norribeth fic archive

Jun 10, 2007 22:56

Norribeth Fanfiction Archive
compiled by artic_fox



& A fic list by nah_norrington
fics by aussiemozzie, clanne, erizabeff, june7rose, not_nahrrington, saime_joxxers, scarsandsecrets, and sword01.

& Heat Wave by tallulah daze ( [PG] AU marriage. His wife never seemed to be in the same place twice; not once after all these months of marriage.

& Manifestations of Love by mango schmango ( [PG] Post-CotBP. Fate was a capricious mistress. She was unpredictable and callous.

& Swallowed in the Sea by sketchy88 ( [G] AWE. In that moment he knew he could never have her; never keep her as he so wished he could.

& The Wedding Dress by breathe in butterfly ( [PG] AWE. James dreams of what will never happen.

& Not Mine by cucumbucaneer ( [PG13] DMC. He is torn betwixt two sides.

& Rival by penknife [G] DMC. James thinks he'd have more chance with Elizabeth if he weren't a sailor.

& St. Valentine and the Lions by commodore_lydia [PG] Pre-COTBP. Bored at a party, young Elizabeth regales Captain Norrington with the demise of St. Valentine.

& Forever to Seek Oblivion by allmightypen [R] Post-COTBP. His face filled with sorrow, eyes filled with remorse. Warning: Character Death.




& Heaven Before Death [PG] AWE. A take on James' final moments.


& The Edge of the World [G] CotBP. James has discovered the edge of the world in Elizabeth. AU; Elizabeth chooses James rather than Will.

aelan greenlead (

& The Consequences of Rum [G] DMC. The night the Black Pearl leaves Tortuga, Elizabeth takes care of an incapacitated James Norrington, and finds herself questioning everything.

alel (

& Slumming It [PG] DMC. James' drunken thoughts inevitably lead to Elizabeth.


& If Only It Was Meant To Be [PG] AU; DMC. Elizabeth helps Norrington as she looks for Will.

andrealyn (personal archive)

& Exceptions [G] Post-CotBP. James Norrington was sorely getting used to borrowed time, and was not enjoying it in the least.


& A Marriage Interupted [PG] DMC. Elizabeth is waiting to get married, thinking in the rain and someone arrives at the chapel. AU.
& A Moment's Weakness [PG] CotBP. James writes a love letter to Elizabeth never intending to actually give it to her.
& Sailor Boy [PG] Post-AWE. James and Elizabeth talk about the future and the missing Will Turner.


& Lamentations [PG13] AWE. James' last thoughts.
& Temperance [PG13] Pre-CotBP. James' thoughts during Elizabeth's debut.


& Oil and Wine [PG] DMC. In Tortuga, everything comes with a price.


SERIES: Expecting Someone Else?
[PG13] All films. There are always misunderstandings between James and Elizabeth.
& Love or Indigestion
& Sleeping With Ghost Pirates
& Not Dead Yet

& SERIES: Against Impossible Odds
[R] Modern AU. A naval nurse named Lizzie encounters bizarre officers and dashing bomber pilots in the Caribbean during WWII, and stumbles upon a past life that could change her future.
& Part I
& Part II
& Part III
& Part IV

SERIES: Our Wandering Kind
[PG]-[PG13] Pre-CotBP series. Following the lives of Elizabeth and James from when they meet on the Dauntless.
& The True British Climate
& From the Wreckage of Another Life
& Past Our Dancing Days
& A Modest Proposal
& Tempt Not A Desperate Man

& More Than The Sea and An English Wedding
[PG13] CotBP. Two part series, where Elizabeth has impulsively accepted the Commodore's proposal.

& Like Navy Men [PG13] DMC. In Tortuga, Elizabeth dwells on James.
& Choosing a Side [PG13] AWE. James says yes instead of no aboard the Dutchman.
& Ruthless [R] DMC. They both have nightmares, and neither will admit to needing the other.
& Amnesia [G] Post-AWE. Drabble. She finds him cast ashore like so much driftwood.
& 50 Ways To Break A Heart (Or Die Trying) [PG13] All films. 50 sentences.
& I Shall Not Care [PG13] DMC. Aboard the Pearl, James wants to drink and forget. Elizabeth, lonely and indecisive, wonders if she's been missing out on something right under her nose.


& Into the Fire [PG13]. Pre-CotBP. James & Elizabeth share a moment on the balcony.
& Requiem [R] DMC. In between scenes from Elizabeth's discovery of Norrington in Tortuga, to the Isle Cruces.
& The Ties That Bind Us [PG13] Post CotBP. AU. Scenes from a marriage.
& Unravelled and Undone [NC17] Post-CotBP, AU. If Will had not confessed his love at the attempted hanging of Jack Sparrow, how would Elizabeth's life have been different?
& Breathe [PG] CotBP. AU. When Elizabeth falls from the parapet, things go very differently.

SERIES: Circling Fate
[PG]-[NC17] All films. Elizabeth will be the death of him, but he thinks perhaps he is already condemned.
& Part One
& Part Two
& Part Three
& Part Four


& Too Long At Sea and James Returns [G]
Post-CotBP. Two part marriage fic. James has been at sea too long.

& Checkmate [PG13] DMC. AU. If Elizabeth had arrived at Tortuga earlier.
& Unrequited [PG13]-[R] Post-CotBP. She pains him in more ways than one. Unrequited.
& The Delicate Art of Living and Loving [PG] Post-CotBP. Elizabeth grows up and learns to live life without Will.
& On revient toujours a ses premiers amours [PG13]-[R] Post-CotBP. Elizabeth does not grow to love him, and his love for her makes him careless.
& "Oh, I think we can give him one day's head start" [PG] CotBP. Wishful thinking on the Commodore's part.
& Scratched Veneer [PG13] Post-CotBP. Will and Elizabeth's marriage is not the romance in fairy tales.
& Untitled [PG13]-[R] Unrequited. James' imaginings.
& Parley [PG] Post-CotBP. A how-they-get-together fic.
& Small Moments [PG] Post-CotBP. What would it take for Elizabeth to realize the depth of Norrington's love?

[PG13]-[R] Post-CotBP. Marriage is not a smooth path for James and Elizabeth.
& The Cheshire Cat
& Ghosts
& King of Hearts
& Trio
& Routine
& Fire and Ice
& The Road Not Taken
& All the Beggar's Horses
& Eclipse
& Pantomime
& Compromise


& Addict [R] Modern AU. Everything is perfect until her life train wrecks one night in a New York City hotel room.
& By the Time the Sun Rises [PG13] Post-CotBP. The night after Norrington allows Jack to escape and releases Elizabeth from their engagement.
& Love, or The End of Fairytales [R] DMC/AWE. Admiral James Norrington and Elizabeth have an encounter in Singapore.


& Seventy Beats Per Minute [PG13] DMC. What if Elizabeth stayed behind on the Isle Cruces with James?


& In the Storm [PG] Post-CotBP. James Norrington enjoys a storm and some unexpected company.
& Sunsets and Solace [G] Pre-CotBP. Norrington attends Lady Swann's wake and finds a grieving Elizabeth and tries to comfort her.


& Words [PG13]. Post-CotBP. For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, "It might have been."


& A Second Chance [G] Post-CotBP. James Norrington’s second courtship of Elizabeth Swann was a measured affair.
& The Wearing of the Green [R] Post CotBP. Norrington in a dress.

babitzka (

& We Learned the Sea [PG] Post-CotBP. Sparrow has escaped, and Will never confessed his love. The engagement between Ms. Swann and Commodore Norrington still stands.


& Peace [G] AWE. James reflects.

SERIES: Growing Shapes
[PG] Post-CotBP AU. What if relationships go another way than expected?
& Part I: The Cave
& Part II: The Smithy
& Part III: The Parapet
& Part IV: The Garden

captain morrigan savvy (

& I May Have Made It Rain [PG] Post-CotBP, AU. Marriage fic. She still weeps for Will.


& Regrets [PG13] AWE. She did not understand him; he always knew what he was doing.
& Dreams [PG13] Post-AWE. Elizabeth finds sleep a precious commodity.
& Storyteller [PG13] Post AWE. A father tells his children a bedtime story.
& Moments in Time [PG13] CotBP, AU. Elizabeth Swann never falls from the battlements. These are ten drabbles from that alternate timeline.

circe (personal archive)

& Leviathan [R] Post-DMC. A late night encounter.
& Searching for the Sea [NC17] Post-CotBP. His love for her is faithful love. She’s not entirely sure she deserves it.


& Three Ways Elizabeth Swann Could Have Been Happy, and One Way She Is Not [PG] All films. AU imaginings of Elizabeth's life.


& Untitled [PG] Post-CotBP. After Will's death, Elizabeth must rebuild her life.
& Untitled [PG] Pre-CotBP. Captain Norrington and the 16 year old Elizabeth meet for the first time in some months, and a confused attraction arises.


& Pygmalion, of Sorts [PG] CotBP. James Norrington muses on Elizabeth's refusal and the marble man he feels he is becoming.
& Bittersweetly Desperate [G] AWE. Who knew a single kiss could break her heart?
& The End of A Story [G] Post AWE. James Norrington will always be the ending of a story she’ll never know.
& Insanity [PG] AWE. Elizabeth, saved in body but now hopelessly lost in mind, tries to come to grips with the insanity of the world.
& We Never Found That Land [G] Post-CotBP. AU. Weatherby Swann dies and Elizabeth, bereft of family, is leaving the Caribbean.
& Chasing the Horizon [G] CotBP. Elizabeth Swann wants to head for the horizon, but before James lets her take the helm.
& Precious Things [PG13] Post-DMC. Lady Elizabeth Beckett is caught between two men and two versions of herself.
& Cheat [PG] AU post-DMC. Lady Elizabeth Beckett is triumphs through 'unconventional' means.
& Sea Change [PG] Post-AWE. On the Dutchman, Captain James Norrington is forgetting Elizabeth.
& Firstborn and Just the Same [PG13] Post AWE. Elizabeth's son Jamie might biologically be Will's, but it is clear from his first years that he is the legacy of a very different man.
& A Long Yuletide Eve [PG] Pre-CotBP. Elizabeth has a night to remember at her father's Christmas Ball.
& Ghost Stories [PG] Post-CotBP. AU. What if James had jumped after Elizabeth?
& Well Earned [PG] AU. Marriage fic. The Norringtons look back on over thirty years of marriage.

SERIES: Objections
[G] Post-CotBP. Commodore James Norrington decides whether to look on or stand up while the weddings bells are ringing for Will and Elizabeth.
& Objections
& Confessions
& Miracles


& Something Shatters [PG] CotBP. The thoughts going through James Norrington's head when Elizabeth takes her place at Will's side.
& Dance Card [PG13] AWE. Elizabeth stays in James’ cabin aboard the Flying Dutchman, and finds something surprising among his personal effects.

cryptically (

& A Pirate's Minuet[PG16] DMC. He has danced to this melody many times before, reveling in his carelessness.

[PG13]-[G] Pre-CotBP. A closer look at the relationship between Norrington and young Elizabeth.
& A High Compliment Indeed
& Chess With The Governor's Daughter
& The Dread Pirate Norrington


& Prince Charming [G] CotBP. Expectations are James Norrington's worst enemy.

darcy brandon (

& Swann Song [G] Post-CotBP. From his very proposal to Elizabeth Swann, nothing had gone the way it was supposed to have.


& Sins of the Past [G] A changed Elizabeth visits James in Port Royal.
& Old Loves Die Hard [PG13] Post-AWE. James Norrington must come to terms with a decision he made ten years ago. Will it destory his marriage?
& The Ghost of You [PG] Post-AWE. An old enemy comes to intervene in the lives of our heroes.


& A Far Better Fate [PG] All films. Three ways the story could have gone.
& Ice and Fire [PG] All films. Five times Elizabeth thinks that James Norrington is perhaps a fate worth exploring.


& The Garter [PG13] CotBP. AU. What if Norrington had jumped after Elizabeth?
& The Taste of Defeat[R] Post-DMC. It is always a power battle between James and Elizabeth.

east coastie1500 (

& Blue October [PG] Post CotBP, AU. Elizabeth visits a desolate tombstone.


SERIES: Redemption*
Post-CotBP. AU DMC. Elizabeth decides to marry James after all, but adventure is never far behind.
* because there is no active link for this fic, I have uploaded a text only version. Word format. When the link expires, please let me know.


& As Deep As the Ocean [PG] AWE. But sailors often talked of love as deep of the sea with a dreamy look on their faces.
& Just A Stage [PG] Pre-CotBP. James had already planned how he'd kiss her for the first time.
& A Grave Mistake [PG] AWE. James has made a mistake, and Captain Barbossa wants to help.
& Pity [G] CotBP. Elizabeth is scolding James for being a martyr, but he disagrees.
& Miss You Love [G] DMC. A revisiting of the scene where James applies to join Sparrow's crew.
& Stranger [G] Pre-CotBP. At nineteen years old, Elizabeth Swann was still timid around strangers.
& It Ain't Me Babe [PG] Pre-CotBP. He could feel his fingertips slide over the windowsill.
& Do You Believe in Magic? [G] Pre-CotBP. AU. James gives Elizabeth a gift.
& Regret In Times of Panic [PG] CotBP. A revisiting of a scene from Curse of the Black Pearl.
& Muddy Green [PG] DMC. He was there the whole time.
& Kisses, Chocolate and Cottages [G] CotBP-era. AU. Three drabbles.
& A Shakespearean Tradition [PG] Pre-CotBP. James and Elizabeth read 'Romeo & Juliet'.
& Parry Island [G] Pre-CotBP. James gives Elizabeth a gift.
& First [PG] AWE. James feels the irony of pain and the pain of irony.
& The Meaning of Life [PG] DMC. Elizabeth goes to take a moment alone on the deck and finds she's not alone.


& For My Sins [PG] AWE. Norrington escapes from the Dutchman.


& Absolution (series) [PG16] Post-AWE. Norrington moves through the afterlife and seeks redemption and happiness.


& Under the Veranda [G] Pre-CotBP. Sometimes the regulations were just too much, and so he hides.


& Entwined and Joined [PG13] AWE. It became too unbearable for Elizabeth.
& The Twinkling of An Eye [NC17] DMC. After a hurricane, Elizabeth and James end up on a deserted island.

SERIES: The Twinkling of an Eye - What If?
[PG13 - R] AU. James and Elizabeth are still stuck on the island. Alternative ending to original fic Twinking of an Eye
& Part One
& Part Two
& Part Three
& Part Four


& For Her Alone [PG] Post-CotBP. AU. A husband and wife share a quiet moment at the end of the day.
& Siren [PG] Pre-CotBP. Captain James Norrington returns from a Naval tour of duty, and finds himself facing a different kind of peril.


& A Bend in the River [PG] All films. She sails the sea in the name of freedom; for him, it's always been a gamble in retribution.

flourish (

& Lunatic, Lover and Poet [PG16] Post-CotBP. AU. Mrs. James Norrington did not want pity from her husband, and he was forcing it on her.


& Candlelit Wishes [PG] Post CotBP. Light a candle, make a wish, and angels will grant it.
& Untitled [R] Post-CotBP. AU. Elizabeth gets a taste of her reality.

SERIES: Unresolved
[PG] Post-CotBP. Elizabeth and James have a talk right before James' wedding ceremony.
& Part I
& Part II
& Part III


& Sunday Dinner [G] CotBP. Events prior to the attempted hanging of Jack Sparrow.
& South Wind [PG] The south wind blows someone of interest into the home of the married Norringtons.


& Dark Encounter [PG] Post-CotBP. Elizabeth has nightmares.

& Seconds, Delicious Repast, and Anything
[NC17] Post-CotBP. AU. Marriage fic. Marriage to James was different than she had imagined.


& Never Leave Me [PG13] AWE/Post-AWE. Day and night, she sees him.


& Bounded in a Nutshell [PG] AU. Post-CotBP. Marriage fic. Good news for husband and wife.


& Salvage, and Reconstruction
[PG13]-[R] AU where Elizabeth kept her promise to Norrington and Will went over the side with Jack.


& Lament of an Aphrodite [PG] All films. Elizabeth had dreams of a simple life, but her love of love shattered them.
& Haunting [G] Post-AWE. At night Elizabeth is visited by an old friend.
& Hallelujah [PG13] Pre-CotBP. AU. Take of the two characters, when a major difference happens to change the course of their relationship. Songfic.
& Changes In Time [PG] Post-AWE. Will gives Elizabeth the opportunity to bring someone back from the locker, but what happens when it's not who they expect it to be?
& Masquerade [PG13] Pre-CotBP. Elizabeth's 18th birthday party seems to have descended into sinful chaos, so she turns to a stranger for solice.
& Sunday; Wedding and Wig [PG13] Post-CotBP. Snapshots of Elizabeth's and James' relationship.
& Constancy [G] Post-AWE. Elizabeth is shadowed by her memories.

heavenxleigh (

& Breathe [PG13] Post-CotBP. AU Marriage. To think, it was James who was there for her.

hereswith (

& A Fine Woman [PG] Pre-CotBP. What made Norrington decide to ask Elizabeth to marry him?


& These Last Moments: Part One and Part Two
[PG13] AWE/Post AWE. What would have happened between James and Elizabeth if Elizabeth accepted his offer of his quarters on the Flying Dutchman?


& Blue and White [PG13] Pre-CotBP. Elizabeth runs away to escape an arranged marriage in England.


& At Sea [PG] Pre-CotBP. A flashback of the crossing from England.

honesty (

& Masks [PG] Post-CotBP. Sometimes when a mask slips, there is a whole world behind it.

horatia (

& Garden Party [PG] Pre-CotBP. More than just your average garden party for Elizabeth.


& The Things One Does For Love [R] Post-AWE. When Will decides to be stupid and obstinate, Elizabeth has her revenge.

ignited (personal archive)

& Prude [PG13] Post-CotBP. AU. Marriage fic. Contrary to popular belief, Norrington is not a stuck up prude.


& Forgetting [G] Post-DMC. Sometimes, love isn't as unrequited as you think.
& The Perfect Gentleman [G] Post-DMC. Elizabeth find her self wishing for her old life... in rhyme!

irish avalon (

& Barat Master [PG13] Pre-CotBP. Governor Weatherby Swann has a new piano shipped from England.


& A Song for the Wretched and Wrecked: Part One, and Part Two [PG13] Post-CotBP. Two part marriage fic. Elizabeth & James struggle to come to terms with marriage, and each other. Two POVs.

& Perhaps [PG13]-[R] DMC. He realizes that maybe he’s right, and they don’t know each other at all.
& A Suitable Distraction [PG13] Post-DMC. It hurts to think that the only wife he’ll ever have is the only woman he ever wanted and all of this for the sake of a pirate.

jennyo (personal archive)

& Yearnings Fulfilled and Unfulfilled [R] Post-CotBP. Marriage fic. James shows Elizabeth the benefits of corsets.


& Longing [PG13] Post-AWE. They both long for so many things.
& Watch Over Me [PG13] Post-AWE. Every night since his death, she had stared out on the water, and tried to imagine what could have been done differently.


& White, Silk, Melt [PG13] Post-CotBP. Elizabeth was left alone, but she still wouldn’t marry him.
& Out in the Moonlight [PG13] Pre-CotBP. Their first amorous encounter.
& Reflection [PG] Post-AWE. A young man reflects on the mystery of his life, the answer obvious to everyone but him.
& The Christmas Party [R] Pre-CotBP. Captain Norrington attends the Governor's Christmas party with an eye to propose.

SERIES: What Was Left Unsaid
[PG]-[R] AWE. Elizabeth manages to get James off the Dutchman.
& Part 1
& Part 2
& Part 3
& Part 4
& Part 5
& Part 6
& Part 7
& Part 8
& Part 9
& Epilogue

SERIES: Courting a Swann
[PG - R] CotBP. The relationship between James and Elizabeth turned out very differently.
& Part I
& Part II
& Part III
& Part IV
& Part V
& Part VI
& Part VII
& Part VIII

ladybug21 (

& What Dreams May Come [PG16] Post-AWE. James' voyage to the locker is not as straight forward as it could have been. Long fic.


& Countercurrent, Observed [PG13] CotBP. James Norrington, thinking on Elizabeth.


& Turner Pro Tempore [PG] Post-CotBP. Elizabeth/Will marriage fic. Norrington tries to put a good face on it.
& Pity and Scorn [PG] DMC. James and Elizabeth on the Black Pearl.

lirulin (

& Snapshots of Lives Interwoven [G] All films. 50 sentences.
& The Donkey, the Flight, and the Thief Who Wasn't [PG] Pre-CotBP. An adventure for the young Elizabeth.
& The Evening From Hell [PG] Pre-CotBP. An evening Elizabeth Swann depises more than anything else: a dinner party.


& Sorry [PG13] DMC. AU. James and Elizabeth don't know the meaning of the words "I'm sorry".
& One Night [R] DMC. James has only one night.


& Thought Often of You [PG13] DMC. James in Tortuga.


& Carpe Diem [G] Pre-CotBP. Elizabeth Swann is becoming a fine woman. James Norrington is starting to notice.


& Jocund [PG] AU. Marriage fic. Post-CotBP. He looks older than he is, James knows this.

meandering muse (personal archive)

& Worth [PG] AU post-DMC. Elizabeth and James meet again in Saint Domingue, after the events of DMC.
& What He Sees In Her Eyes [NC17] AWE. When he saw her a year after his betrayal of her, she was in chains calming walking up the gangway of his ship.


& For Honour A Heart's Demise [PG13] AU AWE. James Norrington battles friends, foes, deities and destiny alike to atone for his sins and destroy Davy Jones.
& Absence and Memory [PG] From pre-CotBP to DMC. She spent so much time searching for the heart of James Norrington, but it was not until he was gone that she was to find it.
& The Admiral, The Truth of the Matter, and A Good Man [R]-[PG] DMC. A commissioned officer is not a common sight on Tortuga, so the mysterious drunk wearing a tatty uniform causes a stir.

midnight raptor (

& In Dreams [G] DMC. He was running out of things to do, running out of excuses.
& Thank You [PG13] Post-DMC. Norrington has turned his back on his Navy life and fought for Jack and his crew against Beckett and Davy Jones.


& The Wanting Of It [PG] DMC. Elizabeth makes an impulsive choice.

miss kitty kat (

& My Duty [G] Post-CotBP. Norrington did not wish for an audience to this his unexpected little 'hobby,' for what use was a violin-playing commodore to the fleet?

melusina (personal archive)

& Second Chances [PG] Post-CotBP. Elizabeth and James discuss their impending wedding.


& Most of All [PG] DMC/AWE. Was this really what Commodore James Norrington wanted most of all? Missing scene vignette set at the end of DMC leading into AWE.


& Lesson [PG] Pre-CotBP. Norrington teaches Will to swordfight, and Elizabeth observes.

muccamukk (

& One Last Time [PG] Post-CotBP. James is leaving Port Royal.


& Birthday [PG13] Pre-CotBP. A birthday party does not go as planned.


& Only In Dreams [PG] AWE. Elizabeth used to awake from dreams about Norrington sick with dread and anxiety. One kiss changes that.
& Second to Another [G] Post-CotBP. James Norrington moved on and got married after having his heart broken by Elizabeth Swann.
& Of Mongrels and Raisin Bread [PG] Post-CotBP. Marriage fic. After seven months of marriage to Commodore James Norrington, Elizabeth is still miserable, but an unexpected guest changes it all.


& The Calm Before the Storm [PG] Pre-CotBP. Norrington and Elizabeth have a scene on the eve of Elizabeth's debut.


& Penelope [PG13] Post AWE. She isn't sure that she believes in true love any longer.


& A Matter of Standards [PG16] Post-DMC. James Norrington catches up to the Black Pearl six months after her reported sinking and Elizabeth strikes a tainted bargain.
& Joined [PG16] DMC. Things are not easy aboard the Pearl for either James or Elizabeth.


& Smoke and Mirrors [NC17] AU. Marriage fic. Hints of slash. It can't do any harm just to try the uniform on again.
& The Shortest Way Down [G] Post-CotBP. Life after Elizabeth for Norrington.
& Unseasonable [G] Pre-CotBP. James faces winter, and death, and himself.

queen of pirate romance (

& To Wed and Bed [PG16] AU. Marriage fic. Now, she faced the daunting prospect of the wedding night.
& Freedom's Cost [PG16] Post-AWE. James and Elizabeth are left to ponder the cost of freedom.
& Worthwhile [PG13] AWE. Not so long ago, his world had been nearly perfect.

random battlecry (

& Tell Me [G] Post-AWE. James and Elizabeth meet again in the afterlife.


& The Onlooker [PG] AWE. There was a strange storm brewing, and he wanted to take a closer look.


& I Gave My Love a Cherry [PG] Post-CotBP. AU. The more he runs, the more James keeps returning to the scene of his loss.
& With No Rights in this Matter [PG] Post-CotBP AU. James and Will are companions in tragedy.
& Sole Unquiet Thing [G] Post-AWE. On Twelfth Night, the Turners have a visitor, unlooked-for but long expected.

sachita (

& Fleeting Moments [PG13] Pre-CotBP. Elizabeth suffers through a ball.


& Depths of His Eyes [PG] Post-AWE. Elizabeth reflects on never giving James the chance he deserved after he sacrifices his life to save hers.
& The Fallen [PG] DMC. A twist on what happens when Elizabeth finds James after he is thrown out of the tavern in Tortuga.
& Magnificent Garden Party [G] Pre-CotBP. James and Elizabeth bond over a game of croquet and a mutual dislike of being forced to socialize.


& Homecoming [PG16] Post-CotBP. AU. Marriage fic. She didn't send Will away, but there is always Norrington.


& The Red Stain: Part One and Part Two [PG13] Pre-CotBP. Today young Elizabeth has found blood on her gown for the first time, and is not sure who to tell.

silver miko (

& Dear James [PG] Post-AWE. Elizabeth writes a letter to James.


& Arguments [R] Post-CotBP. Sometimes James and Elizabeth were enemies.
& Dinner [PG] Pre-CotBP. James contemplates a dinner invitation.
& En Guard [NC17] AU. Marriage fic. Norrington and Elizabeth share the benefits of marriage.
& I Want [R] Post-CotBP. Norrington celebrates his 35th birthday and Elizabeth accepts his marriage proposal.
& Sleepless [PG13]-[R] Post-CotBP. Marriage fic. James wakes in the night to contemplate his situation.
& Stupid [R] Post-CotBP. It seemed that Will had no time for her any longer.
& That Is The Question [NC17] Post-CotBP. AU. Marriage fic. Things get boring en route to England.
& Tuesday Morning [PG] Post-CotBP. Norrington comforts Elizabeth after Will leaves her for Jack.
& Broken Spirits [G] Post-CotBP. Norrington contemplates his sorrows over letting Elizabeth go.
& The Spoon [NC17] AU. Marriage fic. Post-CotBP. Elizabeth gets a little carried away with the creme brulee.

& Symphony: First Movement
& Second Movement
& Third Movement
& Fourth Movement
[PG13]-[R] Pre-CotBP/CotBP. A slow discovery between Elizabeth and Norrington of their affection and love.


& To Part Ways [PG13] Post-CotBP. A discussion as James returns from sea.


& A Marriage Interupted [PG] AU DMC/Post-CotBP. Lord Beckett interferes with the marriage of James Norrington and Elizabeth Swann.


& The Knight Steps Aside [PG] Post-CotBP. James reflects on his relationship with Elizabeth, even after her rejection.


& Doing the Wrong Thing [PG13] AWE. James is on the wrong side, doing the wrong thing.


& In the Governor's Garden [PG] Post-CotBP. A moonless night in a garden, and everyone has secrets to tell.
& Solemnization of Matrimony [PG] Post-CotBP. It wasn’t a dream, although Elizabeth had been walking through life most dazedly the past three weeks.


& Torn Curtain Series [NC17] Post-CotBP. Elizabeth no longer wants Will, and turns to James.


& Dinner With The Norringtons [NC17] Post-CotBP. AU. Marriage fic. Elizabeth hosts a small dinner party.
& Happy Holidays [R] AU. Elizabeth and James are married and travel back to England to meet James' family. Takes place Christmas morning.


& The Commodore Sutra: Sins of Omission [NC17] Post-DMC. Norrington finally gets his.
& A-board the Pearl I: The Setup and A-bored the Pearl II: The Betrotheds [R] DMC. The crew of the Pearl are bored, and decided to play a game.


& The Heart Grows Old [G] DMC. When does he start to put James Norrington above everyone else?


& Gavotte [R] Pre-CotBP. She grows tongue-tied when Captain Norrington comes to dinner.


& Adaption [NC17] Post-CotBP. A forging of an uneasy relationship on the Pearl, may turn into something more.
& By Blood Undone [NC17] Post-CotBP. She comes to him by the light of the full moon, one night late in October.


& Never Joined [PG] Post-CotBP. He would have to unlearn Elizabeth Swann.


& Allegiance [G]-[NC17] Pre-CotBP. How things would have changed if Will had never come to Port Royal.

the shoeless one (

& Philosophy Lesson [PG] DMC. Elizabeth and Norrington engage in a philosphy lesson aboard the Pearl.
& A Different Kind of Curiosity [PG13] DMC. Norrington had been trying to get drunk all night, and it didn't seem to be working very well.
& Scarecrow [PG] DMC. A discussion between James & Elizabeth after she finds him in Tortuga.
& Depth [PG16] DMC. Norrington had never killed himself before, and wondered if this was quite the way to do it.


& The Games We Play [PG] DMC. Elizabeth bets herself in a game of cards.
& Louisa Chylde's Wedding [PG] Pre-CotBP/DMC. Elizabeth remembers first kisses.
& For What Its Worth [PG] DMC. Elizabeth tries to earn forgiveness from James.


& Entwined [PG] AWE. James' memories in his final moments.
& Questioning [PG13] DMC. Elizabeth questions what her feelings for James really are.

SERIES: Providential
[PG - NC17] Post-AWE. What if James didn't die on The Flying Dutchman? What if he washes up on the island where Elizabeth is now living?
& Part One
& Part Two
& Part Three


& As You Wish [NC17] Pre-CotBP. Elizabeth is 15 and James is less cowardly, therefore, what does he do? He proposes sooner.


& Sailing On Another Board [PG13] Post-AWE. AU. He is her prisoner, this time.


& No Longer Galatea [R] Post-CotBP. His fantasies have nothing on reality.

yell leader (

& Away [PG] AWE. Lately his dreams have been all about her.



- I haven’t included any incomplete fics. I am happy to add them once they are complete, but for the time being there is nothing more annoying that reading a fic and finding it has never been finished.

- I have tried to keep it as Norribethy as possible. There is some unrequited in there, and there are a few with other pairings as well. But in general, they are all mostly Norribeth.

- In some cases, there is only a link to, but if you stumble across the same story on LJ, then let me know.

- This list is not comprehensive, and if I missed off a particular fic then please let me know, and I will add it. Please provide a link, as that would be most helpful. I apologise to those I have missed off, or overlooked. Just comment to this post, and I will add you or any of your Norribeth recommendations to it.

- Most recently added fics will be posted at the top of the entry. This goes by when they were added to the archive, not when they were written. Entries will be moved down into the main section after that.

- Hope you all find this useful!

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