Ianto point of view picspam - Part 14d

Jun 05, 2009 15:33

Now to look at how Ianto views Jack in season two.

Images from http://www.torchwood.time-and-space.co.uk, http://www.stripedwall.com/gallery.php?dir=television/Torchwood and the fabulous

Again in episode order, starting with the relevant part of Fragments.

Part 1 a - Fragments | Part 1 b - Fragments | Part 1 c - Fragments | Part 2 - Everything Changes to Ghost Machine | Part 3 a - Cyberwoman | Part 3 b - Cyberwoman | Part 3 c - Cyberwoman| Part 4 - Small Worlds to Countrycide | Part 5 - Greeks Bearing Gifts | Part 6 a - They Keep Killing Suzie| Part 6 b - They Keep Killing Suzie | Part 6 c - They Keep Killing Suzie | Part 7 - Random Shoes to Combat | Part 8 a - Captain Jack Harkness | Part 8 b - Captain Jack Harkness | Part 8 c - Captain Jack Harkness | Part 9 a - End of Days | Part 9 b - End of Days | Part 9 c - End of Days |
Part 10 a - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang | Part 10 b - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang | Part 10 c - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang | Part 11 a - Sleeper | Part 11 b - Sleeper | Part 11 c - Sleeper | Part 12 a - To the Last Man | Part 12 b - To the Last Man | Part 12 c - To the Last Man | Part 13 a - Meat | Part 13 b - Meat | Part 13 c - Meat | Part 14 a - Adam | Part 14 b - Adam | Part 14 c - Adam


Adam - part d

Jack obviously doesn’t believe him and hasn’t locked him in the vaults. He is showing Ianto the best lie detector in the world. Ianto knows everything about Torchwood Cardiff, we have been told before and Jack has to explain this to him. Seems a little strange…

Ianto describes his memories for Jack.

When he finally looks at Jack, it is when he is distressed.

“It reads as truth.”

Ianto doesn’t want to believe it but his mind is telling him it is so. Jack tells him to continue telling him about the second girl.

He is focusing on the machine when reliving the memories, not Jack.

Just a wee bit conflicted.

Jack tells him that this is, “not you. Something’s changed you.”

Jack places his hand on Ianto’s shoulder as he walks past him, Ianto watches him.

Jack brings Ianto out into the Hub with him, but stays retreated into himself, watching Jack.

Jack has to physically pull Ianto to him.

Jack has figured it out, but Ianto is still disbelieving. He is again very closed off from Jack, shoulders raised and trying to draw in on himself.

Ianto is still standing very stiff, while Jack shows him Adam implanting memories into his mind.

He is starting to believe Jack. Slowly releasing the tension in his body.

As Jack gets ideas and moves around the Hub, Ianto follows, sitting up against the wall, very relaxed and loose in his body posture. Again, very unlike Ianto.

He is in a state of shock but from what Jack is saying, Ianto starts to get his own ideas.

So off he goes to do his own research, for the first time, apart from him looking in the diary we finally have Ianto being a ‘researcher’ his normal team role.

And then on come the lights, announcing that someone is coming into the Hub and both of them are unsure what to do. Who is it? Is it Adam?

Onto part e

jack-ianto, picspam, meta, torchwood

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