19 Headlines and Happiness

Nov 25, 2011 11:16

Word Soap: As The World Keeps Turning
Author: SYLnl
Title:  #19 Headlines and Happiness
Rating: PG
Summary:  Time flies when you’re having fun…
Big Thanks To: ltklo, for ventilating my verbs
Disclaimers:  In case anyone is wondering…it’s still just silly me writing some fan fiction. So just move along. Nothing to sue here.

With his eyes closed, Reid relished the moment. Refreshed and fulfilled after their shared shower, they were catching their breath next to each other. Their hands intertwined.
He softly squeezed three times - I love you - and smiled when he felt the four pinches in return: I love you too. He didn’t even have to open his eyes to know Luke was smiling. They’d only lived together for a week, and it felt like… wait a minute…

“Do you have any plans, today?” Reid asked as neutral as possible, his eyes still closed.

“I do, I’m afraid. There’s a board meeting this afternoon and I don’t want to miss that,” Luke turned his body, so he could watch Reid.

His man nodded, obviously in thought.


“Damian is having all kinds of tests today. Will you drop by?”

Luke shrugged. “I don’t know yet, to be honest. I’m still in two minds about that one.”

“It’s a dilemma,” Reid understood. “But there’s no right or wrong choice. Just be true to you.”

“That’s part of the problem, I think. I’m not sure how that feels.”

“Excuse me?” Reid tilted his head, so he could look Luke in the eyes. “How does it feel, being with me?”

Luke didn’t hesitate. “I feel secure. I feel strong. I feel happy. I feel blessed. I feel I can take on the world. I feel respected. I feel invincible, I…”

“That’s what it feels like,” Reid interrupted.

Luke smiled at him. “That’s useful to keep in mind, thanks. So if I don’t feel all of those things, I shouldn’t go see Damian?”

Reid chuckled. “That’s not what I said. You could ask yourself why a visit with Damian would take away your strength. If you stay true to yourself, nobody can make you feel less about yourself.”

Luke stroked Reid’s cheek. “I see you do it, so I know it really works that way. But it’s still somewhat of a mystery to me how you do it.”

“That’s weird, because I’ve seen you do it too. Lots of times. I see it when you’re with me, I saw it when we met your mother in the store, I saw it when you spoke to Doogie, I saw it in your conversations with Kim, I saw it in your interaction with Damian… and I can go on. You’re already doing it. Saying what you really feel and think, instead of telling someone what you think he wants to hear.”

“I’m already doing it,” Luke seemed perplexed.

“A lot,” Reid finished for him and they both smiled.

Luke kissed him. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure,” Reid grinned.

“And how about you…any plans?” Luke wanted to know.

“Hmmm, I think I’ll visit the hospital too. Bob should have prepared those papers for me. You know, the job description and stuff like that. So I can pick those up and look them over while you’re in the meeting. And when you’re done we could go to Al’s to grab some dinner?”

Luke smiled. “Sounds like a plan to me! Let’s do that.”

Reid smiled too, but for a whole different reason than his boyfriend could imagine…


“Ah Reid, always good to see you, but…”

“I know…board meeting. Luke is already on his way over there,” Reid smiled.

“Oh boy, I’m running late again,” Bob shook his head. “I guess you’re here to pick up the papers I promised you.” He turned to his desk and handed a stack. “Let me know if I can help figuring out a balance…” He glanced on his watch and shook his head again, “I really need to go now.”

Avoiding the impression he was available for work, Reid decided not to use his office and found a secluded table in the cafeteria, so he could read and eat at the same time. But before all that…
He pulled out his cell phone and made some calls. It didn’t take him long and he smiled when he took out the papers with one hand and reached for his sandwich with the other.

“Reid! What are you doing here? Didn’t you take a few days off? Couldn’t live without us, could you?”

His first instinct was to snap, but he couldn’t. Not at Alison.

“Luke is at a meeting,” he explained, “and I had some papers I need to…”

Alison raised her hand.

“You don’t owe me an explanation. Sorry for barging in like this. You want me to leave you alone?”

Much to his own surprise, Reid shook his head.

“You’re on a break?”

“Nope, my shift is over. Well, my double shift, I should say. So I came in for some coffee,” she raised her coffee mug, “to give me a boost to stay awake long enough to make it home.”

“And you’re sure talking to me won’t have the opposite effect?” Reid’s grin was teasing and she laughed out loud.

“You? Boring me to sleep? That would be the day!” She was still laughing when she sat herself down in front of him. “I think you couldn’t be boring, even if you tried.”

Reid grinned. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“You do that,” she sipped her coffee and gave him a searching glance. “Interested to hear about Damian?”

“It depends…” Reid hesitated.

Alison seemed to understand him, though.

“Don’t worry, I don’t gossip. I meant his physical state.”

Reid smiled, finding himself wanting to learn more about Luke’s friend.

“You don’t gossip? And here I was, thinking it is a natural part of women.”

“Ugh, Dr. Oliver! Shame on you for generalizing like that! Let me assure you… a lot of male colleagues play the gossip game too. And very forcefully, I might add.”

“I stand corrected,” the teasing light in Reid’s eyes didn’t fade, though, and Ali grinned.

“As you should. But I do feel more awake now, so I guess your little wake-me-upper worked just fine.”

“Good,” Reid took a big bite and Alison decided to stroll along on this little detour Reid had put them on.

“It doesn’t mean I don’t hear the rumors. And one very consistent one is about you becoming our new Chief of Staff.”

Reid nodded. “It’s been offered. I’m now figuring out how I can balance it with my two other passions,” he saw Ali’s questioning look and continued: “Brains and Luke.”

Alison nodded. “But you do think the combination is possible?”

“Everything is possible,” Reid took another bite, nodding his head. “If you’re able to approach it with a creative eye and you’re open for all kind of solutions, everything is possible.”

Ali smiled. Dr. Reid Oliver turned out to be pretty profound.

“If anyone can pull it off, it’s you,” she said sincerely and Reid smiled.

“Thank you for that vote of confidence. You will keep this between us, right?”

Ali smiled. “As I said…I don’t gossip. I know how it feels to be the subject of gossip and I don’t wish that on anyone else.”

Reid kept chewing his sandwich, giving her his full attention, but not asking anything.

“Are you sure you want to hear?”

“I’d rather hear your truth than a gossip version,” Reid replied, “but if you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine too. Your nursing skills are excellent and everything else is private.”

Alison leaned back in her chair. She wanted Reid to know, but she was also very curious about his response. It was one of her ways to know someone for what he was.

“Okay then. Ready or not, here it comes.”

And Ali gave him the headlines. The porn. The drugs. The men. And Reid kept eating and smiling.
After she finished the summary of her biggest mistakes, Reid nodded.
“You’ve been quite busy,” he concluded.

Alison burst out laughing.

“That’s it?”

Reid smiled. “Well, I might add that I respect your honesty and admire you for finding your way out of that mess. From what I hear, drugs is a hard thing to beat and you did it. When was the last time you applauded yourself for that?”

Alison blushed and Reid nodded.

“I was expecting as much. Stop beating yourself up, Ali. You’re an excellent nurse, you’re a loyal friend and judging by our conversation you’re taking responsibility for your mistakes. Let’s keep the past in the past, shall we?”

“Gladly!” Alison finished her coffee and rose to her feet. “Thank you for this, Reid. You’re gonna be an awesome Chief of Staff.”

She blew him a kiss and quickly left before he’d notice her tears. Dr. Reid Oliver had touched her heart. Who knew?

“Here you are,” Luke planted a kiss on Reid’s hair, looked over Reid’s shoulder to see what he was reading and then put his arms around his neck.

“Hey Conference Camper,” Reid stroke the arms on his chest, “Had fun?”

Luke chuckled. “As much fun as I could have when you’re not around.”

“Good answer, Snyder!” Reid turned around in his chair, “You may kiss me now.”

“Lucky me,” Luke kissed him short but firmly, “and happy you.”

“Yeah,” Reid stretched, “Very happy me. Are you done here? Can we go?”

“Yes, we can. I did check on Damian, but he was sleeping. Bob didn’t have all the results yet, but it’s not looking good.”

“I was afraid of that,” Reid nodded. “Do you want to check on him again?”

“Now?” Luke shook his head. “No, I just want us to go home.”

Reid collected the papers, when Luke noticed the empty plate.

“Wait… we were going to Al’s?”

“Nah…” Reid shrugged. “Let’s go home and order in.”

“Sounds perfect.”

All relaxed and looking forward to an quiet evening with Reid, Luke was startled when he saw light burning in their house. No, not again! No drama, not tonight!
His brain alerted him to the lack of response of his driving boyfriend.

“Reid?  What…” he suddenly recognized the cars in front of the house, “…did you do?”

“I organized a little family get-together for you.”

“I figured that much…but why?”

“Mr. Snyder, I don’t believe you,” Reid grinned. “Please don’t tell me you forgot?”

Luke started to look uncomfortable and Reid caressed his cheek.

“Happy anniversary…” he kissed him, “It’s our first week living together.”

Luke didn’t know if he’d cry or laugh, so he did both.

“This is so…”

“Not me?” Reid guessed.

“…unbelievable sweet.” Luke finished, pulling Reid’s head towards him and kissing him firmly. “Thank you.”

Reid stepped out of the car and smiled at him.

“Believe me…it’s my pleasure…Emma is doing the cooking!”

Previously on As The World Keeps Turning:

#1     #2    #3    #4    #5    #6    #7    #8    #9    #10    #11    #12    #13    #14    #15    #16    #17     #18

lure, word soap, fan fiction, rating: pg, romance, sylnl, atwt, drama, luke/reid

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