51 Commitment

Jan 24, 2012 11:37

Word Soap: As The World Keeps Turning
Author: SYLnl
Title:  #51 Commitment
Rating: PG
Summary:  If it works, it works
Big Thanks To: ltklo, for brushing up my grammar

Previously on As The World Keeps Turning:

#1     #2    #3    #4    #5    #6    #7    #8    #9    #10    #11    #12    #13    #14    #15    #16    #17     #18    #19    #20  
  #21   #22    #23  #24  #25    #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32   #33   #34   #35   #36   #37   #38   #39  #40   #41   #42   #43   #44   #45   #46   #47   #48   #49   #50

“Hmmm,” Reid displayed his contentment with a broad smile, “This is good coffee.”

“Asking Gwen to bring it along on her way to work was pretty…” Luke grinned, “genius, I must say.”

“I aim to please,” Reid chuckled, knowing it sounded very out of character. But somehow it was the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth when it came to Luke. His blond’s happiness was very important to him. Not more important than his own, but equally important at the very least.

“And you’re very successful at it,” Luke assured him. “For someone who didn’t do relationships, you’re doing extremely well.”

“Yet another talent I didn’t know I had,” Reid grinned without any false modesty.

Luke raised his cup. “I’ll drink to that,” he took a sip and repeated the maneuver, “and to Damian.”

Reid joined him in the toast. “I hope surgery goes well for him and his… manhood.”

Luke’s coffee almost went the wrong way. “You talked with Damian about… that?”

Reid rolled his eyes. “P-lease, Luke. That’s hardly an appropriate talk to have with one’s father-in-law, isn’t it? Even without the whole gay issue. But I’m pretty sure Bob had a talk about that with Damian. It’s a known risk factor.”

Luke nodded. He did research the operation and the risks. But something else stuck out for Luke and when Reid saw him hesitate, he lifted Luke’s chin.


“Well…I mean…” Luke blushed, “You referred to Damian as your father-in-law…”

“And?” Reid obviously didn’t get the confusion, “you don’t want me to call him that because of your falling out with him?”

“No, no…it’s not that…” Luke hurried to explain, “It’s just… it sounds very…you know…” Luke blushed some more, “committed.”

“Excuse me? We’re living together. How committed do you want me to be…” All of a sudden Reid started to see the light, “Wait a minute… it makes us sound like a married couple. Is that what you mean?”

Luke nodded with a goofy smile. “Exactly. And you told me you don’t believe in marriage, so I guess it took me by surprise…”

“Ah,” Reid leaned back in his chair and smiled. “Somebody has been jumping to conclusions again.” He took a huge draft from his coffee, leaned forward and looked Luke in the eyes.

“I’ve told you that I don't believe in weddings. I don’t belief in the ceremonial stuff, especially when it’s used for some sort of false sense of security. You never asked me how I felt about marriage.”

“Okay,” Luke accepted that, “So I’m asking now. How do you feel about it?”

Reid laughed. “Well, I assume it’s like what we’re doing right now, isn’t it? Living together, loving each other…And I feel pretty good about that.”

When he saw a glimpse of disappointment in Luke’s eyes, he took Luke’s hand. “What? Do you honestly think it’s humanly possible to be more committed to you than I already am? That a marriage license would make any difference?”

Luke shook his head, biting his lip.
“I don’t doubt your commitment for one second, I truly don’t. But marriage…I don’t know…to me it feels like this ultimate goal of a relationship…”

“The final frontier,” Reid murmured and Luke smiled.

“Yeah, something like that.’’ Luke shrugged, “I know it’s silly…”

“Not to mention illegal, according to the Powers That Be in our beloved Illinois,” Reid snorted and Luke joined his indignation.

“Don’t get me started on that one,” Luke grumbled. “But there are ways around that…if we felt like doing that,” he put forward cautiously.

“If…?” Reid teased, “not when?”

Luke made a face. “Last time I checked, a marriage requires two participants…so unfortunately I’d need you on board to turn the if into a when…”

“Was that a proposal sneaking through between the lines, Mr. Snyder?”

Luke smiled. He felt no need to hold anything back, so he leaned forward. “No, it wasn’t. Not yet. But that’s out of respect for your view on marriage, not out of any doubt or reluctance. I would marry you anytime, anywhere.”

“That’s good to know,” Reid kissed him firmly. “And I’ve heard you. Did you hear me too…on the feeling married thing?”

Luke laughed. “I did. I understand your view of a wedding has nothing to do with your love for me.”

“Good,” Reid nodded. “If it works, it works. And I happen to think we work very well.”

Luke nodded, noticed Reid checking his watch and push his chair back. “Speaking of work…do I need to leave?”

“Nope, but I do. I have a meeting in five minutes. You can stay here, if you want.”

Luke nodded. “I would like that, actually. I have a meeting in an hour and I need to prepare for it,” he lifted his bag and took out his laptop, “so I could use some seclusion.”

“It’s yours,” Reid stood up and pointed at his chair. “I’ll even let you sit on my thrown.”

“You’re too good to me,” Luke grinned.

“I know, but that’s just me, I guess…” When Luke passed him to take over his chair, Reid pulled him in for a quick kiss. “Don’t miss me too much.”

“Can’t promise you that,” Luke whispered, loving the characteristic soft ‘Reid-slap’ on his cheek, “But I’m meeting Kevin Broyd again, so maybe that will help…”

Reid feigned bewilderment. “Cheating on me, in my own hospital… today's youth…” Reid shook his head, “Ruthless.”

Luke laughed, walked up to Reid and threw himself into his arms, with his own hands behind Reid’s head.

“Well… that’s another point in marriage’s favor…the ring on my finger would prove that I’m loved, wanted and needed…” Luke teased him and Reid’s grin was wicked when he softly kissed Luke’s lips, but moved his mouth to the soft skin on Luke’s neck and started nibbling, kissing and sucking. Before Luke realized what he was doing, Reid stepped back and admired his own artwork with folded arms.

“There. Proof that you’re loved, wanted and needed…” Reid wanted to turn, but Luke held him.

“We can’t have people think you’re unloved, unwanted and unneeded now, can we?”

Reid grinned and when he slowly started shaking his head, looking at him with his intense and inviting look, Luke became radiant and went to work on Reid’s skin. True, it wasn’t a golden ring, but it felt pretty good anyway.

Before Reid left, he showed Luke the buttons on his desk.
“You choose. Red will prevent anyone from entering, orange leaves the door open, but everybody will know I’m not in.”

Luke picked orange, but started to question his decision after half an hour when he heard the door open and saw Dr. Morgan stepping in. Obviously startled to see him.

“Luke…I’m sorry… I didn’t expect anyone in here…”

“That’s okay,” Luke smiled. “Reid let me use his office to do some work.”

“I heard about your father. Any news yet?”

“Nope, but thanks for asking.” All of a sudden Luke remembered his match making scheme and made a hand movement to the chair. “Do you have a minute, by any chance?”

“More than one,” Gary looked curious, “my next appointment isn’t till three. Something on your mind?”

“Actually there is,” Luke raised his hand in a reassuring gesture, “no cold shower, though.”

Gary looked relieved. “I’m glad.”

Luke gave him a grin and continued: “I’m not sure you know, but we’ve purchased the plot of land across the street for a new housing development project.”

“I didn’t know, but it sounds exciting!”

“Yeah, it is. In a way you’ve been the trigger, because your coming here to work at the wing made me realize more personnel will come in from other cities and will need a place to stay.”

“Smart thinking. Finding a home in this town isn’t easy. And the prices...”

Luke nodded. “I know. It’s ridiculous. So that’s why I want to offer an alternative. Modern housing, as eco friendly and self-sufficient as possible and for a reasonable rent.”

“Okay, you have me in awe. What else can I help you with?” Gary smiled.

“I’m having a business lunch with two lawyers who are helping me with all the permit stuff and I think it would help them to hear your experience and ideas on what you would like to see happen. What kind of houses…”

Luke was improvising on the spot, but after hearing his own words, he was pretty pleased with himself. Morgan’s input could actually be very important and it gave him a great excuse to bring both men in each others orbits. How genius was that? At least, if he could get Morgan on board… but looking at the doctor’s face, he would not have any trouble with that.

“And where’s this lunch?”

“Right here in the cafeteria, I’m afraid. I don’t want to leave the hospital until I know for sure my dad is gonna be alright.”

Gary gave him a nod. “I understand completely and I’m glad, because I didn’t want to leave either. I want to be available for possible emergencies.”

“No problem. So you’re in?”

“Yep. It sounds like a great project and if you think I could be of any help…” Gary scratched the back of his head, “…I will gladly pitch in.”

“Great,” Luke looked at the dossier in Gary’s hand. “Do you want to leave that here?”

Gary blushed. “Yeah, that’s why I came in…thanks for reminding me.”

“No problem. I was the one distracting you in the first place,” Luke’s smile was carefree. “Ready to go?”

“Totally,” Gary followed Luke out the door, “And let’s hope there will be something eatable available today.”

It was a good thing Gary couldn’t see Luke’s smirk. If Gary only knew he was on the menu…

word soap, fan fiction, !author|artist: sylnl, romance, atwt, luke snyder, drama, rating pg, dr. reid oliver, luke/reid

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