44 The Ultimate Teamwork

Jan 13, 2012 11:21

Word Soap: As The World Keeps Turning
Author: SYLnl
Title:  #44 The Ultimate Teamwork
Rating: PG
Summary:  A wing for Luke
Big Thanks To: ltklo, for brushing up my grammar

Previously on As The World Keeps Turning:

#1     #2    #3    #4    #5    #6    #7    #8    #9    #10    #11    #12    #13    #14    #15    #16    #17     #18    #19    #20  
  #21   #22    #23  #24  #25    #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32   #33   #34   #35   #36   #37   #38   #39

 #40   #41   #42   #43

Luke didn’t want to go home. He didn’t want to leave the hospital. He didn’t want to let go of his doctor. But he knew he had to. Reluctantly and with a deep sigh he started to back out of their intimate embrace.

“I think we should give my whole retire-and-stay-in-bed-for-the-rest-of-our-lives-plan another think through,” Luke murmured and Reid moaned a confirmation, grabbed Luke’s hair and pulled him in for one last kiss.

“I thought this would subside in time,” Reid whispered, “this hunger, this need to be around you…”

“I know,” Luke pushed himself onto Reid again and felt victorious when the strong arms held him tight. He softly protested when he felt Reid backing away.

“I have an appointment in…” Reid checked his watch, “five minutes. I have to go.”

“I know,” Luke said again and this time he stepped back too and pulled his clothes back in its place. “I’ll walk you to the room… you know the number?”

“Let me check,” Reid grinned wickedly, “My brain is not up to speed yet.”

He watched his screen and looked puzzled. “This is odd…”

“What’s up?”

“The appointment disappeared. Let’s ask Gwen.”

He pushed the orange button on his desk, extended his hand and smiled when Luke took it. Together they walked across the corridor.

“Hey guys,” Gwen sent them a telling grin, “Glad to see you back on earth…” Without milking out this chance to tease them, she turned to Reid, “Did you notice the change in your schedule?”

“I did. What’s that about?”

“Mrs. Grenhorn had to cancel. She’s had the flu and she hoped she would feel better, so that’s why she called so last minute.”

Reid smiled. He normally didn’t like cancellations, but this was another situation. He was holding Luke’s hand and the extra half hour with him was a gift.

“Let us all say: thank you, Mrs. Grenhorn,” he suggested and tugged Luke’s arm. “I want to show you something… do you have time?”

“Duh!” Luke rolled his eyes, “What is it?”


After a quick goodbye, Reid pulled Luke out of Gwen’s office, through the halls, into the new wing. There he stopped, pulling Luke towards him.

Without a word, Luke took it all in. The tiled floors, the soft music, the lighting…he looked at Reid and returned his smile.

“Is it finished?”

“Almost,” Reid started walking again and Luke willingly followed his lead. They passed some doors that opened and closed without making a sound and they reached a room that took Luke’s breath away.

It had looked so clinical on paper. All the equipment that had brought a special light to Reid’s eyes, just by talking about it… and now it was here.
And Luke understood. It hit him hard. He could feel it in his bones, in his heart and even in the core of his being. He knew. In this room many lives would be saved. Many lives would get a future. Many lives would be altered. Right here. Because of the genius next to him.

He teared up and when he felt a kiss on his temple, he clasped Reid’s waist.

“This is SO awesome,” Luke whispered and he could feel Reid nod.

“And you made this possible,” Reid said softly and pulled Luke even closer. “So take that in, for a moment. By combining our strengths we created this, Luke.”

“We’re a pretty good team, Dr. Oliver.” Luke accepted Reid’s kiss with a huge smile.

“That we are, Mr. Snyder.” Reid kept his arm around Luke and turned them both around. “Come, let me show you my new office.”

“Please tell me it has the same gadget?”

“Of course it has!” Reid grinned. “Better yet, I liked it so much, we installed it in all the offices.”

Luke wasn’t surprised about the location of Reid’s office - he almost knew the floor plan by heart - but he was taken off-guard by the end result. It wasn’t as big as he thought it would be. When he shared his thoughts, Reid smiled.

“That’s because you’re only seeing half of it.” With a look full of mischief he motioned Luke to follow him, he opened a door Luke hadn’t even noticed and then Luke found himself in a separate room without windows.

“The hospital beds will be delivered the day after tomorrow and one of them will be placed in here.” Reid pointed at a spot in the room. “If, for some reason, I can’t go home, at least I will have a private space to crash.”

Luke nodded. He didn’t like the idea of Reid not coming home, but he knew it was a distinct possibility and part of ‘being in a relationship with a neurosurgeon’. He smiled when he felt Reid’s arm around his shoulders.

“You know I’d rather be home in bed with you.”

“I do,” Luke kissed him, “but thank you for saying it anyway. And it’s good to know you’ll have a secluded place to rest.”

Reid gave a quick nod and opened another door. “Bathroom and locker room.” He gave Luke a telling look, “So nobody can unwillingly or knowingly take a peek at me.”

“Another comforting thought,” Luke had to admit and they both laughed.

Back in the office area, Luke took a deep breath. “It’s mindboggling…” he looked around, “we did this, Reid.”

“Yes, we did. I’ll give you the grand tour when it’s all done, but the equipment arrived today and I just couldn’t wait to show you.”

“I’m glad,” Luke smiled. “I…”

A loud bang, followed by a soft curse, interrupted him and they both walked into the corridor just in time to watch Gary Morgan picking up some books from the floor. Had he been watching them?

“Hey guys, I didn’t know you were here too…”

Luke had to admit, it sounded honest enough, so he gave him the benefit of the doubt and smiled.

“What are you doing here?” Reid didn’t sound too friendly.

“I’m killing time, to be totally honest,” Dr. Morgan clung to the books as a life raft and plunged himself into the current of candor. “I’m organizing my office, because I wasn’t sure you wanted me to tag along today.”

“You’re bored,” Reid recognized the frustration. “Enough Hawaii?”

Luke looked puzzled and Gary explained: “Officially I’m not working yet. I’m volunteering in vacation time. So Memorial is my Hawaii, in a way. And yes, I’m bored. I guess there’s a good reason for accumulating all those days off…I don’t like vacations.”

“Let me fix that,” Reid pulled out his phone. “Ah Bob, it’s Reid… no, we’re still on for three o’clock…yeah, is it okay if I put Dr. Morgan to work on his own? He needs something to do and I need,” Luke, he thought. “some help,” he said. Reid’s smile was a clear answer and Dr. Morgan hurried off with the books and came back empty handed a few minutes later. Rubbing his hands.

“Okay, tell me what I can do.”

“Let’s go to Gwen and discuss what cases you can take over,” Reid winked at Luke. “Who knows…maybe I’ll be home for dinner after all.”

“Let’s make that our goal,” Dr. Morgan suggested with a little blush. “To make up for…you know.”

“We know.”

Reid took Luke’s hand again and after a short meeting with Gwen, a big chunk of Reid’s schedule magically disappeared.
“Are you sure you’re alright with taking that much?” Reid didn’t want to take advantage of Gary’s guilty conscience.

“Are you kidding me!? I’m so happy I can finally do some real work!”
Dr. Morgan sure did look happy enough.

“Well…this day is getting better by the minute,” Reid smiled and turned to Luke. “Still no reason for goodbyes. I’m meeting Bob in twenty minutes, so how about some coffee?”

“Dr. Oliver,” Luke seductively fluttered his eyelids, “are you asking me on a date?”

“Yeah, whatever. The coffee is free, so I’m ready to take a risk,” Reid faked disinterest as a pro and Gwen made a warning movement with her finger.

“Be careful, it’s already rumored about that you’re treating Luke badly…” She gave Dr. Morgan a quick look and Luke smiled. It was good to have friends like Gwen in his corner. She was a force to be reckoned with.

“On that note, we’ll leave you to it…” Reid gave her a quick grin, “So I can show the whole hospital what a nice boyfriend I am… I will even get him his coffee…how’s that?”

“Shocking,” Gwen said seriously, but the humor in her eyes was undeniable.

“I know!” Reid shrugged as he walked to the door, “All in the name of love…” He laughed when Luke threw his arm around his shoulder and bumped into him.

“Maybe an overload of PDA will start a whole new range of gossip…” Luke’s eyes told Reid he was game and Reid had to admit he was tempted. But his natural unconcern for the opinion of others prevailed.

“Who cares what they think. You know I love you and that’s the only thing that matters.”
Still clinging to each other, Luke and Reid waved a goodbye in general and stepped into the hallway.

“Okay,” Reid glanced around, “Let’s move quickly now, before someone sees us and…”


They both moaned softly. Too late.

“Hello guys,” Lily looked uncomfortable, not sure if she could hug Luke. She saw her son take a step back. Hugging was clearly not an option. She tried to narrow their gap by explaining her presence and good will. “I just had my first session with Dr. Michaels.”

“That’s good news,” Reid said calmly. “I hope it will help.”

“Me too, Reid. Thank you.” She smiled at him and for the first time noticed how blue his eyes were.

“Did you see Noah? He’s back in town, you know.”

Luke’s remark made Lily swallow. She knew he was provoking her. She could hear his anger. His hurt.

“I know and yes, I’ve seen him. He’s staying with me. Holden didn’t want him on the farm.”

“I see,” Luke’s voice turned even colder.

“I gave him Faith’s room, not yours. That didn’t feel right.”

“I don’t care. It’s not my room anymore.” Luke shrugged.

“I care and again, it didn’t feel right,” she turned to Reid with a imploring look.
“I didn’t invite him to deny your significance in any way, Reid. I hope you can take my word for that. But Noah is like a son to me and he needed a place to stay and…”

“It’s okay, Ms. Walsh,” Reid gave her a quick nod. “You don’t owe me any explanation, but thank you for being so honest.”

Lily looked a little relieved. “You’re welcome.” She hesitated and then turned to Luke. “Is there any chance we could meet someday and have a talk?”

Luke shook his head. “I honestly don’t know. Don’t rush me.”

“I won’t, I won’t,” Lily hurried to agree. “And please understand I hope to talk to the both of you…” She gave an unsure smile. “I’m off to see Damian, now. Bye…”

When she disappeared around the corner, Reid put his arm around Luke.

“Okay…second attempt. Let’s go…”

And this time they managed to reach the cafeteria without any interruption.

gwen munson, lure, lily walsh, word soap, fan fiction, !author|artist: sylnl, romance, atwt, luke snyder, drama, rating pg, dr. reid oliver, luke/reid

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