31 Cerberus on a mission

Dec 13, 2011 12:06

Word Soap: As The World Keeps Turning
Author: SYLnl
Title:  #31 Cerberus on a mission
Rating: PG
Summary:  Reid needs help
Big Thanks To: ltklo, for taking care of my tenses
Disclaimers:  Not mine - bla bla bla - ATWT - bla bla bla - fanfiction, and so forth.

He needed an assistant and he needed one fast. Reid sank into his office chair and squeezed the bridge of his nose. He already had permission to hire one, but he wanted the best and he had no idea where to find that. When Alison peeped her head in to check on him, he waved her in.

“Are you okay?” Ali looked worried.

“I’m tired and there’s still a lot to do, so I need an assistant and I need one right now. Please tell me you know someone who could come up to my high expectations.”

“Actually, I do,” Alison sat in front of him, “I think she would be perfect, but she doesn’t have any credentials to back that up.”

“Is she related to anyone I know?” Reid raised an eyebrow and Ali smiled.

“What kind of question is that? Of course she is.” Her grin was teasing. “In a way she’s even related to Luke, but that would take a whole day to explain, because of all kind of side tracks through adoption and marriage,” she laughed when Reid rolled his eyes. “But her husband Will is a good friend of Luke.”

“That must be why I never heard Luke mention his name, then,” Reid snorted, but Alison was not discouraged.

“Knowing Luke, he didn’t want to overwhelm you with his elaborate circle of friends, not to mention his family history. Don’t even try to unravel Luke’s family tree, because I’m sure you want to hang yourself at the third branch of it. But I’m confident you’re gonna like her and I’m very confident she’ll know exactly how to handle you.”

Reid grinned. “She sounds fierce.”

“She is. But she also very efficient, she has a good sense of humor and she moved back here a few weeks ago and is looking for a job.”

“But no credentials.”

“Nope. Fresh out of Southern Illinois State. You only have my recommendation to steer on.”

Reid looked at her. “Okay, get her here and we’ll see if I agree.”


Okay, he wouldn’t lie about it… he completely forgot about the whole job interview after an emergency surgery, but Ali saved the day by sending him a short text.  She’s here.

He quickly changed clothes, rushed to his office and found Ali in front of it, talking to a blond young woman. He introduced himself and her handshake was firm.

“Gwen Munson.”

“Sorry I’ve kept you waiting.” They walked into the office and sat down.

“No problem. I understand you saved a life. That’s a pretty good reason to be late.”

Gwen smiled calmly. After Ali’s call, she had hurried herself over here and had filled the waiting period with finding more info on this Dr. Oliver. Thank heavens for mobile internet. She wasn’t impressed easily, but she was in awe now.
On her break, Ali had given her some more personal details. His relationship with Luke, his demand for efficiency, his total dislike of chitchat and his integrity. “He’s a good guy, but sometimes you’ll have to dig a little to get there.” Ali had winked at her. “But you’ll do great together. I just know it.”

Reid nodded.

“Did Alison fill you in about the job description?”

“She did,” Gwen replied with a glimpse of a grin, “You need a gatekeeper.”

Reid smiled and Gwen was surprised how his whole demeanor changed when he did that.
“That’s a good word for it, I guess. For some reason almost everybody in this hospital lost the ability to make a decision on their own and they all want my input.”

Gwen laughed at his facial expression. It was obviously annoying him. A lot.

“Let me guess. You don’t like the distraction.”

“Spot on. I need everybody to do their job, without me holding their hands. And I need someone to tell them that, before they can bother me with it.”

Gwen grinned. “I can do that.”

Reid looked at her. “I believe you can.”

The phone on his desk began to ring and Reid leaned back, waving his hand from the phone to Gwen. The message was clear. Show me.

And Gwen did. As if she had a hundred times before. “Dr. Oliver’s office, this is Gwen Munson speaking. How can I help you?”

She listened, signaled for some paper and a pen, smiled when Reid gave it to her and started writing.

“I’m afraid Dr. Oliver is in a meeting right now, but I’ll make sure he gets the message.” She listened some more.

“I do understand, but I have strict orders only to disturb him in case of an emergency and this isn’t, right?” She rolled her eyes.

“I’m sure there’s another doctor you could ask.” She saw Reid write something down, could actually decipher his hieroglyphics and continued: “I’m pretty sure Dr. Morgan is around. If you really need help, you can ask him.”

Finally the caller hung up and Gwen saw Reid reading her note, nodding, turning the paper into a little ball and shooting it into the wastebasket.

“Excellent job, Mrs. Munson,” he tapped his pen on his desk. “When could you start?”

“I could start right now,” Gwen smiled, “I would like to call my husband to arrange a few things, but I am available.”

“Good,” Reid smiled at her. “If I’m not mistaken…” he focused on his pc screen and found the map he was looking for, “…yes, here’s a standard contract. Let me print it out for you, so you can look it over and we can discuss any changes you might want. Feel free to call your husband too. I’ll arrange an office space nearby and get us some coffee on the way back.”

His printer was already at work and he handed her the papers. “Don’t forget to read the small print,” Reid grinned and left with a content smile. This would work out. He knew it.


Reid loved coming home, but coming home to two strong arms and a radiant smile was even better. And something smelled good too. But the kiss was the best of all. When he came up for some air, he looked at Luke and smiled. “Honey, I’m home…” He then returned quickly to one of his all time favorite places to be: Luke’s lips.

“Hmmm,” Luke pulled back after a few minutes and caressed Reid’s cheek. “I’m glad you are. I heard you struck gold, today.”

For a minute Reid looked surprised and then he grinned. “Somebody has been blogging again…”

Luke softly pinched Reid’s nose as he walked into the kitchen to stir in a few pots. “Will called me,” he explained. “I can’t tell you how happy I am. Don’t you just love Gwen?”

“Well…I do like her, so that’s a promising step, right?” Reid sat at down at the table. “So tell me about Will. According to Ali, you’re good friends, but I don’t think you ever mentioned him.”

“That’s possible,” Luke looked over his shoulder for a minute, “But that doesn’t mean he’s not a good friend. He just hasn’t come up, yet. But Will was the first one I came out to,” Luke stirred some more, “Well, my cousin Jade was the first to know, but she guessed it and I confirmed. But Will was the first friend I really told.”

“And how did that go?”

“Pretty good, actually. With Jade too. She said something about love being love. And Will…” Luke smiled when he remembered, “Will was so calm. So wise. So Will. I made a problem out of it and Will said: It’s no problem. It’s who you are and that’s cool.”

Reid smiled. “You’re right, that’s pretty good.”

“Yeah, he’s awesome. I’m so glad he’s back in Oakdale and he really wants to meet you.”

“That would be great,” Reid closed his eyes, “but please not tonight. I’m beat.”

Luke walked over to him and kissed his hair. “There’s no hurry. Hectic day?”

Reid nodded, his eyes still closed.

“But with Gwen on board, things should get better from now on.”

“Yeah, Gwen will be a true Cerberus,” Luke grinned, ruffled Reid hair and turned back to the stove.

“Do I have to feed her honey cakes?” Reid grinned, showing off his knowledge of Greek mythology.

Luke laughed. “As if you would share them with her if you had any…”

“Good point,” Reid chuckled and opened his eyes when a delicious smell entered his nose and his smile grew bigger when he saw the filled plate before him.

“I’m thrilled that you like to cook, but I’m blessed that you’re so good at it,” Reid had the decency to wait for Luke to sit down before he start eating and Luke smiled.

“Thanks. I must say, it’s a joy to cook for you. Watching you eat is almost as much fun as cooking it.”

“Sounds like the perfect win win to me,” Reid grinned.

Previously on As The World Keeps Turning:

#1     #2    #3    #4    #5    #6    #7    #8    #9    #10    #11    #12    #13    #14    #15    #16    #17     #18    #19    #20  
  #21   #22    #23  #24  #25    #26   #27   #28   #29   #30

lure, word soap, fan fiction, !author|artist: sylnl, romance, atwt, drama, rating pg, luke/reid

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