Ianto Point of View picspam - part 2

Dec 02, 2008 18:38

Now to look at how Ianto views Jack.

Images from http://www.torchwood.time-and-space.co.uk, http://www.stripedwall.com/gallery.php?dir=television/Torchwood and the fabulous cowboyhd

Again in episode order, starting with the relevant part of Fragments.

Part 1 a - Fragments | Part 1 b - Fragments | Part 1 c - Fragments


Everything Changes

It has now been about 3 months with Ianto working at Torchwood Three.

No reason for this except that it is pretty

Well actually it is Ianto fully in on the act like the rest of the team as well. He is the one that Gwen meets first in the Hub, but she has seen the others out in the field not Ianto. So she is basically clueless at this point in time/

When Ianto does come down to join the rest of them, his professional mien is in place

He is introduced by Jack and he has a tight smile on his face.

Jack then tells Gwen “Ianto cleans up after us and gets us everywhere on time”. He praises Ianto and Ianto’s response is to preen and reply “I try my best”

Jack then walks across the Hub and throws away the line that Ianto “looks good in a suit.” Ianto’s response is to follow Jack with his eyes and state “Careful, that’s harassment, Sir”. Ianto is not upset about this harassment, in fact his expression states that he welcomes it.

This might be strongly considered as eye sex, but Jack isn’t looking and the other team members ignore or are clueless about the undercurrent of attraction. This is the expression Ianto uses when he looks at Jack and says “Sir”. But note that Jack isn’t looking at him and he knows it.

Jack then turns to give orders and he looks at Ianto to tell him to provide back up if needed. Ianto turns into the professional TW operative for Jack.

Chin raised, listening intently to his Leader. Here is a very early example of the “Loyal Soldier” that they call Ianto in Season Two. He is already showing some of it this early. There is respect for Jack and a willingness to serve him.

Jack trusts Ianto implicitly, here he is later in Jack’s office hacking into Gwen’s home computer. Ianto is seemingly very knowledgeable about the Hub and it’s environment.

So much so that it is Ianto who is putting the Risen Mitten and the Life Knife in the Secure Archives in Jack’s office.

Ianto then glances at Jack, a worried look upon his face.

It is from this look that Jack then looks to Owen and Toshiko to return items that they have taken out of the Hub. It is a look of unspoken communication between Ianto and Jack.

So in the space of three months Ianto has become integral to Jack in the Hub. Already Ianto is showing signs of attraction towards Jack, but he slips into a professional mode too. Then there is the final scene and the unspoken communication.

Day One

Gwen’s first day on the job is a bit of a balls up.

Ianto first appears while the team is in the autopsy room. He waits for Jack to finish speaking before interrupting, but he doesn’t use anyone’s name. He just clears his throat to get their attention and then provides them with details about the nightclub death.

When they are going through the CCTV he comes down from the gangway with the coffees for the team. He walks past the other three to make sure that he gives Jack his coffee first. He then stands around watching the rest of the team before making his suggestion. Involving himself in the investigation.

He looks at Jack as he suggest that he could do it the “old fashioned way”. Thoughout his whole statement here, he glances at all of them, but he is looking at Jack for that particular line.

Ianto unknowingly breaks up the tension by bringing Chinese for lunch for the team. He acts like this is a rare treat.

He acts like the little kid excited to be sitting with the others at the big kids table. Even with his bib on, it gives the impression of him being more child like than the others. The scene opens with him giving a full belly laugh, not the quiet reserved man that has been shown before.

He seems to be a part of the team, joining in the story telling about a previous mission.

As soon as Jack leaves the room and Owen and Tosh question Gwen about her knowledge about Jack, his demeanor changes. Back to being the quiet fading into the background person. All the better to observe.

His part of the conversation is to state that he “don’t care” about Jack’s sexual orientation and then when they are questioning where he comes from, he thows out an idea, puts them thinking along different lines in respect to Jack.

Gwen then notices Carys crying on the CCTV. She makes the comment “What are we doing having Chinese while a girl fights for her life?” The very next shot we have after Gwen saying this is a very guilty looking Ianto. His eyes flickers in Jack’s direction before returning to stare at the table looking like this.

Guilt about him enjoying himself and his team mates for a brief period of time while even further below Carys, Lisa is fighting for her life and Ianto forgot about her. That his first thought is to glance at Jack shows that he is still conflicted in respect to Jack and Lisa.

The next shot of the team shows that Ianto has removed his bib, and placed his chopsticks in the container. While a girl fights for her life, he won’t enjoy his lunch anymore. Watching Jack, waiting to see what Jack wants him to do.

Ianto is up in the Tourist office when Carys and Jack enter from the secret door. Ianto is living up to one of his promises from Fragments, when he asks Jack “Need me to do any attacking, sir?”

When the jar gets thrown over onto the floor, Ianto just stands there and stares at Jack. Where before he was leaning forward ready to help protect Jack he is now a little unsure what to do. Jack is obviously more interested in the jar and the hand than he is about Carys escaping. Ianto is seemingly more concerned about seeing what Jack is doing than an escaped alien as well.

Ghost Machine

Here Ianto is in the background, mainly doing his job. Bringing the team coffee

Which Jack declines!

Then while Jack is checking out the Ghost Machine and goes to seemingly push the button, the whole team protests, including Ianto.

Then we don’t see Ianto again until the following day, where the team is meeting in Jack’s office to go through what information they do have. Again Ianto is bringing refreshments. This time it is takeaway coffee and donuts. Is the takeaway coffee a punishment for not drinking his the day before? Note that there are only four coffees that Ianto is carrying. The day before he had enough on his tray to include himself, here he isn’t, but he does offer first dibs to Jack.

He serves the rest of the team next before sitting down by the window, until he pipes up about the possible other way of pronouncing Splott and eating very delicately

Again, off Ianto goes to who knows where and we don’t see him again until the very end when they are back after the death of Ed Morgan. Ianto knows where the glasses and the liquor is kept and knows only to pour one for himself and Owen.

He then moves around the desk to stand on Jack’s right side.

When Jack holds out the Ghost Machine, Ianto says “Secure Archives, right?”

Downing his own glass of scotch and glancing at Jack.

Part 3 a - Cyberwoman

jack-ianto, picspam, torchwood, ianto

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