Ianto Point of View picspam - part 3 b

Dec 02, 2008 19:39

Now to look at how Ianto views Jack.

Images from http://www.torchwood.time-and-space.co.uk, http://www.stripedwall.com/gallery.php?dir=television/Torchwood and the fabulous cowboyhd

Again in episode order, starting with the relevant part of Fragments.

Part 1 a - Fragments | Part 1 b - Fragments | Part 1 c - Fragments | Part 2 - Everything Changes to Ghost Machine | Part 3 a - Cyberwoman


Cyberwoman - part b

The team is back, Lisa and Dr Tanizaki are downstairs. Just like our very first view of Ianto for this episode, where the guilt was palpable on his face, again it is there.

He walks up onto the main computer station area, first looking at Gwen but his gaze lingers on Jack as he steps up and then he turns his back to walk past Gwen. Jack calls his name and he freezes. Jack asks if he can work “some coffee magic”, so Ianto carefully schools his features before turning to face Jack.

He gives him a very slight smile, as if he can’t help but smile at a Jack that is pleading with him nicely.

Up on the walkway and trouble starts. He knows what is causing it and has to lie to the team again.

His earnest face.

He goes down to the basement to discover the Lisa has attempted to upgrade Dr Tanizaki. He wavers back and forth trying to ignore all the evidence that Lisa is no longer there and likely hasn’t been there for a long time. At the perceived threat to the team, Ianto jumps to their defence, warning her not to go near them.

He tries to make himself believe that it wasn’t really her, that it was an accident. Her voice changes to be more cybernetic when she is asking “what will you do?”. Ianto is shown that she isn’t Lisa and he is refusing to believe that he has endangered others by his actions.

Now we get to the interactions with Jack.

Jack goes to shoot Lisa, but is stopped by Ianto

Gwen gets saved and Lisa has disappeared. He is in two minds still about helping Lisa and assisting the team to stop her.

He apologises to Gwen, avoiding looking at Jack.

Ianto turns back into Jack’s loyal soldier, standing guard at the door and leading Jack, Owen and Gwen through the basement. All the while not looking at Jack if he can help it. Placing himself in front of him so that he doesn’t have to look at Jack. When Lisa appears, he moves slightly towards her and then stays where he is with the rest of the team. Jack has finally started to twig what has gone on.

Ianto doesn’t seem so shocked and even though Jack is weighed down with Owen, he leads them back upstairs as Jack orders him to.

Once in the main section of the Hub, Ianto is in a bit of a catatonic state. Just wandering aimlessly when they first arrive, making no move to escape or try to find Lisa. Jack orders him to kneel and put his hands above his head. At this, Ianto is no longer in a catatonic state. This is not the look of someone who is subservient.

He cleans up their shit and complains that when was the last time Jack asked him anything about his life. Now he words it in such a way that he is addressing the whole team, but pretty much Jack and Ianto are just focusing on each other. The others could be wearing tutu’s or have been turned into ducks but neither of them would have paid any attention. That Ianto accuses Jack of not knowing anything about his life and yet earlier he mentions that Jack knows he hasn’t been eating enough vegetables. He has wanted the team to find out, he is trying to turn the guilt back onto them. That Jack missed him hiding things from him, that the death of an innocent man is not on his hands.

Ianto then tries pleading and explaining to the team, he finally looks away from Jack - first towards Gwen, the woman who sympathises with victims. He is trying to get the team on his side. He doesn’t look at Jack while pleading but at the others until he amends his “I” to “we” and owing her a cure.

Jack tells him there is no cure and that she needs to be stopped. He is, in effect, telling Ianto that if she does take over the world, it is Ianto’s fault; it was his human weakness that she is exploiting. Ianto pleaded before about working together and when Jack repeats back that they need to work together to defeat her, this is what he does.

Stands up and is defiant towards Jack again. The man who had held a gun to his head and threatened him and Ianto is not cowed. He draws Jack towards him with his defiance. Gun forgotten and these two are having a whole another conversation, under the words they are saying on the surface. Ianto does not want to give up on Lisa, deep down he is aware that it is all his fault, that he has blood on his hands, but he is lashing out at Jack. The man that he is fascinated by and who had distracted him from Lisa, made him forget about her for a time. He states that he isn’t giving up on Lisa, seemingly an accusation that Jack has given up on him. He asks if Jack has ever loved someone. Again it seems to be more about the pair of them and less about the others around them. Jack turns it back on him, telling him he needs to pick which side he needs to be on and if he doesn’t pick the right one, then he won’t make it out alive.

Ianto then pleads again to the team, that he can talk to Lisa, that he can save her, that she isn’t a monster.

Pleading with the team, body open and unthreatening.

Lisa appears and Ianto rushes to try to do the right thing in his mind, he wants to save Lisa that he worked so hard to rescue but he also doesn’t want to hurt more people. Again, the open and non-threatening body posture, arms loose at his side. He even gestures them in the way that most people do to show that they aren’t armed, that they aren’t a threat. He is, with his body, acknowledging that he is the mediator between two opposing sides - Jack and Lisa.

The more that Lisa speaks, he realises that she isn’t his Lisa anymore

He pleads with her, like he has been with the team and with her earlier. In the middle of his pleading he lets some of his anger show, and then it is back to pleading again. Finally he is tossed away by Lisa.

Part 3 c - Cyberwoman

jack-ianto, picspam, torchwood, ianto

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