66 Party of the Passionate

Feb 14, 2012 11:34


Word Soap: As The World Keeps Turning
Author: SYLnl
Title:  #66 Party of the Passionate
Rating: PG
Summary:  The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Big Thanks To: ltklo, for brushing up my grammar

Previously on As The World Keeps Turning:
#1     #2    #3    #4    #5    #6    #7    #8    #9    #10    #11    #12    #13    #14    #15    #16    #17     #18    #19    #20  
  #21   #22    #23  #24  #25    #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32   #33   #34   #35   #36   #37   #38   #39  #40   #41   #42   #43   #44   #45   #46   #47   #48   #49   #50   #51   #52   #53   #54   #55   #56   #57   #58   #59   #60   #61   #62   #63   #64   #65

“This one definitely deserves a Top Ten position in the Most Fabulous Four list,” Reid grinned. He sure loved his numbers. He softly squeezed Luke’s hand and smiled at him. He sure loved his lover too.

Luke returned the blissful expression. Finally Reid’s flu had passed and they had celebrated in their own special way. The Party of the Passionate. While his hand played with Reid’s chest, his eyes wandered to one particular finger and once again he lifted his hand so he could look at the ring.

“Precioussssss.”  Reid’s Gollem impression made Luke laugh out loud and he covered his ring finger.

“Get away from me, Hobbit. I’m the Lord of this ring.”

They both chuckled and Reid kissed Luke’s forehead. He was pretty pleased with himself. The exchange of rings, a few days ago, had given his partner a special glow. Emma had been right. Luke’s personal experience with relationships wasn’t much to build on. His parents had walked in and out of each other a lot and his own try-out with Noah had been exactly the same.

‘My beautiful grandson is very insecure and that’s why he’s looking for outside confirmation. And although he knows marriage is no assurance either, it’s the only thing he knows that says: I publicly choose you.’

And Reid could feel it. He could see it in the way Luke’s eyes kept straying to his own ring and to the golden band on Reid’s finger. He had made Luke very happy. Reid closed his eyes, touched his own ring with his thumb and smiled. So he was a ringed man, now. For some mysterious reason he liked that thought. He…

The loud buzzer in the hallway shook them off their little Cloud of Contentment and Luke leaped out of bed, checking his phone, smothering a curse.

“I totally forgot… I arranged a special treat for you… I’ll open the gate. Please…get dressed…”

Before Reid could say or ask - or grumble - anything, Luke had rushed himself into some clothes and had left the room. With mixed feelings Reid pulled his pants on. He really didn’t feel like getting up and he especially didn’t feel like company. His muscles were still sore - okay, so maybe a number four hadn’t been the most sensible decision, it had been worth the pain - and he didn’t want to talk.
On the other hand, Luke had talked about a special treat. That made him walk into the hallway, just in time so see a large female, shaking hands with Luke and leaving the house again.

“You brought me Coach Beiste?” Reid whispered in Luke’s ear and the blond slapped his arm.

“Behave,” he hissed. “You’ll thank me later.”

Reid didn’t share Luke’s confidence about that, but smiled politely when the woman entered the house again and introduced herself as Trudy.

“So you’re the doctor that got the flu beating,” her eyes were bright and friendly. She tapped on the construction she brought in and looked at Luke.

“Where do you want me to do this?”

“The living room?”

“Okay by me. You can stay and watch, if you’d like.”

Was it just him or did this all sound very ambiguous? Reid frowned, but then calmed himself. This was Luke. He wouldn’t arrange anything weird. Would he?

He watched while a huge massage table was unfolded and then he looked at Luke, who had obviously been watching his reaction. He smiled, put this arm around Luke’s shoulder, pulled him in and kissed his temple.

“This is perfect,” he whispered.

Luke beamed. “I was hoping you’d feel that way. I ordered a treatment for myself too.”

“I’m glad,” Reid gave him a approving nod.

“Okay doc,” Trudy handed him a big towel. “I need you naked.”

The amused twinkle in her eyes and the fierce grin made Reid obey without any smart remarks. His body was still painful and he didn’t need those huge hands on an annoyed physical therapist. So he dutifully left the room and entered with only the towel around his waist.

Luke had stretched out on the couch and boldly whistled at him, making them all laugh.
Reid settled himself on his stomach and prepared himself for a firm attack on his body, but the opposite was true. With calm, soft and almost loving strokes Trudy kneaded his sore muscles and within seconds he started to relax.

“Ah, better,” Trudy softy acknowledged. “Just enjoy.”

Reid smiled at Luke. “She’s good.”

“Only the best for you, Dr. Oliver,” Luke winked, “you know that.”
Reid nodded with his eyes closed, surrendering to the smoothing movements on his skin.

“I can get used to this,” he whispered and Trudy chuckled.

“I don’t care how cute you are, I’m not moving in.”

They all laughed, but Luke made a mental note. This wouldn’t be the last time Trudy would be in their house. He couldn’t wait to experience her massage himself. After spending a lot of time in bed - without any physical action - to look after Reid, his body felt stiff and cramped. And looking at Reid’s relaxed and joyful facial expression this Trudy was exactly what he hoped she would be.

And Reid seemed to like her. Luke understood why. She was fierce, she was skilled and she talked about things that mattered.

“Had the flu long?”

“Ten days.”

“Wow. That’s long when you’re feeling bad.”

“It is.”

“Remember to drink lots of water when I’m done with you. You need to abduct.”

Reid nodded. “They’re pretty cramped up.”

“They were. They’re starting to feel better now.”

“Don’t tell me. You’re the Muscle Whisperer.”

Trudy laughed. “Something like that. So far they haven’t whispered back, though.”

Reid wasn’t able to tell how long Trudy had been working on him, but he enjoyed every minute of it. When he left the table, his whole body felt warm, relaxed and comfortable.
When Luke handed Trudy and Reid a bottle of cold water, he accepted and leaned in for a quick kiss.

“This was the perfect treat, Looker. Thank you.”

Luke smiled his radiant smile. “I’m glad it helps.”

Reid nodded, looking at his handsome man only covered in a towel. It worked like a time machine. Hotel room. Dallas. His first peek at this gorgeous body he now knew every inch of. They came a long way.
He kissed Luke again. “Enjoy yourself up there. I’ll go and change. Be right back.”

Luke still smiled when he found his way to the table.

“Do you need a rest?”

Trudy shook her head. “Thanks for asking, but I’m fine. My hands are used to it.”

Luke nodded and when she started the massage he let out a soft sigh.

“You’re pretty tense,” Trudy whispered.

“I worried a lot,” Luke confided.

“I understand,” Trudy softly replied. “It’s hell when your partner is sick.”

“It is.”

“I need you to let go now,” she started shaking his body a little. “Just relax.”

Apparently Luke couldn’t, because she starting coaching his breathing and after some deep exhales, Luke started to get emotional and Trudy rubbed his back.

“That’s okay. Just let it go, sweetie,” she encouraged him on a soft tone. She noticed Reid walking in and smiled when he walked up to the massage table and ruffled Luke’s hair. He then dropped himself on the couch and watched how Trudy’s big hands gently made their way over Luke’s body. Softly telling Luke he was doing great.

“This was an absolute stroke of genius,” Reid sighed and Luke crawled even closer, pulling the comforter over them.

“She was awesome,” Luke agreed. “My grandmother, Lucinda, recommended her.”

“Your grandmother knows how to pick them,” Reid nodded, thinking about their housekeeper.

Luke smiled. “She sure does.”

“You feel better?” Reid pushed some blond locks out of Luke’s face.

“I do. I feel at peace.”

“Good.” Reid gave him a quick kiss. “So I guess we officially survived our first real challenge.”

Luke chuckled. “I guess you’re right.”
“Thank you for taking such good care of me, even though I don’t remember a lot of it and I behaved like a… swine.”

Luke managed to withhold his usual ‘that’s okay’ or ‘you’re welcome’ and touched Reid’s cheek.

“You’re very lucky I love you as much as I do,” he teased.

“Luck has nothing to do with it,” Reid snorted with an amused grin, “I knew you couldn’t resist my charm. I was my brilliant self when I singled you out as the companion of my future life.”

“Oh no,” Luke murmured, “Now I have Mr. Collins on my mind, thank you very much.”

Reid laughed, softly pulled Luke closer and kissed him firmly. “Please allow me to erase him from your memory.”

And he did.

fan fiction, !author|artist: sylnl, romance, atwt, drama, rating pg, dr. reid oliver, luke/reid. word soap

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