84 The boy in the mirror

Mar 09, 2012 10:36

Word Soap: As The World Keeps Turning
Author: SYLnl
Title:  #84 The boy in the mirror
Rating: PG
Summary:  “If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change.” - Michael Jackson
Big Thanks To: ltklo, for brushing up my grammar

Previously on As The World Keeps Turning:
#1     #2    #3    #4    #5    #6    #7    #8    #9    #10    #11    #12    #13    #14    #15    #16    #17     #18    #19    #20  
  #21   #22    #23  #24  #25    #26   #27   #28   #29   #30   #31   #32   #33   #34   #35   #36   #37   #38   #39  #40   #41   #42   #43   #44   #45   #46   #47   #48   #49   #50   #51   #52   #53   #54   #55   #56   #57   #58   #59   #60   #61   #62   #63   #64   #65   #66   #67   #68   #69   #70   #71   #72   #73   #74   #75   #76   #77   #78   #79    #80    #81    #82     #83

How a life could change, Reid pondered while following Luke’s car home. Not even a year ago he was living in Dallas, alone, with only one passion. Work. And now he was heading home - home! - driving behind his husband - okay, not officially but certainly emotionally - and their son. That word still blew him away, although that title wasn’t official either. There was still a lot of paperwork to be done, but Tom Hughes was on the case. Very determinedly and confidently on the case, he might add.

‘I’ll make it happen, don’t worry about it,'  Bob’s son had assured them. ‘Only an idiot wouldn’t realize you two are the obvious solution.’

Personally Reid was convinced this town was a confederacy of idiots - lots and lots of idiots, with a couple of jerks sprinkled in - but this time he knew when to keep his opinions to himself. Much to Luke’s approval.

Reid smiled when the gates to their house opened. Almost home. This day had turned out much better than he had anticipated this morning. They were invited to stay for dinner at the farm and Luke’s siblings - being their spontaneous and active selves - had a positive influence on Danny. He had smiled a lot. Probably more than he had smiled all year. Maybe his whole life.

When Reid left his car and walked over to Luke, he could tell this day had been a little too much for their boy. He was sitting fast asleep in his booster seat and Luke looked puzzled.

“I don’t want to wake him up, but I’m not sure how to pick him up without hurting his back.”

Reid nodded.

“Can I try something?”

Luke smiled. “Please do.”

The seatbelt was already undone and very carefully Reid turned the boy in his seat. He put the child’s arms around his neck, put his hands under Danny’s bottom and slowly tilted him out.
Luke beamed. Danny had put his cheek on Reid’s shoulder and they looked adorable together.

“Oh my God, look at you two…” he whispered and Reid gave him a quick smile.

“It’s painful to feel how light he is,” Reid whispered back, his voice a little raw. “Compared to Ethan…it’s unnatural.”

Luke nodded, softly caressed Reid’s back in silent support and understanding, locked the car and opened the door to their house.

“Let’s get him in bed,” Luke couldn’t resist ruffling the boy’s hair. Without taking off their coats, they made their way upstairs but somewhere halfway Danny started to wake up. Reid could feel his body tense up, so he tried to use his voice to calm the boy down.

“It’s okay. It’s me. You fell asleep in the car, but we’re home now. On our way to your bedroom.”

He could feel Danny nod and although the small body didn’t relax, the boy didn’t protest either. If anything, Reid noticed he crawled up to his chest some more and Reid smiled. He had seen how Danny had watched him greeting Ethan and the narrowed eyes had shown curiosity, but also a certain longing. Danny was craving. And Reid was more than willing to oblige.

“Almost here,” Reid whispered and felt Danny nodding again.

When they arrived at the bed, Reid sat down holding the boy on his lap. He wasn’t sleeping, but he wasn’t really awake either.

Afraid to startle Danny, Reid softly pulled a blond lock.

“You need to change into your PJs, Danny. Are you gonna do that or do you want us…”

Danny looked at him with sleepy eyes. “You,” he whispered and Reid looked at Luke and shared a smile.

“Shall I get the ointment?” Luke was already on his way to the bathroom and Reid smiled, while slowly removing Danny’s clothes. He sniffed and pulled a face.

“There’s a little piece of Handsome in your shirt,” Reid teased and the boy smiled.


“Not really,” Reid friendly protested and Danny’s smile broadened.

When Luke came back, he helped with removing the pants and putting on the pajama bottoms, while Reid showed Danny the tube.

“Ready for this?”

Danny nodded, turning his back to Reid. When Luke saw the boy biting his lip, he offered his hand and Danny took it. Squeezing it while Reid tried to apply the ointment as gently as possible.

“I know it still hurts, but it does look a little better,” Reid reported and Danny turned to him.

“Can I see?”

“Sure…but we need to go to the bathroom for that…”

To their surprise and emotion, Danny tilted his arms a little and the message was very clear, so Reid leaned forward, put his hand under the boy again and lifted him up to his chest.

When they walked to the bathroom, Luke was already there with a small shaving mirror in his hands. While Reid was holding Danny in front of the big bathroom mirror, Luke positioned the little mirror in the right angles for the boy to watch his back.

Danny frowned a little, clinging to Reid.

“No wonder it hurts,” he whispered and Luke softly caressed Danny’s hair.

“Yeah, that was quite a beating you got there,” Reid said as calm as possible.

Danny nodded. “It was.”

He frowned again, pointing in the mirror in front of him.

“That one looks like Africa.”

“What?” Reid and Luke asked simultaneously and Danny chuckled softly and repeated his words.

Both men looked at the bruising and saw what Danny meant. They chuckled too. It did look like Africa.

“No wonder it hurts…you carry a whole continent on your back,” Reid snorted mildly and it made Danny grin.

“Yeah…” He shivered a little and Luke ended the mirror session.

“It’s way too cold out here. Let’s put your PJ top on and get you into bed.”

Danny nodded, resting his head on Reid’s shoulder again. They reached the bed way too soon to Reid’s liking. He wasn’t ready to let Danny go. To let this moment pass. But he saw the boy yawning and he slowly lowered him into bed.

“Dream about Handsome,” Luke suggested softly and Danny smiled at him.

“Hope so.”

Reid gave him the stuffed panda. “Here’s your friend.”

The boy nodded and pulled the toy against him. His eyes slowly closed, a little smile on his mouth.

“I have to…” Luke whispered and pulled out his phone. Reid smiled. He was glad Luke thought about things like that. This was a moment to remember.

fan fiction, !author|artist: sylnl, romance, atwt, drama, rating pg, dr. reid oliver, luke/reid. word soap

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