(no subject)

Sep 12, 2006 01:19

Title: For What It's Worth.
Prompt: Scars.
Characters: Elizabeth, Norrington, and Jack.
Pairing: Implied Jack/Liz.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Up to Dead Man's Chest.
Word Count: 537 (Don't punish me!)
Author's Notes: Got really creative today, so I'm spamming you.

‘What a dreary day,’ Elizabeth thought, one hand tucked underneath her chin, the other draped lazily over the side of the Pearl; the air was cold and damp, and she couldn’t help but shiver as goosebumps rose up off her exposed flesh.

Suddenly, a heavy, foul-smelling Royal Navy jacket was draped over her shoulders. Starting at the unexpected weight, Elizabeth turned to see James Norrington, whose hands lingered for a bit longer than absolutely necessary.

Feeling cornered as her eyes searched his, he slid in beside her, looking off into the distance. “You were shivering,” he murmured in quiet explanation.

Despite its pungent aroma, the jacket warmed her instantly, radiating his residual body heat; she mumbled something resembling a “thank you” as she snuggled into its warmth. James simply nodded as he continued to look into the rolling fog that had settled over the obsidian water below.

Elizabeth snuck a sidelong glance at him, noting his stony expression; a cynical apathy had replaced the quiet dignity that had once reigned over his features not so very long ago. A pang of guilt rose up like bile in her throat as she realized she had more than likely contributed to that transformation.

“I never meant to hurt you...” She said, bowing her head.

“But you did.” James replied, cutting her off. He cleared his throat as he saw her flinch out of the corner of his eye, and added quietly, “More than I’d like to admit.”

She tentatively reached toward him-hesitating, debating-before placing her hand over his own. “I’m sorry, James.” There was so much more she wanted to say, but her voice had gone missing in the desert valley of her mouth; she simply squeezed his hand before shedding his jacket and handing it back to him. Without any warning, she leaned up and placed a gentle kiss onto his lips. It wasn’t sensual or romantic, it was just a kiss, and he could take it for whatever it was worth.

After a moment, Elizabeth broke the kiss, smiled softly, and walked away, leaving him standing there, unsure of what had just transpired. James’ heart swelled with countless conflicting emotions, closing his eyes as he felt the scars beginning to heal. As he slipped on his jacket, he noticed that the button to his breast pocket was missing.

As Elizabeth made her way across the deck, none other than Captain Jack Sparrow stopped her mid-stride: “What was that?” he hissed at her, arching a curious brow and gesturing vaguely toward Norrington.

“What was what?” She replied innocently.

“You! Him! Over there! With the lips!”

“Generally one kisses with the lips, Captain Sparrow. You, of all people, should know that.” She finished with a wink, sidestepping him.

He stopped her again, narrowing his eyes, “You kissed him.”

“Jealous, are you?” She wondered, utterly amused, fingers delicately tracing the ornate design on the face of the brass button hidden her pocket.

“Jealous? Ha! I am not jealous. I just…where’s the rum?”

“Innit a bit early for rum, captain?” she called after him, a smug smirk on her face.

“Never you mind!” he yelled over his shoulder as he escaped into his cabin in search of a bottle.

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