.” The men briefly shook hands and Chris felt noticeably uncomfortable.

“I’m truly sorry I put you… and Reid… in an awkward position,” he glanced at his father and continued: “I’ve been reckless, unreasonable and stupid.”
Wow, somebody got a reprimand.

Luke remembered the ‘Dr. Oliver approach’ and nodded calmly.
“Yes, you were.” He managed to withhold his usual smile and continued: “You made Reid lie to people he most cares about: Katie, Bob and me. And Reid hates to lie, so putting him in an awkward position is a huge understatement. But we’re both happy you’re still here and doing okay.”
Chris nodded and then noticed Reid in the doorway.

“Please join the party, Dr. Oliver,” he tried to sound amicable, “Do you want to give me a piece of your mind too?”

Reid shook his head, found a place next to Luke and pointed at him. “What he just said.”

Bob looked amused and Reid returned his look with a quick smile. The old man looked tired, but he knew better than to mention anything. He shifted his attention to Katie.

“Katie…I need to talk to you. Can you…”

“Now?” Chris looked annoyed. “Can’t it wait?”

“If it could, I wouldn’t disturb Katie now, would I?”

After a telling look from his father, Chris swallowed his answer and gave in. Not that Katie had been waiting on this approval, because she was already at the door and left without even saying goodbye. When Reid followed Katie out, he could hear Kim coming to her son’s defence with an irritated “That man is SO rude” and Katie heard it too, turned back into the room and stated firmly: “I can assure you that I feel blessed to have a friend like Reid. They don’t make them any better than this and it’s a pity you don’t allow yourself to see that.”

Reid quickly closed the door and guided Katie to an empty room.

“What’s wrong?”

Katie came up to him and put her arms around his waist.
“I know you don’t do hugs, but I really need one right now.”

“I’ll make an exception then,” Reid caressed her hair and held her close. After a few minutes she could face the world on her own again, stepped away and took a seat.

“I’m just tired,” Katie shook her head. “All this fear of losing Chris…I never allowed myself to be really angry with him. For lying. For being so careless with his health. And now everything is looking up and signs are good…this anger comes out.”

Reid pulled out a chair and sat in front of her, took her hands and squeezed them.
“I think it’s pretty healthy to feel this way,” he grinned, “but as you know I suck when it comes to feelings.”

Katie smiled. “Don’t sell yourself short. I meant every word I just said. You’re a great friend.”

“I’m glad,” Reid returned the smile, “And I hope you feel the same after I tell you my news. Or better yet…tell you our news.”  At that exact same moment he saw Luke’s blond hair passing the room and he asked: “Is it okay if I invite Luke in?”

“Of course, stupid.”

He didn’t even had to get up. Luke spotted them and Reid waved him in.

“I’m just about to tell Katie our news,” he pushed a chair in Luke’s direction, but Luke already had other seating arrangements in mind and sat on Reid’s lap. It made the doctor swallow and it took a minute before his speech returned, but then he continued: “We bought a house and we moved in…today.”

Katie jumped up in honest joy and excitement.
“Oh guys, this is great news! You are so cute together.”

The men laughed, but Reid knew Katie well enough to notice some reticence too and he understood.

“This doesn’t mean I’ll abandon you, Goldilocks. I understand this is a very emotional time and I’ll be there for you. But Luke and I…” the way he put his hand on Luke’s upper leg told the whole story, “were ready for some privacy.”

“I understand completely.” Katie stood up and kissed both men. “I’m truly very happy for you both. But I’m not afraid to hold you to your word, Reid.” Her hand stroke his hair, “because I’ll need some time to adjust. Holy codependency, right Reid?” She did her best to smile. “I loved our time together.” Before she could become emotional, she walked to the door. “I wish you both the best, but I will miss you, Reid.” and she quickly stepped outside.

Luke broke the silence after her leaving.
“Any regrets about the timing?”

Reid was pleased he didn’t hear an insecure undertone in Luke’s voice and he shook his head.
“Nope, none. I really adore Katie, but this is her life. I will help where I can, but I’m not responsible.”

“I admire you for that,” Luke said, with his head on Reid’s shoulder. “I have this tendency to feel responsible for everything and everybody.”

“I noticed,” Reid replied without a hint of sarcasm. “But the way you stood up to your mother today and to Chris right now…it made me pretty proud, Mr. Snyder.”

After a soft kiss, he tapped on Luke’s leg. “And can we go home now? I don’t want to leave our new bed alone for too long, being it’s his first night with us and all.”

“You’re so considerate, Dr. Oliver. Let’s go.”

Previously on As The World Keeps Turning:

#1     #2    #3    #4   

lure, word soap, fan fiction, romance, sylnl, atwt, rating: g, drama, luke/reid

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