06 This Whole People Caring about People Business

Nov 11, 2011 10:55

Author: SYLnl
Title:  #6 This Whole People Caring about People Business
Rating: G - PG
Warning: Longer than usual, but it had to remain one story
Summary: Reid meets the Snyder clan
Disclaimers: Just checked my mail. No million dollar deal inside and no early Christmas gifts like all the rights to ATWT. Tomorrow could be a different story. Think not.
Big Thanks To:  ltklo, for unraveling my grammatical mess

With his eyes still closed, Reid was counting his blessings. Literally. Counting.
#1 This whole ‘does he like me and does he want me as much as I want him’-issue was finally resolved. There was no question about it, anymore. Only one answer. Yes!
#2 The physical consummation of their connection was beyond his imaginative powers. Everything he had been doing before Luke, had been just sex. Good sex. Even some great sex. But just sex. But this thing with Luke… he’d heard about it. He’d read about it. But he had dismissed it as ‘exaggerating’, ‘wishful thinking’, ‘too much romantic fantasy’ and ‘Hollywood’. And now it was his reality. Go figure.
#3 This whole ‘people caring about people’ business started to feel comfortable. It was still unexplored territory, but so far it was doable.
# 4
Hold the phone, why is he leaving this bed?

Reid managed to grab Luke’s wrist. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Luke let himself pull back and collected his kiss with great keenness, but sat up again and smiled.
“I was planning to make us some breakfast. I’m hungry.”

In his mind, Reid started adding to his list:
# 4 Luke is SO talking his language

“Do you need my help?” Please say no, please say no.

Luke grinned, as if he’d heard him.

“Do I need to get out of bed?” Please say no, please say no.

Luke’s smile grew bigger.
“Nope. You just stay here. It will be our first breakfast in bed.”

“Can I expect this every morning?” Please say yes, please say yes.

The magic was broken.
“Nope. I’d like an occasional breakfast in bed too, you know.”

“Hmmm…I’m having second thoughts about your new ‘Dr. Oliver approach’…”

Laughing out loud, Luke left the bedroom with a self-assured “Not my responsibility.”
Reid watched the empty doorway for a few seconds, a big grin on this face.
#5 Luke gets his sense of humour and knows how to make him laugh.

Smelling the bacon and eggs made Reid’s stomach noisy and just when he wanted to add something about cooking on his list, Luke’s phone rang. While reaching for it - wow, this bed was huge! - he heard Luke’s voice from the kitchen.

“Can you get it? I can’t leave now.”

Reid checked the screen.
“It’s your mother.”

“Let it ring.”
With a ironic ‘Bye mom’ he put the phone under Luke’s pillow and enjoyed the muffled version of Luke’s ringtone, that sounded like some musical tune.

It took Luke a few more minutes to walk in with a tray filled with goodies.

“Wow, you have this breakfast in bed thing nailed,” Reid licked his lips.

“Thanks. I hope you’re taking notes,” Luke gave him a look full of mischief and Reid rolled his eyes.

“I have a photographic memory, remember? But that doesn’t mean I actually know how to make this…”

“It’s not rocket science. You will figure it out, genius that you are.”
#6 Luke is a great sparring-partner

Reid enjoyed the meal and Luke enjoyed watching Reid appreciating every piece of food he had offered.
He’d totally forgotten about the earlier phone call, until he heard something that sounded like his ringtone, but at the same time didn’t.

“What’s that?”

Reid chewed a little faster, so he could say something.
“Probably your mother. Under your pillow.”

Luke shook his head smiling, reached for his mobile and nodded. It was his mom. Was he up for this? He looked at Reid, who shook his head.

“This is your call,” as he took another big bite.

Okay then. Here goes nothing.

Reid almost choked on this food. He never heard Luke answer his phone this cold. His Dr. Oliver approach was starting to get out of hand. It was confronting too. Did he sound like this? No wonder Lily thought he wasn’t the right match for her vulnerable son. He even stopped eating - for now - so he could focus on Luke.

“Really. And who’s idea was that?”
“I would have to ask, but I wouldn’t blame him if he says no.”

Luke covered his phone with his hand and shook his head.
“You won’t believe this… My grandmother wants to throw a dinner party to welcome you into the family. Tonight.”

“That’s nice of her, I guess,” Reid responded.

“The funny part is…my mother is calling, but she doesn’t sound very enthusiastic herself.”

“Quelle surprise,” Reid smirked.

“Do you wanna go?”
Reid hesitated. “Do you want us to go?”

“Out of consideration for my grandmother, I would.”
“Is this the business tycoon grandmother or the kitchen genius grandmother?”

Luke laughed.
“It’s Emma, the kitchen genius.”

“Count me in, then.”
#7 Luke’s family consists of a kitchen genius. And based on this breakfast, Luke wasn’t that bad himself.

After breakfast, Reid did something completely out of character. He took the day off. When he let the hospital know, nurse Stewart reminded him of the surgery that was planned early the next morning and although he hadn’t forgot, he thanked her.
“I’ll be there, thank you for the reminder,” he even sounded civil.

“You’re welcome. And Matt’s mother sent you flowers.”

“Who did what?”

“Matt’s mother. The young guy hit by a train.”

“But I didn’t do anything. Why would I deserve flowers?”

“Obviously you did more than you know,” Alison replied calmly. “I’ve put them on your desk. They’re beautiful. Or…” hesitation, “don’t you like flowers?”

Reid chuckled.
“What kind of cold hearted monster do you take me for, Nurse Stewart?”

“None whatsoever, Dr. Oliver,” Alison sounded bright and cheerful, “just checking.”

The chuckle transformed into a real laughter.
“I do like flowers.”

“I’m glad. You will enjoy this bouquet, then.”

After breaking off the connection, Reid looked up and saw Luke’s face.

“Somebody sent you flowers?”

With a quick pull, Reid launched Luke on the couch next to him.
“Remember the young guy, killed by a train? The guy who saved Doogie Hughes, basically?” After Luke’s nod, he continued: “I sat with his mother for a while and apparently I did something right, because she sent me flowers.”

“That’s nice,” Luke sounded a little ashamed.

“Don’t worry… your fit of jealousy was most endearing.”

“It’s childish,” Luke replied, “it’s just… all of this…” he looked around and stopped at Reid’s eyes… “it almost feels too good to be true… you know?”

“I know.” Reid’s thumb made slow circles on Luke’s cheek. “But I can’t handle this whole people caring about people business if I allow myself to focus on the fear of losing it all. So I just don’t. I focus on counting my blessings.”

“You’re right.”

“No, you are. Or you were. This is your wisdom I’m quoting. Remember?”

Luke did. “That was a pretty intense conversation.”
“We are pretty intense, Mr. Snyder. And I like.”
He pulled Luke closer and showed him how much he liked.
#8 Luke is a divine kisser

The Snyder farm kitchen was already filled up, when Luke and Reid arrived.

“There you are! Right on time!”

Emma came forward with open arms and before Reid knew what happened, she had planted a big kiss on his cheek and was rubbing his upper arms.
“I am so happy to see you. Heard a lot about you.”

“That can’t be good,” Reid gave a flash of a smile and Emma laughed.

“From Luke.”

“Then I’m hopeful,” Reid liked her honest eyes. “I’m glad we finally meet.”

He kind of expected her to move over to Luke, but she kept stroking his arms.

“I’m not affected by the opinions of others, Reid,” she told a whole story with those few words, “but I’ve seen the change in my grandson. I haven’t seen him this happy for a long time, but that’s not all. He stands taller. More proud of who he is. More sure of himself. More confident. More mature. And there’s no doubt in my mind we have you to thank for that. So welcome in my home and welcome in my family.”

Reid’s eyes did the talking. Thank you.

She gave him a quick nod and turned to Luke.
“Hello sweetie, I’m so glad you were both able to come on such short notice.”

Their hug was all love and Reid could hear Luke’s whisper in Emma’s ear: “Thank you for your support.”
Her response made Reid smile.

“He deserves it. I like him.”

Luke wasn’t stretching the truth with the ‘kitchen genius’ title. This woman knew how to cook! And Emma was over the moon with his appetite. Every time she passed his chair, she softly squeezed his shoulders and somehow it made Reid feel protected in this unfamiliar setting.
Apart from Lily, everybody was enjoying the meal and the company, until the kitchen door opened. Without looking, Reid knew who entered. Suddenly everybody seemed to feel uncomfortable. Everybody, except Lily.

“Noah! What a nice surprise!”

Luke’s hand on his leg pinched him a little.
“Do you want to leave?”

His whisper produced a quick smile and a shaking head.
“Nope. But I will step out for a minute. You stay. I’ll be just outside.”

Luke’s eyes begged him to stay, but Reid was already standing.
“Noah, take my seat. I needed a breather anyway.” He looked at Emma with a mix of reassurance and conspiracy. “The food was just too good.”

Her smile reached his heart. She was in his corner.

“No, no, Dr. Oliver…please…you don’t have to leave.”
Passing him on his way to the door, Reid gave Noah his famous neutral look, including the raised eyebrow.
“Yes I do. Do your thing.”

The fresh country air filled his lungs. He wasn’t lying to Emma…he really ate to much. He took a few deep breaths, but stiffened when he heard the door open and close. Was Noah already leaving?
He felt a cold bottle tapping his arm and accepted the beer with a calm “Thanks”.
Holden lifted his bottle to him.

“Are you okay?”


“Noah is leaving for LA and is paying his farewell visit.”


“Yes, it is,” Holden nodded. “Luke moved on and I’m glad he did.”

Reid had to admit: this expression of support was a surprise.
“I was under the expression that Noah was very popular in the Snyder clan.”

Holden smiled. “He is. He’s a good kid. But Luke and Noah as a couple…” he shook his head, “At some point it became a power struggle and for some reason Luke took the inferior role. As a father,” he took a sip of his beer, “that’s difficult to watch.”

“I can imagine,” Reid gave him a glance of a smile. “I watched it too.”

“When did you have …”

“From the start,” Reid replied. “Take one or two minutes.”

“My goodness,” respect was growing. “And all that time you watched Luke and Noah. That’s almost inhuman.”

“Ah well, that’s the existing opinion about me anyway…”

Holden ignored that last statement and asked: “How could you deal with that? With watching how Luke…”

“I love him.” Reid stated calmly. “And for some misguided reason Luke was confident that Noah was the only one who could really make him happy. So I had to let him find out.”

Both men were silent for a while.
“I’m afraid he was brainwashed and it had everything to do with my relationship with his mother. Lily and I were this fairytale couple. Most likely to stay together till the end. And for some reason we keep believing it is possible. We keep trying.”

“Even though you’re fighting a losing battle.”

It wasn’t a question and Holden looked Reid straight in the eyes.

“You’ve noticed.”

“It’s pretty hard not to…”

Holden shook his head.
“I feel so dumb.”

“You’re not. You’re human.”

“Unlike you?” Holden smiled.

“Not really,” Reid’s grin was inviting and Holden slapped him on the back.

“I’m glad you’re here.”

“So am I,” Reid took a sip from his bottle, but only swallowed air.
With a little pout he showed the empty bottle to Holden.

“Shall I get you another one?”

Reid shook his head.
“Thanks, but no need. I’m going back in.”

“I’m right behind you.”
Again, Reid felt protected. For some reason it was a pleasant feeling.

They made their way back to the porch, when Noah stepped out. With Lily. A quick glimpse through the window showed Luke in some kind of game with his siblings. Apparently the leaving Noah wasn’t worth his attention and Reid had to admit…he liked that.

“Dr. Oliver,” Noah extended his hand and after some hesitation Reid accepted. He still remembered - vividly - what happened the last time he had tried to shake hands with Noah, but looking in the eyes he gave back the light, he saw the change. Noah even produced a smile.

“I know things has been awkward between us, but I can’t leave without thanking you for returning my eye sight.”

Reid’s mind produced at least a hundred snappy remarks, but his mouth didn’t utter one of them.

“I’m glad I could be of help.” He felt Noah wanted to say more, but he didn’t want to hear. With a calm “Make some awesome movies, Noah” he passed the young man and stepped into the kitchen, where he was welcomed with more enthusiasm he ever encountered before. Fair is fair, he liked Luke’s kiss the most, even if it was a very quick one.

He stroke the blond locks and whispered: “Everything alright?”

Luke smiled. “Totally. You?”

“Yep. Had a nice talk with your father.”

“That’s good.”

“It was.” Reid looked around, “Where did Emma…”

“I’m right here, dear.” Emma walked in from the back and let a big pie dangle before his face. “I was hoping you’d come back soon, because I made this one for you.”

“I died and went to heaven.”

They all laughed and Luke caressed Reid face with a tender smile.

“What can I say? My man likes to eat.”

“I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” Emma wouldn’t win any prices with her imitation, but the pie was a whole different story. Reid held up one piece and winked at the older lady who watched him in delight.

“Here’s looking at you, kid.”
# 9 He had a family

The atmosphere changed when Lily walked into the kitchen. She watched Reid eating pie with a telling shaking head, but stopped when she intercepted Luke’s look. She knew she was being childish, but she was so annoyed that everybody seemed to adore Reid. So sad to see Noah go. So afraid that her fairytale-scenario of Holden and herself would turn out to be an illusion too. So scared of being left along. So reluctant to accept any responsibility for all of this and so ready to blame someone else. She had to lash out. She just had to.
She watched how Ethan climbed on Reid’s lap and something snapped.

“I know you like them young, but isn’t this taking it a little too far, even for you?”

There was no sound. For a few seconds the kitchen was absolutely, completely drained from any sound. Then the bomb burst and released outrage, disgust, dismay and pain in all kind of shapes and forms.
Luke’s chair fell down, when he jumped up. He cried, when he saw the hurt in Reid’s eyes.

“Let’s go,” he almost pushed his love to the door.

Suddenly Lily seemed to realize what she had said. What she had done. She put her hand before her mouth and looked at Reid. Ashamed. Embarrassed.

“Reid! I’m sorry…”

“Sorry doesn’t cut it,” his voice was calm, his look was cold.

His eyes found Emma’s and she understood his wordless “Thank you”. She blew him a kiss and felt a tear on her cheek watching Luke and Reid leave. The minute the door closed, she turned to Faith, who looked in shock.

“Faith,” her voice was firm, calm and loving. “Please take the young ones upstairs. I will be with you in a minute.”

Faith nodded and walked to the stair case. She didn’t have to say anything. Natalie and Ethan were right behind her. Silent and in tears.

Emma took a seat and looked at Lily.

“Emma, I’m s…”

“Spare me,” Emma raised her hand to silence Lily. She looked at her son, who took her hand in understanding. He knew what was coming.

“Over the years you made some choices that really hurt this family, Lily,” Emma started. “And I kept forgiving you, because my beloved son somehow keeps loving you. But I’m done. I’ve watched you hurt everybody I care for and I’m not gonna watch it anymore. I want you to leave right now. You’re no longer welcome in my house.”


The older woman was indifferent to her cry and turned to Holden.
“The kids can sleep here and you can pick them up tomorrow. Don’t bring her. I don’t want to see her.”
She stood up and without another word, she went upstairs.

Something bleeped and disturbed the silence in the car.
As if he woke up from a bad dream, Reid gazed at the driver.
“What’s that?”

“It’s my phone,” Luke sniffed to push back his tears, “it’s in my right pocket. Could you get it? I don’t want to crash this car.”

“You’re doing great,” Reid said softly and found the cell phone. “Faith sent a text message.”

“Please read it for me.”

“Staying at grandma’s. Doing okay. You?”

“Good question,” Luke sighed. “How are we doing?”

“I’m angry,” Reid shrugged his shoulders.

“Me too…” Luke was close to tears again. “I’m so…”

“You better not say you’re sorry, Luke. This is not your responsibility.”

“I know! Intellectually I know! But how can I stop feeling responsible? For crying out loud, Reid…she’s my mother!”

“Exactly. She gave you life and I will always be grateful for that.”

“But she…”

“Yes, Luke. SHE. Not you. She. Your mother has a lot of issues, that much is clear. But they are her issues. I refuse to make them mine. Or ours.”

They reached their home and after Luke turned off the engine, they stayed seated. Reid handed Luke his phone. He saw his hesitation to accept it, so Reid raised his eyebrow.

“Tell me.”

“I was wondering…” Luke lowered his eyes.

“Just tell me.”

“Would you mind calling Faith? I think hearing your voice is the only thing that would reassure them right now."

“Of course.”

Reid went back to the text message and made the connection. Luke was right. When Faith heard Reid’s voice, she cried out: “It’s Reid!” and he could hear the relief.

“I’m okay, Faith.” He made sure he sounded okay. “We just came home safely and we’re looking forward to a good night sleep.”

“I’m so happy to hear your voice,” Faith whispered. “We were so afraid you would leave Luke…”

“Leave Luke?” Reid had his hand on Luke’s cheek and smiled. “That is not an option, Faith. Not now and not because of this.”

“Thank God,” Faith sounded very sincere and Reid felt a warm glow. Okay, he could do without Lily, but the rest of his newfound family was pretty awesome.

“Do you want to talk to Luke?”

“No, that’s okay. You get some sleep. We’ll talk later. And Reid…”

“Yes, Faith.”

“Thanks for calling.”

Reid handed Luke his phone. “That was a good idea.”

Luke nodded. “You did great.” He gave Reid a little push into the car door. “Let’s go to bed. Early surgery on the agenda, remember?”
Reid smiled.
# 10 Even the most painful insult can be healed with love.

Previously on As The World Keeps Turning:

#1     #2    #3    #4    #5   

lure, word soap, fan fiction, rating: pg, romance, sylnl, atwt, drama, luke/reid

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