23 The Ghost of The Past

Dec 01, 2011 09:59

Word Soap: As The World Keeps Turning
Author: SYLnl
Title:  #23 The Ghost of The Past
Rating: PG
Summary:  Trust, hope and jealousy.  
Big Thanks To: ltklo, for securing my subjects.
Disclaimers: Yay! I can finally claim a character! So here it goes: (drum roll p-lease!) I created Dr. G.M. Who? Read it and you’ll know:-)

“Hello, my sweet. This is a nice surprise!”
When Emma saw Luke struggling with the door, she rose to her feet and helped him out.
“What’s all this?”

“Returning your pots and plates,” Luke smiled, “this bouquet is because you’re loved and this,” he gave her an envelope, “is the money we owed you for the groceries.”

Emma was happy with all of it, but the look in Luke’s eyes had her full attention.


Luke nodded and he managed a smile when his grandmother pushed him to a chair. “You sit down and you tell me what’s making you so sad.”

Luke shrugged. He only needed one word for that.


“What?” Emma almost dropped the coffeepot. “What’s wrong?”

“That’s just it! I don’t know!” Luke clenched his hands at the coffee mug, but the heat didn’t warm him.

Emma sat next to him, stroking his back. She hadn’t seen this one coming. They looked so happy together, yesterday. Although… she had to admit she’d felt something ‘off’ between Luke and Reid when they all had moved into the living room.

“Do you want to tell me what happened? Maybe we can make some sense of it, together.”

“That’s what I tried to explain to Reid, just now!” Luke felt so frustrated, he slammed the table, “But nooooo, he needs space to think this through on his own.”

“But Luke,” Emma touched his cheek, “That’s probably how Reid solved his problems his whole life… on his own. He didn’t have this support system you have, dear. Don’t make it so personal.”

“Well, it feels personal,” Luke grumbled, but Emma’s explanation did made sense and calmed him down a little.

“Anyway…something happened yesterday. I know I made him angry.”

“When did you manage to do that? When I left the dining room, he was very loving and concerned about you.”

Luke nodded, looking shamefaced.

“I was upset and then Reid was defending my mother and I snapped at him.”

“I see,” Emma smiled.

“And then he went all distant on me and I don’t know what to do.” Luke was close to tears and Emma caressed his hair.

“My dear boy,” she kissed his temple, “maybe you should trust Reid a little more. Trust his love a little more.”

Luke looked at her and sniffled.

“You think so?”

Emma gave him a nod. “I do. Not only is his love for you all over his face when he looks at you, but look what he did, yesterday. That little party was all about you. He wanted you to be surrounded by family and friends, because he knows that’s what you love. And if that’s not enough to trust his love, remember what he said to your mother?”

Luke seemed confused, but all of a sudden the memory came flushing back in. “I won’t leave Luke. Not even if my life depends on it.” The oppressed tears found their way out. Reid was looking straight into the barrel of a gun and refused to lie about his feelings even then!

“Oh my God, he really loves me, doesn’t he?”

Emma smiled. “There’s no doubt in my mind, sweetie. I loved what you told Lily about loving the whole package and it made me realize that that’s why I like Reid so much. He loves you for who you are, not for what he thinks you should or could be.”

Luke nodded. His smile was radiant again. Yes. He had to trust Reid’s love more.
He hugged his grandmother.

“Thank you so much. I needed this.”

“I’m glad I could help, sweetheart. Now you go and find Reid and…”

She was interrupted by Luke’s phone and saw his initial smile - “It’s Reid” - fade when he read the text message.

“Something wrong?” Emma looked worried.

Luke shook his head. “Not really. Just a little snag.”


Reid didn’t like anonymous callers, but he answered anyway.


“Hi Reid,” the male voice made him frown. It sounded familiar, but he couldn’t place it.

“It’s Gary. Gary Morgan.”

In spite of his inability to remember names, this one immediately rang a bell. He leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes and saw Gary Morgan as clear as if he’d seen him yesterday. The Ghost of The Past.

“Morgan,” Reid forced himself to sound calm, “It’s been awhile.”

The man laughed. Carelessly.

“Yes, it is. Did you miss me?”

Not really. Okay, he’d missed the unconditional sex for a while, but he didn’t want to go there. So Reid ignored the question.

“What can I do for you?”

Gary Morgan chuckled, not the least intimidated.

“I’ve heard about some openings at Oakdale’s new neuro wing and since I found out you’re gonna run it, I can’t think about anything else. I would really love to… work with you again.”

The little pause didn’t go unnoticed.

“If it’s really the work you’re after, I’m more than happy to discuss it with you.”

“Now? Over drinks?”

Gary Morgan still didn’t waste any time. Reid smiled. It was one of the things he’d like about this man.

“You’re in Oakhell?”

“Where?” Gary laughed out loud. “My God, Reid…if you hate this place so much, why didn’t you come back to Dallas?”

“A lot of reasons,” Reid smiled. “I’ll tell you later. Where are you? Lakeview?”

“That’s it. See you in the bar?”

“I’ll be there.”

He disconnected the call and sent Luke a text.


“In a business meeting at LV. Feel free to join. Neuro wing stuff. Love you.”

Luke looked at his grandmother.

“What do you think, grandma… should I go?”

“What do you think?.” Emma smiled.

“I’m not really in the mood for a business meeting, but I do long to see Reid.” He nodded, “So I’ll go and join him.”

Emma kissed him on his cheek.

“You do that.”


Seeing him again was strange, but okay. Reid’s smile was genuine when he shook Gary’s hand and he meant every word of his “Good to see you again.”

“Same here. Still looking hot, Oliver.”

Reid smiled, ordered a drink and pointed at a table.

“Let’s sit down.”

Gary Morgan swallowed hard, following Reid to the table. He shouldn’t feel so disappointed. He could hear Reid’s voice in his head. “If it’s really the work you’re after…” It hadn’t left much room for misinterpretations, but he still had some hope. Until now.

“So tell me. What’s his name?”

Reid grinned and Gary held his breath. It was even worse than he thought and he wouldn’t have believed it if he didn’t see it for himself. Reid was in love. Deeply in love.

“His name is Luke,” Reid’s eyes lit up, mentioning his name. “Luke Snyder. We’re living together.”

Okay. Somebody kill me. Kill me right now.

“Living together?” Gary didn’t even recognize his own voice. “That’s quite a turnaround for someone who didn’t do relationships.”

“I know,” Reid was still smiling. “It hit me by surprise…”

“I can imagine,” Gary bit his lip. He felt hit too. Hit hard. “The name sounds familiar, somehow. Luke Snyder…”

“His foundation is financially backing the neuro wing,” Reid explained and Gary gave him a nod.

“Ah yes, the Luke Snyder Foundation. So your guy is doing a lot of important stuff…”

Reid kept smiling. “He is. He…”

He saw Luke come in and only had eyes for him.
Gary Morgan tried to hide the pain of watching Reid all in awe of this … hold on… boy?

“I never knew you liked them this young.”

Oh God. Did he really say it out loud? They were meant to be just thoughts, but he said it out loud, didn’t he? Yes, he did. He could see it in Reid’s eyes. He could hear it in Luke’s remark.

Without giving Gary the time of day, Luke looked at Reid and smiled.

“I never knew you liked them this disrespectful.”


Trying to save face, Gary extended his hand.

“Please forgive me. Jealousy took over, I’m afraid.”

To his surprise, Luke took his hand. It was a short and firm handshake.

“You’re forgiven. I would go crazy too if I had to watch Reid in love with someone else.”

Gary smiled. The underlying message was loud and clear. I’m not intimidated by you.

Luke, still standing, turned to Reid.

“But I do think there’s a misunderstanding, because I was under the impression…”

Reid smiled.

“No, this is the business meeting I texted you about. Gary Morgan worked with me in Dallas and heard about the neuro wing.”

“I see,” Luke hesitated. Emma’s words echoed in his head. Maybe you should trust Reid a little more. This was the perfect opportunity to do just that. He looked at Gary, smiling, and turned back to Reid.

“You’re the one who has to work with him, so this is really your decision to make. It’s okay by me, whatever your choice is.” He leaned forward, kissed Reid softly on the lips and touched his chin. “See you at home.”

He turned to Gary. “Dr. Morgan. Until we meet again.”

And before Reid could stop him, Luke was gone.

“Wow,” Gary watched him leave, “I can see why…”

“What was that crack about his age about?”

Gary blushed.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it to come out…”

“Newsflash. It did.”

“Again, I’m sorry. But your age gap is what… 10 years?”

“It’s just numbers,” Reid shrugged, still visibly annoyed. “Some guys in their twenties are wise souls and some men in their thirties behave like five year olds.”

Ouch again.

“I was out of line, you’re right. I’ll understand if I blew my chances at the hospital.” Gary looked sincerely ashamed and Reid smiled.

“You’re an excellent doctor, Gary. But this will only work if you’re professional about it. Anything else will not do.”

“I understand. I’ll let you know,” he stood up and they shook hands. “And whatever happens, it was good to see you again. I’m glad you’re so happy.”

“Thanks. I wish you the same, Morgan.”

After watching Reid leave, Gary Morgan sank back in this chair. He asked the passing waiter for a whiskey. Letting go of Reid required a little help and the fluid did just that. After one sip, Gary realized something. He didn’t have to let go. Reid had never been really his to begin with.


When he arrived at their gate, Reid intercepted the pizza guy and smiled at the two boxes. Luke had expected him home for dinner and he liked that confidence.
After closing the front door and hanging up his coat, he went looking for Luke.
He found him lying of the sofa near the fireplace and leaned over to kiss him.

“Hey you.”

“Hi,” Luke stuck his noise up, “Do I smell pizza?”

“Yep, I ran into the guy at the gate.”

“Ah, I was wondering what was keeping him,” Luke stood up and looked a little lost, so Reid pulled him in his arms.

“I love you.”

“And I love you,” Luke gave him a quick kiss. “I guess you figured it out?”

Reid nodded. “It was my self defense mechanism yet again,” he explained. “You hurt my feelings and ploink,” Reid snapped his fingers, “the whole thing was up and running again.”

“I’m sorry…I really didn’t…”

“Sttt,” Reid put his index finger over Luke’s mouth. “You triggered it, but it’s my mechanism. Not your responsibility. For some naïve reason I thought I had dismantled that whole thing when we really committed, but obviously it’s still there and ready to go.”

Luke smiled and they exchanged a kiss that confirmed the Silencing of the Beast. Reid wasn’t holding back.

“That pizza is smelling mighty good,” Reid whispered after a while and Luke laughed.

“It does. Shall we dig in?”

Reid smacked his lips and then changed his mind.

“First I need to tell you something.”

“You and that Gary guy were lovers. I got that,” Luke smiled.

“It had nothing to do with love, so I don’t agree on the word, but it does cover the subject. But that’s not what I wanted to tell you,” Reid smiled. “The way you dealt with him was just…awesome. I love everything about you, but this self assured part of you does funny things to certain parts of my body.” He looked down at himself and Luke grinned.

“Oh really? That’s good to know. How about pizza in bed, then?”

Previously on As The World Keeps Turning:

#1     #2    #3    #4    #5    #6    #7    #8    #9    #10    #11    #12    #13    #14    #15    #16    #17     #18    #19    #20    #21


lure, word soap, fan fiction, rating: pg, romance, sylnl, atwt, drama, luke/reid

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