52 Matchmaking hell

Jan 25, 2012 12:11

Word Soap: As The World Keeps Turning
Author: SYLnl
Title:  #52 Matchmaking hell
Rating: PG
Summary:  Dr. Morgan is not impressed
Big Thanks To: ltklo, for brushing up my grammar

Previously on As The World Keeps Turning:

#1     #2    #3    #4    #5    #6    #7    #8    #9    #10    #11    #12    #13    #14    #15    #16    #17     #18    #19    #20  
  #21   #22    #23  #24  #25    #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32   #33   #34   #35   #36   #37   #38   #39  #40   #41   #42   #43   #44   #45   #46   #47   #48   #49   #50   #51

In spite of their hopes, the cafeteria lacked any nutritional creativity again. With a submissive shrug Luke and Gary filled their plates and found a table near the window. It offered a great view on the fallow land Luke could call his own.

After sitting down, Luke glanced at the area and smiled. He could already visualize the houses and family center and the excitement brought a special light to his brown eyes. Dr. Morgan silently watched him. During their first encounter he had been struck the most by Luke’s age, but he no longer wondered how a highly educated and sophisticated guy like Reid could fall for someone like Luke. He understood. Completely.

The next thing on his agenda was to let go of this pipe dream he fabricated around Dr. Oliver and he had learned that letting go was basically replacing something with something else. Or someone with someone else. He needed to shift his attention. He needed to… hello…

It took a few seconds to register that Luke was standing up and shaking hands with an older gentleman and a very nice specimen of the human race that caught his eye. He realized Luke was introducing both men to him and he quickly rose to his feet and shook hands. The touch of skin made him tingle. He didn’t notice any reaction from - oh boy… what was his name again? Kevin something? - though, so he kept his initial interest close to his vest.

“Dr. Morgan agreed to join us to brainstorm about the new complex,” Luke explained, “He’s one of the doctors coming to Oakdale to work at the new wing, so he knows first hand what it’s like to find some living accommodation and maybe can provide you with new arguments for applying the needed permits.”

Both lawyers nodded and Kevin granted Gary a glimpse of a smile. “Where are you from, Dr. Morgan?”

“I’ve worked in Dallas for the last five years,” Gary answered calmly, while prodding his food.

“Dallas… isn’t that where your…” Kevin looked at Luke, “…uh…Dr. Oliver is from?”

While Luke nodded, Gary answered: “That’s the main reason I’m here. I’ve worked with Dr. Oliver before and it was an experience worth repeating. Especially with all the opportunities the new wing offers.”

Kevin looked at him with more attention this time. “Are you a neurosurgeon too?”

“I am,” Gary smiled.

“Fascinating,” Kevin mumbled and Gary couldn’t tell if the remark was cynical or not.

Luke watched the interaction with a feeling of oncoming disaster. He’d never seen Kevin this reserved and Gary looked on his guard too. What was happening? Matchmaking wasn’t as easy as he thought it would be…

Fortunately the older man took over the conversation. “Luke is aiming directly at hospital personnel as the main target group for the housing complex. As a doctor, would you like to live this close near your place of work?”

Gary’s smile was brighter, now  that it was focused on David Broyd. “I would. And not only from an altruistic point of view. In an emergency a patient would benefit from having doctors across the street, but it also cuts out any commute and that translates in more time to sleep.”

“So all you do is work and sleep, Dr. Morgan?” Why was Kevin sneering at him?

“Nope. I also enjoy some good food and drinks, so a nice restaurant and a 24/7 supermarket would be highly appreciated.”

Both Luke and David Broyd were making notes and the latter turned to the doctor again.
“How about a bar or club?”

Gary smiled. “We have those in town and I don’t need them at my doorstep.”

The older man nodded in understanding and looked like he wanted to ask something, when his son took the wind out of him.

“And will this housing also be available for other occupations or is it an exclusive hospital personnel party?” Kevin had turned his attention to Luke, who answered with a raised eyebrow.

“Where is all this coming from, Kevin?” Luke sounded calm, but his irritation was apparent. “Having a bad day or is it personal?”

Kevin’s quick glance at Gary didn’t go unnoticed and Luke saw his future career as a matchmaker fade.

“Both,” Kevin answered, ignoring the annoyed look of his father. “I guess I’m a little thrown by the unexpected… presence of Dr. Morgan.”

Was it wishful thinking or was there really a hidden meaning in that remark? Luke watched Kevin very closely. The man looked absolutely agitated, but he wasn’t sure that was a good sign. Luke noticed Gary narrowing his eyes and returning Kevin’s piercing look.

The tense situation was slightly lightened by the bleeping of Luke’s phone and seeing the ID made Luke grab it. Gwen’s text met his expectation:

-    D in recovery. You can see him. xxx G

Without any hesitation Luke stood up.
“I’m sorry for cutting this meeting short, but my father just came out of surgery…”

David gave Luke a fatherly smile. “You warned us this could happen, so no worries. We’ll reschedule. Go.”

When Luke was reaching for his tray, Gary brushed him away. “I’ll take care of that. Don’t worry about it.”

With a grateful smile, Luke nodded and after he left, Gary looked at David.

“If you don’t have any more questions for me, I’ll be off too.”

David’s smile was friendly. “Not at this moment, Dr. Morgan. Thank you for joining us.”

“You’re welcome,” for a minute Gary looked at Kevin, but when there was no indication of any courteous greeting, he shrugged and picked up the trays. Noticing David’s annoyed look at Kevin, Gary smiled. “And good luck with that one.”

Gary’s telling nod made David grin.
“I did teach him manners,” the man assured Gary, “I’m sorry you didn’t witness that today.”

“Me too,” Gary admitted and after a quick smile he left the cafeteria. Leaving the two man in a heated conversation.

After checking in at the nurses station, Gary turned to the coffee corner and pushed his way into a cup of hot chocolate. For some nostalgic reason that drink always had a soothing effect on him and he needed some comfort after the tense encounter at lunch. He almost dropped his beaker of solace when he noticed the devil's advocate coming his way. Had Kevin noticed Gary’s quick scan of the area for a way out? He raised a hand as kind of a stop sign.

“Please… Dr. Morgan… I owe you an explanation…”

Gary took a deep breath. “You really don’t. I’m not part of this project and I…”

“Please,” Kevin repeated. “Let me do this. Even if you don’t care, let me get it off my chest.”

Where was Reid when he needed some snarky remark? He couldn’t think up one on his own, so he shrugged and pointed at some chairs.

Kevin hesitated. “Is there a more private place we could go?”

Gary’s curiosity grew. Privacy? That was some kind of explanation this Kevin had in mind. Gary went into one of the empty examining rooms, folded his arms as a natural barrier and raised his eyebrow. So…explain.

Kevin closed the door and took a seat. After a few seconds Gary followed his lead and all of a sudden the whole setting changed. The arrogant lawyer turned into a heap of sadness.

“I hate hospitals,” his whisper made Gary lean forward and Kevin repeated his remark on a louder tone. “I hate hospitals. But I think I hate neurosurgeons even more.”

Ah, they were off on a good start, Gary thought sarcastically, and he nodded. His “Great!” was clearly nothing Kevin had expected, but then his confusion turned into an understanding grin.

“Yeah, I know. That’s a helpful explanation, isn’t it?”

“Very. And such a comforting thought, too.” Gary leaned back in his chair. “Especially being in this secluded space with you.”

Kevin’s grin grew. “Don’t worry. I’m harmless.”

“I doubt that, but please continue your touching ode to my place of work and profession,” Gary urged.

For a minute Kevin chuckled, but returned to a state of grief after that.

“My…” Kevin took a deep breath, “partner had a brain tumor and he died on the operating table…”

When he saw Gary frown, his face hardened. “Please don’t turn homophobic on me…”

Gary looked absolutely stunned for a moment and then shook his head. “Your gaydar needs some tweaking,” he smiled, “and so does mine, because I wasn’t completely sure either, but please continue.”

Kevin was speechless, though. Did Dr. Morgan just suggest… he took a deep breath and returned to his explanation.

“But this doctor…” Kevin shook his head, “…he had told us he could do it. He had done this kind of operation lots of times. Surgeries are always a risk, of course, but he never prepared us for this possibility of not coming out alive. It really…” Kevin shrugged, “screwed me up. It’s been a few years now, but my animosity is clearly fully intact…”

“Clearly,” Gary agreed. “And I am truly sorry for your loss. But you’re right… surgeries are always a risk, especially brain surgery. Even the best scans and tests can’t prevent surprises when you go in.”

“That’s what the doctor said too, afterwards.” Kevin’s anger was very present. “Everything he’d made sound so easy, was suddenly complicated now his patient had died on him…he didn’t even take responsibility. It was all part of the job.”

Gary nodded. He understood Kevin’s frustration, but he also sympathized with the doctor. Not pointing out the risks was a questionable negligence in his own book, but maybe the doctor had tried to minimize the patient’s stress. Gary hadn’t been there, so he wasn’t ready to judge.

“You agree?” Kevin watched him with disgust and when Gary tried to explain his view, the lawyer did calm down a little.

“I realize I’m very black-and-white about it and this doctor did come up with several mitigating circumstances to clear himself.”

“You sued him?” Gary guessed.

“Of course I did,” there was some amusement in Kevin’s tone. “I had to lash out, didn’t I?”

“Of course you did,” Gary grinned. “Well, at least it helped you deal with your overall anger with hospitals and neurosurgeons.” His eyebrows danced in mockery and Kevin laughed.

“Yeah, that was great therapy. Worked wonders.”

“Okay,” Gary was ready to wrap the party up, “I’m still not sure why you felt the need to explain all this to me, but I hope it made you feel better.”

“I’m not sure either, but it felt important,” the lawyer looked uncomfortable. “I thought I felt…” Kevin shook his head and stopped himself from finishing the sentence. And that intrigued Gary. He remembered the tingle when their hands had met for a handshake and it made him a little more daring than he normally was.

“You thought you felt what?”

Kevin lowered his head. “Please don’t…”

But Gary was on a roll, now. Stopping was not an option. This guy was too gorgeous and the attraction he felt building up was too promising.

“I’m gay too, Kevin. Does that make it any easier?”

“Hardly,” Kevin did lift his head again and their eyes met, “Because that opens up a whole different can of worms…”

“Excuse me?” Gary couldn’t help but laugh at that metaphor and luckily Kevin joined him. He had a nice laugh, Gary noticed. Soft, subdued and very manly.

Kevin took a deep breath. “Something happened when we… I mean…”

“Shook hands?” Gary decided to meet him half way, “Yeah, I felt it too.”

“You did?” Kevin was obviously surprised.

“Yep. I hope that didn’t wake up any more worms…”

Kevin grinned. “I can deal with the worms,” he rolled his eyes, “I’m a unscrupulous lawyer, remember?”

Gary chuckled. “Please enlighten me… are they better or worse than neurosurgeons?”

“Ahhh,” Kevin had to think about that one, “I think it’s a close finish…”

“I was hoping we just started,” Gary stated boldly and Kevin swallowed. When he failed to respond, Gary stood up and checked his watch.

“I need to go back to work,” he didn’t sound unfriendly, but the message was very clear. I’m not gonna beg. Before he could walk away, Kevin was on his feet too and placed his hand on Gary’s arm.

“After John I’ve been…” Kevin shook his head. “I’m a little out of practice…”

That honest confession unleashed a feeling Gary hadn’t felt in a long time. Was that really tenderness running through his veins? It made him smile with a soft glow in his eyes.

“No problem,” he wasn’t sure if he should take the lead or back off and he just kept smiling. Kevin’s hand was still on his arm and Gary could feel his skin respond. Please say you’re willing to give it a chance…

“So… uhm… dinner?”

“And here I was, thinking lawyers had a way with words,” Gary teased. “If this is your way of asking me on a date, the answer is yes.”

Kevin smiled, visibly relieved. “It’s all a bit overwhelming,” he admitted reluctantly, “but when can you…”

Gary left the room and motioned Kevin to follow him. “Let me check my schedule…”

Kevin was already working his phone to get this own agenda and with a wicked grin he proposed: “How about…today?”

Gary felt his heart make a little flip and he liked that. “Actually that would be great. I am on call, though. Wasn’t expecting any nice offers, so I’m on call this whole week.”

“No problem, I’ll take my chances,” Kevin assured him. “And I already hate neurosurgeons, so it’s not like you could disappoint me in any way…”

They chuckled and Kevin gave the doctor his business card.
“Just call me if something comes up.”

Gary accepted the card with a slight nod. “I will, but I hope I won’t.”

“Me too. Lakeview at eight?”

Gary smiled. “That’s a date.”

“It is,” Kevin gave him an intense look, raised his hand in a quick greeting and walked away. Not aware of the amused grin across the hall. With a pleased smile Gwen went back to her desk. So Dr. Morgan had found himself a date. She liked that and she also knew who would like it even more. She picked up her phone and sent Luke a text.

- Be proud. G and K? Date!

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