And now...for something completely different

Dec 24, 2007 03:05

A one shot of Christmas Norribeth fluff!

Rating:    R

Warnings:  Sex

Disclaimer:  Disney owns the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise and all characters

Summary:  Elizabeth and James are married and travel back to England to meet James' family.  Takes place Christmas morning.

Happy Holidays!

An iridescent glow filtered through lace curtains and cast a snowflake pattern onto the burgundy velvet coverlet that Elizabeth had wrapped around her body. The light briefly warmed the inside of her eyelids and she groggily opened her eyes. The faint memories of her early childhood spent in England flooded her brain. She curled her shoulder into the coverlet.

I never remembered England being so cold!

A source of warmth, radiating from the opposite side of the bed, drew her on her side. As she rolled over, the back of her flailed hand hit firm flesh. Her eyes widened as a surprised gasp emanated from the mound next to her.


James had bolted up and was rubbing his nose. She beheld the sight of her sleepy husband. His dark brown, shoulder length hair hung in waves around his face and the stubble that grew along his jaw gave him a disheveled and rakish air to his otherwise disciplined, well groomed appearance. Elizabeth noted the faint wisps of chest hair that appeared at the open collar of his nightshirt and she found herself becoming aroused.

I still think you would have made a dashing pirate, James Norrington.
She thought to herself before she gently wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders.

“I’m sorry. Is it broken?” She emphasized her apology with a tender kiss to his cheek.

“Not this time.   Though it certainly feels like it.” He dropped back onto the pillow and rubbed his face.

Elizabeth made her move and boldly straddled his hips. She giggled and James hugged her to his chest.

“I suppose, in order to protect my being, I’ll insist that we sleep like this. That way, I’ll know exactly where those sharp elbows and flying hands of yours are at all times.” He kissed the top of her head.

“Fine by me, Commodore.” Elizabeth’s muffled voice came from beneath his tight hold.  His arms relaxed at her comment and Elizabeth looked up into his face.

“Happy Christmas, James.”

“And Happy Christmas to you, Elizabeth.” He searched her eyes and gently brushed back a strand of hair that had fallen into her face. Elizabeth straightened her legs and tucked her head beneath James’ chin.

“Is rising before dawn a trait that runs through the entire Norrington family? Or is this highly annoying habit yours alone?”  Elizabeth poked James’ side and he flinched.

“Mother is not a sailor, nor is she a military man. She would be content to hold audience with guests in her bedchamber all day long. That is, if Father hadn’t married her and convinced her of her errant ways.”

“Well then. I’m certain, Lady Norrington and I shall become fast friends.” Elizabeth smiled.

“Indeed.” James laughed.

Elizabeth snuggled closer against James’ body.

“I do not wish to move. I want to lie here all day.” Elizabeth kissed the notch at the base of James’ throat.

“Seems that we are in agreement.” He softly spoke.

Elizabeth tried to stifle a yawn and politely covered her mouth. Her eye lids began to droop as she felt James’ steady heart beat against her cheek.   As she drifted into the state of mind between sleep and wakefulness, she began to think. The three month voyage aboard the Dauntless was essentially uneventful and brought back many happy memories of her first encounter with Leftenant James L. Norrington. Now, after the first six months of marriage, James had been granted leave and it was decided that they would travel back to England to meet James’ family. Elizabeth recalled how her stomach twisted itself into knots. She had only received one letter of correspondence from James’ mother, after the wedding ceremony. The letter was very formal, but stiffly cordial.

Hmmph…Much like you, James. Elizabeth thought.

Commodore Norrington slowly opened up about his family the first week of married life. He explained about the strained relationship between his mother and two sisters, and about his deceased father. Elizabeth remembered the first meeting between her and the Honorable Lord Admiral John James Norrington occurred upon the staircase of James’ home on their wedding night. Elizabeth recalled the portrait of a tall, slender man that was robed in the blue velvet of the Admiralty. The man in the painting wore the long, curly wig of station, like her fathers’. She remembered noting the round, vivid eyes, long face, and angular jaw of the Admiral was the mirror image of James’ handsome face. Yet, the difference that separated father and son was the fact that the Admiral’s face had the hard won lines of life etched into his forehead and around his eyes. Elizabeth couldn’t help but think that she was indeed a lucky woman to be married to a man that would age so handsomely and gracefully.

The night James eventually related the events of his father’s death brought a brief stab of pain to her heart. James explained how he had been assigned to his father’s flag ship..


“I had received orders to report aboard the mano’war  Fairfax, after passing my Lieutenant’s exams. Father had failed to tell me he requested that the Fairfax carry his flag.”

James pulled his tall frame up from the settee where he’d settled next to Elizabeth. His feet carried him towards the highboy that held a brandy decanter. James quickly turned away from the highboy and fixed his gaze out the large mullioned window that overlooked Port Royal Harbor. As he stood looking out the window, his eyes focused on the distant horizon, arms neatly folded behind his back. Elizabeth watched a brief flicker of sadness pass over his vivid, emerald eyes and he quickly looked down. He turned towards her and a tight smile passed over his features.

“Father and I did not always see eye to eye. In fact, our relationship was quite----strained, if you will.”

Elizabeth’s eyes met his and she opened her mouth, but remained silent.

“My father, Lord Admiral Norrington, was highly thought of by both flag officers and ratings.   He was fair, yet expected discipline and precision from his men.  I greatly admired and respected my father. I patterned my command after his. When I was a midshipman, aboard the Halcyon, I witnessed what entitlement did to a commission. One of the Leftenants’ fathers was a member of the Admiralty. This particular Leftenant served in the Navy not of his own volition. As an officer, he was inept, selfish, and cruel. He curried no respect from his fellow officers. Not even the mids and enlisted paid him heed.  Captain Ruggles considered him derelict. Yet, he continued on in His Majesty’s Navy, simply because no one wished to encounter the wrath of his father. I refused to be thought of as having my commission given to me. Instead, I made sure everything I obtained was earned through hard work and diligence.”

He turned back and continued to stare out the window. Elizabeth noted that James’ fists were clinched. His shoulders rose as he took a deep breath to continue.

“Therefore, I never consulted my Father concerning matters of command or advancement. He saw my lack of inclusion as a slight----- that I was not interested in his accomplishments. We rarely spoke. Needless to say the atmosphere aboard the Fairfax was certainly tense.”

James crossed the room and sat down on the settee.

“One night, at anchor in the Straits of Hormuz, the Fairfax was attacked by Corsair raiders. I had been observing a local scow, which had been trailing us for two nights. Nothing was amiss, as it flew the Union Jack and kept a respectful distance. I had noted the presence of the vessel in my nightly reports. Father requested extra vigilance and I doubled the number of lookouts to the topsails. A squall had moved through during the night and in the middle of the storm, the scow began to fire upon us. The Fairfax was raked broadsides by cannon fire and we were boarded.”

James paused and pinched the bridge of his nose. He immediately rose and began to pace. Elizabeth watched with wide eyes.

“The pirates had sprung a trap, to which we fell head long. Being outnumbered, the crew was rounded up. The pirate captain------asked the commander of the Fairfax to step forward, and my father replied to his request, only to be----“

James dropped his head. Elizabeth jumped up and stood behind James. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

“Stop, James. You do not need to finish on my account.” She softly spoke.

“NO.” He took a deep breath and softened his voice.

“You asked and I shall proceed.”

Elizabeth squeezed James.

“Tamir, the Corsair captain---,” the hatred dripped off James’ tongue. “Disemboweled my father and then beheaded him in front of his crew.”

Elizabeth stepped in front of James and caressed his face. His eyes had become dark blue and the pain behind them left Elizabeth with the feeling that he was reliving the night of ascended hell yet again.

“But, you survived. You’re here standing before me.” She softly spoke.

“Only by the grace of God. If not for the Meriden coming to our aid. Elizabeth, now you know. Now you understand why I believe in no mercy, no quarter for pirates?”

She slowly shook her head.

“After Tamir pierced my father, he fell into my arms. His last words to me were: “why did I hesitate. Why didn’t I fire the long nines?” And when I recuperated from my own wounds and returned home, I felt it only right that I should be the one to relay the story of Father’s passing to Mother. She damned me to hell.”

James turned away from Elizabeth’s arms and reached for the brandy decanter. He poured a crystal tumbler full of the pungent liquid, but hesitated before he slammed the contents back.

“Since we are being open and brutally truthful with one another, I have a confession.” Elizabeth chewed on her lower lip and James abruptly turned to look at her with dark eyes.

“I am not sorry that I was kidnapped by Captain Sparrow.”

James’ remained speechless, but his eyes bored holes into her, his hands were clenched into fists, and his nostrils flared.

“I-I am not sorry because it made me realize that the stories that I grew up with about the grand adventures of pirates and damsels in distress are just that... stories.”

“Elizabeth.” James’ voice softened and the anger from his body evaporated.

“Yes. My books make it seem like a grand and glorious adventure. The truth is …pirates are uncouth, smelly, and devious. I so missed my bed and my bath.” Elizabeth smiled.

“Besides, you are my hero.” She embellished her compliment by giving James a sweet kiss on the lips. He stood stunned.


“James….No…..mmmmmm. James” she murmured in her sleep, only to be gently awakened by strong arms pulling her close.

“Shhhhh….Elizabeth. You’re having a bad dream.” His soft voice soothed her.

Elizabeth opened her eyes to find herself face to face with the handsome Commodore. She traced her fingertip down his nose and lips.

“I love you.” She whispered.

James gathered her in his arms.

“I love you, Elizabeth.” He kissed her lips gently, but rolled her on her back and began to pull up her nightgown.

“James! Should we be doing this-----?  In your Mother’s home?”

“We are on the far wing. Mother can not hear us. She’s most likely asleep, anyway.”

Elizabeth’s mind was protesting, but her hands and body were eagerly searching beneath James’ nightshirt. She smoothed her hand down his muscular chest and stomach and grabbed his erection.

“James…James. Oh, God James.” Elizabeth spoke in a husky voice that made James harder.

He wrapped one arm around her shoulders and snaked the other beneath the small of her back. In one smooth fluid motion, he rolled on top of her hips and slid into her wet, expectant entrance.

“Ahh. Haaa” Elizabeth breathed in between smothering kisses.

Her body melted into the hardened sinew of James. They fit perfectly together into a union of desire. Elizabeth’s hands gently brushed through James’ long hair, over his muscular shoulders and swam over the small of his back. He gave a whimper when she smoothed over the curve of his firm backside and she ground her hips against his. Together they began to rock in unison. A gentle and steady rhythm that began slow and regular grew into a straining force of lust. James flipped Elizabeth over and she bore down. She opened her eyes to watch James slowly close his eyes in ecstasy. His hands moved from her breast towards her hips and he gently guided her up and down along his manhood.  
Elizabeth threw her hair back.

“Oh God James. I want you.” She gasped.

He suddenly sat up and the motion briefly interrupted their union. He gently laid Elizabeth on her back and teased her by brushing the tip of his manhood against her slick opening. Her hands frantically groped for his backside, and when her fingers dug into his firm flesh, she forcefully pushed him deeper.

“E-Liz--abeth.” His voice shook.

She felt along the valley of his spine and cupped the peaks of his shoulder blades. Her fingers spider-ed their way up his smooth neck and nestled into his thick hair. She felt the skin on his arms turn rough with goose bumps. Opening her eyes, she was lost in a sea of turquoise tranquility. James lowered his head and began to nip and lick at the tightened buds of her nipples. The fire coursing through her body began to pool at the base of her belly.

James felt her sheath close around his manhood and he slowed his thrusts. He pulled out of her warmth and laid his full weight atop her body. His long fingers pulled through her honey colored curls and their tongues searched each others mouths. James stopped and rose up off Elizabeth.

The absence of his closeness caused her to open her eyes. He towered above Elizabeth, leaning on his outstretched arms. His eyes were trained on hers.

“I love you, Elizabeth Swann.” He softly spoke without leaving her eyes.

“That’s Elizabeth Norrington, to you, Commodore!” she poked his chest and smiled.

Her reaction elicited the same response and the smile James gave her reached his eyes. Elizabeth cupped his face in her hands. She tenderly caressed his lips and whispered between kisses.

“I love you, James. MY James.”

He lowered his hips and dipped into her core.

“Say it again?” He requested through gritted teeth.

“I love you, my James.”

He reared his head back, only to lower it and moan. Elizabeth closed her eyes and concentrated on the full and pleasant sensation of having James completely fill her. She whispered in his ear.

“I want you in me. Fill me, James.”

He began to thrust deeper and Elizabeth bit her lip as the familiar contractions of orgasm began to course through their union, past the base of her belly, and into her breasts.

“James….James…Oh….OH JAMES!” She gasped as she closed her eyes and came.

James opened his eyes to see the serene look of pleasure wash over her fine features. As she called out his name and felt her clinch his manhood, the waves of muscle contractions began to milk the pleasure from him. He lowered his head, flared his nostrils and gripped the mattress tightly. His arms began to shake as he made sure that Elizabeth was in the midst of orgasm before he allowed himself to release. She opened her eyes and nipped at his neck. That was the simple stimulus that pushed him over the edge. Elizabeth felt his skin grow hot, then flash cold and he moaned her name.

“mmmm…E-Lizbeth.” His breathing became ragged. “ELIZABETH!” he blurted out between gritted teeth and she felt the surge of warmth fill her.

Spent, he collapsed ontop of her and they remained still for several moments. James felt his eyelids grow heavy and he pushed his arms beneath himself and turned over. Elizabeth rolled over and rested her head on his shoulder. She began to trace her finger over his chest.

“So, when do I get to open my presents?” She giggled.  
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