#24 Wrapped up

Dec 02, 2011 10:06

Word Soap: As The World Keeps Turning
Author: SYLnl
Title: #24 Wrapped up
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Just a little snippet to set the stage for new storylines.
Big Thanks To: ltklo, for intervening my irregular verbs
Disclaimers: All those ATWT characters I’m writing about? Nope, still not mine. Just having fun with them:-)

How did we end up here?
Not that he was complaining. Not at all. Luke smiled. He loved feeling Reid’s naked chest underneath his cheek and Reid’s muscular leg over his thigh. After extinguishing their inner fire, he felt nourished by the dancing flames in front of them, by the strong arm around him and by the warm comforter that was wrapped around them as their private cocoon.

He didn’t want to move. He particularly didn’t want to leave. But Mother Nature was calling his name. Loudly. So with a telling moan he forced himself to get up.
The strong arm and muscular leg had other plans, though.

“Don’t leave,” Reid sounded sleepy and Luke kissed his cheek.

“I’ll be back soon. I need to go.”

“Go where?”


Under protest Reid removed his leg and arm, but seeing Luke’s nakedness compensated a lot.

“Hurry,” he whispered and Luke grinned. As if he needed any encouragement.

On his way back to the couch he noticed their cell phones on the table and picked them up. When he placed them on the coffee table near the couch, Reid raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. Completely distracted by the beauty before him. He lifted the comforter and his smile invited Luke back in. Until the two bodies met.

“Argh!” Reid tensed up. “How did you get this cold this fast?”

“I don’t know. Maybe we need to check the heating system. It’s pretty icy out there.”

“I can feel that,” Reid actually shivered.

“Fortunately I’m back in the arms of my hot doctor, now.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere,” Reid grumbled, but Luke could hear the amusement and smiled. His skin was already warming up and he snuggled up to Reid even more.

“I could sleep right here and now,” Reid’s voice was all contentment.

“Before you do, I need to make a phone call,” Luke whispered and wasn’t surprised by Reid’s sigh.


“I’d really like to call Emma,” Luke replied.

“Now?” Reid repeated, but with some curiosity this time. “Enlighten me.”

Reid could feel Luke’s smile on his chest.

“She gave me some good advice, this afternoon, and I just wanted to let her know we’re okay.”

“You were worried we were not okay?”

“I wasn’t sure,” Luke admitted. “I thought I’d messed up.”

“Interesting,” Reid said as neutral as possible. “So what did Emma had to say about that?”

“That I should trust your love a little more,” Luke quoted.

“I love Emma,” Reid kissed Luke’s locks.

“I think that feeling is mutual,” Luke smiled. “But I left right after your text and I just want her to know I’m okay. We’re okay.”

“In my opinion we’re more than okay, but I’ll let you get away with it,” Reid chuckled. “Go ahead. Make that call.”

And Luke did. With his eyes closed, Reid picked up parts of the conversation and he smiled when he heard Emma’s joy. The sudden freezing up of Luke’s body took him completely unaware and he tried to focus on what Emma was telling Luke. He thought he heard Seth’s name and Brad. Brad?

Reid stopped trying to listen in and decided on waiting his turn, when he heard his own ringtone. Luke just finished his call and handed Reid the noisy intruder.

“It’s Bob.” With a deep sign Luke nestled himself back in Reid arms, while Reid took the call.

“Hello Bob, what’s up?”

“Reid! Sorry to disturb you, but Kim and I wanted to know if you two are okay.”

Hold on. The whole town knew about their little falling out now? Before he could reply, Bob continued:

“It must have been quite traumatic, yesterday, so I guess we were a little worried.”

Ah. Okay. That was sweet.

“That’s very thoughtful, Bob. Happy to report that we’re doing okay,” Reid stroked the skin under his fingers and smiled, “And that’s an understatement.”

Bob laughed. “Good to hear. Can I squeeze in something work related?”

Reid chuckled.

“You have my full attention,” Reid played with one of the blond locks on this chest, “Okay, maybe not full…”

Bob laughed even louder.

“Did Dr. Morgan get in touch with you?”

Reid nodded, realized that Bob couldn’t see that and answered: “Yes, I saw him this afternoon.”

“I understand you both worked together? Is he worth pursuing?”

“Only if he’s interested. I really would like him on board, mainly because he’s someone I trust enough to delegate to. As you know, that’s an important factor for me. But if he’s not interested, there’s no use in pushing. I need them motivated or they can stay away.”

“He’s interested. I spoke with him an hour ago. He speaks very highly of you.”

“Thanks for sounding so surprised,” Reid teased and Bob chuckled.

“I understand you two share some history. I guess what I really want to know…”

“Luke already met him and there’s no problem,” Reid interrupted him calmly and Bob laughed.

“You read my mind. Do you want to be present at my next conversation with him?”

“Not necessarily, not with Morgan. Other candidates…”

“But of course,” Bob broke in, “That goes without saying. Any ideas on when you will be back here?”

“I’ve signed off for at least seven days and if I’m not mistaking, this is just day four. Is something up or do you just miss me?”

Bob chortled.

“Don’t make me regret saying this, but I do miss you around,” Bob admitted, much to Reid’s surprise. “But you enjoy yourself. Demanding times lay ahead, as you know.”

“I know. Depending on Luke’s work schedules I will bury myself in the paperwork and I’ll know where to find you if I have questions or need some suggestions.”

“That’s good to hear. You do that. Take care.”

“You too, Bob.”

With a content smile Reid placed his phone on the table and clasped Luke to his chest. The murmur of approval filled his heart.

“Are you asleep yet?” Reid whispered and he felt Luke’s head shaking.

“No, but I’m very close.” It almost sounded like a purr, “I feel so relaxed.”

Reid fingers found their way into Luke’s hair again.

“No argument here,” Reid agreed. “I’ve never felt this relaxed with anyone. Ever.”

Luke smiled. “That’s good.”

“It is.”

“Did I get it right? Is Dr. Morgan coming to Memorial?”

“He’s interested, so if his requirements are reasonable, we can probably lure him in. You are okay with this, right?”

“I am. And if his presence will give you more time to spend with me, I can even see some irony in it.”

“So there’s a little mean streak in you, after all,” Reid softly laughed.

“Hell yes, and it’s not even little,” Luke replied, caressing Reid’s cheek and stretching his body to reach Reid’s lips for a lazy kiss. “So he’d better not try to mess with me.”

“He won’t,” Reid sounded firm. “I was very clear about that and fair is fair, Morgan doesn’t play games. But on a whole different note… what had Emma to say that made you tense up?”

“Oh! I almost forgot! This is the weirdest thing you’ve ever heard…”

“You’re sure? After living with you for a whole week, I’ve grown quite accustomed to weirdness.”

Luke softy nudged him, but his “Shut up and listen” sounded loving.
“Uncle Seth had that lecture this afternoon and he was approached by someone.”

“Shocking,” Reid mumbled.

Luke smiled. “To Uncle Seth it was. This guy was the spitting image of Brad.”

That had Reid focused.

“What? Katie’s late husband?”

“Him. And this guy claims to be Brad’s half brother.”

“Of course he does,” Reid grinned. Wasn’t this whole town related to each other, one way or the other?

“According to Uncle Seth he has some compelling evidence to back up his story and he has invited this guy to the farm tomorrow. Jack is still out of town, but Emma invited Katie too, because of the resemblance. She didn’t want to risk Katie running into him unexpectedly.”

“Very Emma. Very thoughtful,” Reid nodded.

“Exactly. He will arrive around two. In case you want to be there.”

Reid stroke Luke’s arm.

“I’ll think about it,” he promised. “I must say…it sounds intriguing.”

“I agree,” Luke kissed Reid’s chest. “Almost as intriguing you are.” He worked himself up, teased Reid with soft kisses around his mouth and then claimed his lips with a sighed “Almost”.

Previously on As The World Keeps Turning:

#1     #2    #3    #4    #5    #6    #7    #8    #9    #10    #11    #12    #13    #14    #15    #16    #17     #18    #19    #20    #21

#22    #23

lure, word soap, fan fiction, rating: pg13, romance, sylnl, atwt, drama, luke/reid

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