Ianto Point of View picspam - part 3 a

Dec 02, 2008 19:32

Now to look at how Ianto views Jack.

Images from http://www.torchwood.time-and-space.co.uk, http://www.stripedwall.com/gallery.php?dir=television/Torchwood and the fabulous cowboyhd

Again in episode order, starting with the relevant part of Fragments.

Part 1 a - Fragments | Part 1 b - Fragments | Part 1 c - Fragments | Part 2 - Everything Changes to Ghost Machine


Cyberwoman - part 3 a

Right this may take a while. Sit back, turn off every other program and get the download limit set on it’s maximum.

This episode can’t be done with just simple explanations of how Ianto looks at Jack without considering everything else that is going on in Ianto’s life that is about to turn to complete shit.

We know something is up from the very first view we get of Ianto.

No longer the calm, stoic, in the background and competent employee we have seen before. Or the happy young man enjoying lunch and talking about work with his workmates.

His fellow employees, that the other day he was laughing and smiling with, are enjoying themselves, but he is not

For a man who has been schooling his features and hiding himself well, his emotions are on the surface here, just waiting to be picked up by the others. But they don’t.

Jack tosses the basketball at him, knowing that Ianto is there, but not looking at him directly (a very Jack thing to do in the general Hub when the rest of the team is around). He catches it but doesn’t look at Jack or the rest of the team as they file past him happily out of the Hub.

Is this the look of a man about to betray people he cares about?

He then realises that here is a chance for him.

Our next view of Ianto is of him in the boardroom ordering pizza for the team, for the ‘normal time’ and mentioning that his boss thinks he needs to eat more vegetables. There was no reason to give them an explanation as to why he is adding an order of coleslaw to the normal order. His stance is looking down at the ground, at his feet as he talks. Just scuffing his feet along the ground, hand in his pocket. Not looking out over the Hub, just focused on the immediate in front of him. The hand in his pockets or on his hips is a recurring stance whenever he is opposite Jack. It is an unconscious movement from him when he is around or thinking about Jack.

Now how does Ianto stand when he is around Lisa, the woman he loves and has gone above and beyond for?

Arms at the side, a very neutral stance, being unthreatening. Last time we saw him standing like this was just after he had stepped in front of the SUV. Although his hands remain in an almost fist position, fingers curled up slightly.

He even at one point goes very closed body with his arms crossed when Dr Tanizaki is asking about Lisa as if she isn’t human.

Lisa wakes up and he leans forward to hold her hand and move his upper body towards her. Very attentive and loving.

What is most interesting here is that Lisa is really not Lisa at this point. She is totally conning Ianto to get what she needs, playing on his emotions. She really is the Cyberman at this point. Ianto is being conned.

What does Ianto do when Lisa interrupts Dr Tanizaki to state that he is her “boyfriend”?
He glances down and away to the left from her when she says it. He then looks back up at her with a small soft smile, but that very first reaction is very telling. Ianto at this point is conflicted.
Now there are no decent screen caps but 6 mins in on this video and that is the actual scene. To me it seems he is guilty and Lisa’s look is almost calculating. She is laying on the emotional guilt.

Ianto does his closed off posture with his arms crossed whenever Dr Tanizaki is working. We get our first look at nervous Ianto.

Ianto provides comfort by holding Lisa’s hand, his body leaning towards Lisa. Twice he shows physically his love for Lisa, with two kisses. One when she is unaware and later when she is breathing and ‘alive’. But now it appears the team is on it’s way back. Now we get to see Ianto react to Jack when Lisa is around. That will be in part b.

Part 3 b - Cyberwoman

jack-ianto, picspam, torchwood, ianto

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