A Story... YAY!

Dec 22, 2007 05:03

Title: As You Wish
Author: union_jackie
Pairing: James/Elizabeth
Rating: NC-17
Period: pre COTBP (however, I've decided to promote James early so it's slightly AU)
Disclaimer: Things belong to the Evil Mouse
Word Count: 6,605
Warning: Um... sex?
Summary: Elizabeth is 15 and James is less cowardly, therefore, what does he do? He proposes sooner. Yay!
Note: I don't even remember writing most of this, so you'll have to excuse me if it's a bit... awkward in parts, I don't think I had actually intended to publish it, but I found it on my external hard drive and went, oh... hmm... I should publish that, So here you go!

When Elizabeth thought of Commodore Norrington, she thought of a rigid, strict, rather unpleasant man who had no emotions. She could not imagine spending her life with him. She couldn’t imagine him without his uniform and wig. Elizabeth didn’t think there could possibly be anyone less fun to be with than the Commodore, yet her father was asking her to spend her life with the man. True, he was a good man, and he was noble, handsome, and loyal, but he was like a statue.

“Elizabeth, you and the Commodore would make a fine couple, and he fancies you,” he father told her as she stood behind a screen while maids dressed her.

“How do you know if he fancies me? The man displays no emotion except for displeasure.”

“Obviously you’ve never seen him looking at you, also, he told me. He asked my permission to court you, I said yes.”

“But father!”

“Elizabeth, just get to know him, please.”

“Fine,” she said with a sigh.

That afternoon, the commodore came to visit. Elizabeth hadn’t actually talked to him since she was about 9 when he had taught her and her best friend Will to fence. He seemed nervous, very nervous and this was the first emotion Elizabeth had ever seen him display. He was very kind and polite, almost human, and he was surprisingly shy.

“Good afternoon Commodore,” Elizabeth said when he entered the sitting room.

“Good afternoon to you too Miss Swann, but please, call me James,” he said quietly.

“Of course, James,” she said testing his name; it felt odd coming out of her mouth.

“How are you Miss Swann?” he asked a little louder than before.

“Very well, thank you. You may call me Elizabeth if you wish.” She told him.

“That’s good to hear, Elizabeth.” She smiled at him.

“And how are you today James?”

“I am also well.”

They spoke for a while longer, and then he left. Elizabeth was amazed and viewed him in a different light than before after having gotten to know him. They got to know each other quite well over the next month. When he would have to go to sea, he always sent her a letter every other day. They were always signed, ‘affectionately yours, James’.

One night at a ball, James requested to speak to her alone on the balcony. She took his arm and he led her outside on the balcony overlooking the garden. She couldn’t deny that she liked James a lot; he was one of her best friends. She was sure she wasn’t in love with him, but she knew she would be happy if they were married. They would make a fine couple and he would be a good husband.

He took her hands in his, before dropping to one knee in front of her. She gasped, she knew he would propose eventually, but she hadn’t known it would be this soon. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to be married, she was only 15 and James was 27, a rather large age distance, but it could have been much worse.

“Elizabeth, I am going to be completely honest with you. I have been in love with you for a year, and these past few months, getting to know you even better, have been heaven for me. I feel myself falling deeper in love with you every time I see you. It would kill me to try and stop loving you, so I think I should just love you forever. Elizabeth, will you marry me?” he said, sounding amazingly calm.

“Yes,” Elizabeth said. James’ face lit up with the first smile she had ever seen from him. He drew her into his arms and spun her around with the sudden burst of emotion. He really was romantic.

The next week, Elizabeth paid him a surprise visit at his mansion-like home. His butler told her that he was in the field, riding, and showed Elizabeth to the field. They walked past the stables and to the gate of a giant pasture. James was there, on a beautiful chestnut gelding, she could see every muscle rippling beneath its skin, she could also see the muscles in James’ legs flex as he gripped the horse between his legs. Elizabeth rested her arms on the fence and watched James ride. He was excellent.

He moved as though he and the horse were sharing thoughts. He nudged the horse into a canter and thundered down the grass, he leaned forward as the horse lunged into the air and flew over a large pile of logs. It took James a few seconds to notice Elizabeth, and he rode over to her. He was wearing just a shirt, riding breeches, and boots, his dark brown hair was tied back in a wavy tail, but some of it had come out and a few sweaty locks framed his face. Elizabeth had never seen him looking so handsome.

“Hello Elizabeth, how are you?” he asked, panting.

“Very well, thank you James. And yourself?”

“Excellent. What brings you here?”

“I just thought I would pay you a surprise visit. I had no idea you rode. What is his name?”


“What does that mean?” Elizabeth asked.

“It means ‘truth’ in Latin,” James explained with a smile.

“I’ve never ridden before, father won’t let me. I always wanted to though,” Elizabeth said sadly as she looked at the horses in the stable. James smiled down at her.

“Would you like me to show them to you?” he asked, nodding his head towards the stable. Each of the horses’ names was carved above their stalls.

“Yes, please.” James smoothly dismounted and tied Veritas up near the water trough outside the fence. He took her hand and led her to the first stall in the stable where a black stallion was tied.

“This is Zephyr,” he said, patting the horse and leading her past the next stall, which was empty for Veritas and to the next stall after that which housed a cinnamon colored mare who had patches of white and gold on her. “Her name is Calypso, after the heathen sea goddess.”

Elizabeth smiled then reached out and patted Calypso’s neck. James led her to the next stall, which housed a gigantic gray warhorse.

“This is Axel,” James told her before leading her up to the house. He got her settled in the sitting room and went to change. He came down 15 minutes later to find her staring out the window at the stables.

After she had left, James smiled. He knew exactly what to get Elizabeth for a wedding present. He called his stable master and had Calypso saddled up and brought to the front of the house. He got on her and rode into Port Royal. He rode to the finest stable there and tied Calypso up outside.

He then went in and inspected the horses. He decided on a large, muscular, very well trained, young brown stallion and a smaller reddish mare. He outfitted them with the best of everything money could buy and bought a new set of brushes and combs for them. He also bought an expensive sidesaddle and a double saddle.

James had the horses sent to his house with a note to the stable master instructing him to unsaddle the horses and put them in the two empty stalls in the stable. He then rode to the shop of the Governor’s personal tailor and got Elizabeth’s measurements from the dressmaker. He then went to the best riding outfitter and got several pairs of riding breeches, boots, and shirts for Elizabeth and had the parcel sent back to his house.

James smiled to himself as he rode to the Governor’s mansion on the hill. He went into the sitting room and waited for Elizabeth. She walked in and smiled at him, a little confused at why he was there, she had just seen him that morning.

“Hello James, what brings you here?” she asked.

“I have a surprise for you; a wedding present,” he said excitedly.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Come with me and I’ll show you,” he said grinning at her as he reached out his hand to her. She took it and he lead her out front to where Calypso was tied up at the hitching post. James mounted Calypso, and then reached his hand down for Elizabeth. She grabbed it and he pulled her up behind him. She wrapped her arms around his midsection and pressed herself close to him.

James kicked Calypso into a trot and rose out of the saddle in rhythm with the horse. He kicked her into a canter and they sped off to his mansion in the nearby hills. Elizabeth was terrified at going so fast and held on for dear life as James stood out of the saddle. He slowed down as they thundered down the drive of his home and slowed to a stop outside the door. A stable hand took the reins and helped Elizabeth down before James hopped off and the boy took Calypso back to the stable.

“Did you like it?” James asked excitedly. He hoped she did, riding was one of his passions.

“It was frightening, but yes, I did enjoy it,” she said smiling.

“Good,” he said and led her into the house. They went into the sitting room, and James let Elizabeth sit in a chair while he went and got the very large parcel from the riding outfitter that was sitting next to a table in the hall. He brought it in and put it down in front of her.

“Thank you James,” Elizabeth said as she began to open it. He saw the excitement and surprise on her face as she tore away the paper to find men’s riding clothes in her size. She never expected she would be allowed to wear men’s clothes. James seemed more rigid than that, but she was often wrong about him.

“Do you like them? It’s much easier in men’s clothes, skirts get in the way and you can’t ride properly in them. It’s also easier to correct the form when one’s anatomy is properly visible,” he explained, his voice getting quiet towards the end.

“I like them very much! Thank you!” she said, and embraced him.

“There is a large guest room upstairs, Trudy will show you and you can change in there, ok?” he asked.

“Thank you James,” she said, and wrapped the parcel back up and carried it out into the hall. James quickly got a crop for each of them and waited for Elizabeth. She nearly ran down the stairs and James smiled at her. He handed her the crop and showed her how to hold it in her right hand.

He took her hand and led her out to the stables. When they were nearly there, he walked behind her and placed his hands over her eyes, then led her before the stalls of her two new horses. Elizabeth gasped when he uncovered her eyes. She turned to him, gaping at him.

“Are they mine?” she asked breathlessly. James smiled and nodded.

“What are their names?” she asked.

“You decide. They’re brand new… obviously. I got them for you this morning after your visit,” he said. She let out a little excited shriek and grabbed him around the middle, hugging him tightly. He rested his head against hers and wrapped his warm arms around her tightly.

“You did all this for me?” she mumbled into his shoulder, sounding a little teary. He pulled back from her and wiped a tear from her cheek.

“Yes. I’ll do anything for you Elizabeth, I love you,” he said smiling. In that moment, staring up into his radiating green eyes, Elizabeth loved him and she knew it. She smiled at him and rose up onto her toes. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, then growing braver, she moved and kissed his lips; they were soft and warm and perfect. Their lips rested against each other for what seemed like a year before they separated and went back to hugging.

“I’ll show you how to brush and saddle them up if you like,” he said.

“Yes please,” she said. They let each other go and he brought her over to the mare’s stall.

“I think I’ll name her Arlington,” Elizabeth said with a smile.

“I’ll tell the stable master and he’ll have it carved above her stall. What about the stallion?” James asked.

“Westminster,” she said.

“Like the Abbey?” he asked.

“Yes, it’s beautiful,” she told him.

James shrugged and got Arlington’s bit and bridle out of a large crate on the ground. He handed it to Elizabeth and showed her how to put it onto the mare. He showed her how to brush and saddle the horse, and then he called a stable hand to put away all the new gear he had bought.

James led Arlington out into the yard and tied her up. Then he had a stable hand saddle up Zephyr while he showed Elizabeth how to mount and dismount Arlington. When Elizabeth was comfortable on Arlington and the saddle was adjusted, James untied her and showed Elizabeth how to hold the reins and how to steer by pulling one rein to the side and kicking with the opposite foot.

James opened the gate to the pasture and led Arlington into it. He made sure that Elizabeth was safe and comfortable on Arlington before he mounted Zephyr and walked him into the pasture. A stable hand closed the gate behind him. The stable hand tied a long rope to Arlington’s bridle and walked along side them.

James showed Elizabeth how to sit and move with the horse as it walked while gripping the sides of it with her legs. He showed her how to post while trotting, and then let her try it herself. She was a good and quick learner.

“James?” she called.

“Yes Elizabeth?” he asked.

“When do I get to run like you did?” she asked shyly.

“Not yet,” he said smiling. “You have to get used to walking and trotting first. Then I’ll teach you to canter, and then to gallop.”

“Ok. James?” she called again.

“Yes Elizabeth?” he asked.

“When are we getting married?” she asked.

“Not soon enough,” he mumbled, before calling to her, “Next month.”

“Oh. James?” she called once more.

“Yes?” he asked.

“Can we get married sooner?” she asked.

“Ask your father,” he said.

After a while, James decided that it was enough for Elizabeth’s first time riding. He smiled at her then kicked Zephyr into a canter and then into a gallop. He stretched low along Zephyr’s neck as they flew across the field. He slowed down and rode back over to Elizabeth.

The stable hand helped her dismount and then took Arlington back to her stall and took off her saddle then brushed her. James dismounted and patted Zephyr before handing him off to a stable hand and following Elizabeth who was walking oddly.

James walked next to her and put his arm around her waist, helping her walk. He waited for her to change back into her dress before getting her parcel of riding clothes for her and letting her use his carriage to return home.

Elizabeth sent a maid to put her riding clothes away before excitedly bursting into her father’s study. He wearily looked up at her when she burst in on him. He was used to it, but really wished she would learn some manners and knock first. He rolled his eyes before asking, “Yes Elizabeth?”

“I want to get married sooner, please,” she said, breathlessly.

“What suddenly brought this on?” he asked suspiciously.

“I love him, father. He’s amazing… and he got me the greatest wedding present imaginable.”

“What did he get you?” Weatherby asked, curious what James could have gotten his daughter that had made her so excited.

“Horses; two beautiful horses. He started teaching me to ride today.”

“He bought you horses? How did he know you wanted horses?”

“I paid him a surprise visit this morning and saw him riding and mentioned that I wish I could.”

“Well… I suppose so then. When do you want to marry him?”

“Tomorrow,” Elizabeth said.

“How about this weekend?” Weatherby suggested.

“I suppose that would be acceptable,” Elizabeth said.

“I shall write him a letter then.”

“Thank you father!” Elizabeth exclaimed and gave him a tight hug.

The next morning, Elizabeth awoke to find her entire body in pain. James, knowing she would be, came to visit her early that morning. She dressed in some riding pants and a shirt then slowly walked down and greeted him in the sitting room. He was also in riding clothes. When she came in, she saw that his muddy boots were sitting outside of the door.

“You must be in pain,” he said sympathetically. “Thankfully, I know how to easily remedy it. Here, sit on the ground with me.”

Elizabeth slowly lowered to the ground next to him. He showed her how to stretch out her legs and back. He could have given her a massage, but he would wait until they were married for propriety’s sake. After stretching, she felt much better. He took her riding again that afternoon for a little longer than the first time. This time, she rode Westminster. The rest of the week crept by sped up only by the riding lessons James gave her every day. She thought the weekend would never come, and on Friday night, it took her hours to fall asleep. Elizabeth was so excited.

James on the other hand was very nervous. He had never been with a woman, and his first kiss had been with Elizabeth earlier that week. He had no idea what to do on the wedding night, so he did the only thing he could think to do; he went to see Andrew Gillette. Andrew had been his best friend since they were frightened young midshipmen. Andrew was well known as a ladies’ man and if anyone knew about pleasing a woman, it would be him.

When James told his best friend, and best man, his problem, Andrew sighed, and got out a quill, ink, and some paper. He drew a diagram and explained everything to James.

“It’s very confusing your first time, but just try and remember these things, ok? If you can’t find something, keep trying and you’ll find it eventually. It’s your first time, so she’ll blow your mind. You won’t last long, but try and last as long as you can, unless she is in pain. When you start to lose your head, you’ll want to go fast and hard, but remember, it’s her first time and it will hurt her if you do anything but slow and gentle. Good luck tomorrow,” Andrew told him.

James went back home and tried to fall asleep, after a few hours, he finally fell into a restless sleep. The next morning, he awoke at daylight and got dressed in his dress uniform before arriving early at the church. Andrew was already there waiting for him. He talked to him and calmed his nerves. The ceremony started and James stood at the front of the church, Andrew right next to him. Governor Swann walked Elizabeth up the aisle, and she was beautiful. James just stood there gaping and wondering how he had gotten so lucky as to have her for a wife.

James took Elizabeth’s hand when she reached him and she stood next to him. Everything the minister said was a blur. All he could think about was Elizabeth and how much he loved her. He breathlessly said his vows and she said hers, then he kissed her; really kissed her. Their breath mingled, their tongues dueled, and all James could hear was the rush in his ears. Then they separated and smiling, faced the crowed church as man and wife.

The ball afterwards was a blur to James. Spinning dresses, pats on the back from his friends, and in the middle of it all, Elizabeth. He had been staring at her the entire night, and everyone knew it, but it didn’t matter anymore because now they were married. Elizabeth was his wife… his wife. He couldn’t stop talking about “his wife”. He was so proud, and so happy, and so, so in love.

They rushed up to their house like school children, giggling and holding hands. James opened the door, then picked her up and carried her over the threshold. He kissed her then carried her up the stairs. He didn’t put her down until he reached their bedroom. He put her down and closed the door. When he turned around, she pressed him up against the door and kissed him thoroughly. He smiled, then picked her up and kissed her as he carried her over to the bed. He set her down in the middle of it, and got onto the bed next to her.

They rolled across the bed together, kissing and laughing. Elizabeth grabbed James’ hat and threw it across the room, his wig, coat and both of their pairs of shoes soon joined it. James rolled Elizabeth onto her stomach and began to unlace the back of her dress. Once he had it undone, he slipped it off of her, and threw it across the room; it landed on a chair.

James rolled her back over and looked at her, she was wearing a shift and a corset, more for him to undo. He sighed, and Elizabeth sensed his distress. She kissed his chin, then his cheek. She softly blew into his ear as she untied his cravat and threw it across the room. She nibbled on his ear as she unbuttoned his waistcoat and threw it onto the floor.

Elizabeth began to unlace the top of his shirt, but he stopped her and sat up before pulling her into his lap so that she was facing him. He leaned against the headboard, and pulled her close so that she was sitting between his legs. He reached around her and started to undo the tight laces on her corset. She untied the ties on the front of his shirt then slipped it over his head and onto the floor.

Elizabeth brushed over his swollen lips with hers and ran her hand across his chest before she turned around to allow him better access to the laces of her corset. While she was facing his feet, she took his stockings off and they joined the rest of the couple’s clothes on the floor. James finished the final cross of lace on her corset and slipped off of her and flung it across the room.

Elizabeth turned around again and smiled at him. He grinned back at her before giving her a bruising kiss with his already swollen lips. James grabbed the hem of her shift and slowly pulled it off of her before he balled it up and threw it on the floor. He turned and looked at her for what seemed like forever. She was beautiful.

Elizabeth sat there, not at all uncomfortable under his gaze. His eyes traveled down and he discovered that she was wearing breeches. James laughed and Elizabeth giggled before she knocked him back against the headboard and attacked his neck with her lips, teeth, and tongue. She bit, licked, and sucked until her husband was limp beneath her. She was straddling his hips so she felt him grow hard through both pairs of their breeches. His knuckles were white as he gripped the down quilt beneath them.

Elizabeth lightly dragged her fingernails across James’ nipples, making them hard and him bite his lip in an attempt to stifle the moan that she heard anyway. She smiled and lowered her lips to one of his nipples. His chest jerked towards her as her tongue swirled around his nipple. She moved to the other, she licked it, and then blew cold air across it, making James hiss. She ran her hands down his muscular stomach, then back up to his shoulders. She gripped him and kissed him hard.

James put his hands on her hips, and then gently flipped them over so that she was on her back on the bed and he was between her legs. He teased one of her nipples with his fingers, and lowered his mouth to the other she bucked into his mouth. He lightly bit and swirled his tongue around her nipple, before moving and gently sucking on the other. As he was doing this, her hands were slowly working their way down to the laces on his breeches. Elizabeth flipped them over once more and kissed him hard as she undid the laces of his breeches.

By this time, James was wondering where the hell Elizabeth learned to do these things. The truth was, she had been as clueless as he, and had done the same thing; asked a friend. Elizabeth had asked her best friend.

Two days before the wedding, after her riding lesson with James, Elizabeth had walked down to the forge to visit Will. When James had been promoted to Commodore, her father had given him a magnificent sword made by Will. In the year since that sword was made, Will had become even more skilled at sword smithing.

Elizabeth had asked Will to make an even better sword for James as her wedding gift to him. Will accepted, of course, and two days before the wedding, Elizabeth went to pick the sword up. When she got there, she confessed to Will that she had no idea what to expect on her wedding night. Will had been her best friend since she had spotted him floating on wood in the middle of the ocean on the crossing from England when she was 9 and he was 11.

Will smirked at her for a moment, and then told her that he was sorry but he had no experience in that area.

“But I know someone who does,” he said. “Come, follow me. I come here sometimes with hot stew for the poor children. Ahna takes care of them during the day when she isn’t working.”

He led her into the bad part of town, where the brothels were. He walked into one of the nicer buildings with Elizabeth following behind him.

“Is Ahna here?” he asked the man inside. He gave a gruff grunt then called Ahna’s name up the stairs. Soft footsteps came quickly down the stairs, and Elizabeth saw Ahna for the first time.

Ahna’s clothes gave her away as a whore. She had long dirty blonde hair, some parts hung in loose waves and some pieces of it were braided and it was full of small trinkets and beads tied and braided into the ends of it all over. Her skin was very tan for a “lady of the night” but Elizabeth knew it was kind of unavoidable to get darkened skin when one lived in Port Royal and worked for a living. Ahna had clear, bright blue eyes and she was short with very womanly curves. She didn’t look more than 15.

“Hello Will, who’ve you brought with you?” she asked.

“This is my best friend, Elizabeth. She’s getting married in two days and wishes to know how to please her husband. Can you help her?” Will asked. Ahna smiled at them.

“Of course,” she said. “Come on”

Ahna walked back up the stairs and Elizabeth followed her. Ahna turned and walked into a room at the top of the stairs and sat down on the bed and waited for Elizabeth.

“Shut the door please,” Ahna said when Elizabeth walked in. Elizabeth shut the door, then came and sat next to Ahna.

“How old are you?” Elizabeth asked.

“Fifteen. And yourself?”

“Fifteen,” Elizabeth answered quietly. “How long have you been…?”

“A whore?” Ahna asked with a smile. “I’m not anymore. My fella Jack pays for my rent and sends me money. All I usually do anymore is give advice to young girls who are about to be married. But I was a whore for two years. From when I was 12 until I was 14. Jack and I fell in love and he got me out of prostitution. I was only a whore because my mum had died and my dad left us when I was 3 and it was the only way I could make money.”

Will waited down stairs for two and a half hours. It was nearing the third, when a scraggly looking man walked in. His appearance screamed pirate, but in this neighborhood, no one cared and he probably was one. He smelled of rum and when the man at the desk saw him, he smiled.

“Ah, Jack. I was wonderin’ when you’d be back. Ahna’s just upstairs. She’s with a girl who’s set to be married in two days.”

Jack nodded, and then turned to Will. He frowned for a moment then cocked his head.

“Do I know you?” he asked.

“I don’t believe so,” Will said.

“What’s your name?” Jack asked.

“Will Turner.” Jack raised his eyebrows.

“Short for William?”


“After your father?”


“I knew your father. Good man. Good pirate,” Jack said.

“A pirate? My father?” Will asked sounding shocked.

“Yep. I swear, yeh look just like him.”

“How did you know my father?” Will asked suspiciously.

“He was my bo’sun. There was a mutiny, and he was the only one who stood up for me.”

“Oh.” Just then, Elizabeth came back down the stairs. Jack bowed to her and she smiled at him then left with Will.

Elizabeth pulled off his breeches and threw them with the rest of the clothes then she sat up and just looked him in the eyes with a smile. Elizabeth kissed his lips, then his chin, then neck and chest. She kept kissing him as she moved down his body until she was level with his hard member. She stuck out her tongue and slowly drew it up the underside from base to tip.

James’ hips bucked up off the bed involuntarily when she did this. A shiver went through his body. Elizabeth kissed the tip, then opened her lips around it and slid it into her mouth, gently caressing it with her tongue. James began to tremble beneath her.

She brought her hand to the base as she slipped his now slick member out of her mouth. She moved her hand up and down it until he was visibly shaking. Then she let go and loosened the laces on her breeches. James regained his mind and sat up. He helped Elizabeth slip out of her breeches and then he threw them onto the dresser across the room.

He flipped them over so that Elizabeth was on her back and he was lying between her legs. James brought his hand down to her center and stroked it with his thumb. Elizabeth’s hips bucked. He smiled up at her, and then repeated the action until she was shaking too. He slowly lowered his mouth to her and swirled it around, alternating pressure on her.

James sucked gently, and could feel her muscles flexing. She made a mewling sound, and then she moaned. She thrashed under him, her hips bucked, and he replaced his tongue with his thumb just before she screamed his name into the night. He moved up and gave her a searing kiss.

James thought back to his conversation with Andrew. Andrew had said that the best time to enter her was immediately after she had an orgasm. James pushed Elizabeth’s legs up, kissed her hard, gripped her hips, and then forced himself in as quickly as he could. Elizabeth screamed his name again, but this time it was not in ecstasy, but in pain.

He bit down on his lip and tried to hold still. It was hard though as Elizabeth was thrashing against him, trying to get him out of her.

“Elizabeth!” he said. She stopped thrashing and looked at him with tears streaming down her face. “You need to relax.”

“But it hurts,” she whimpered. James lovingly stroked her sides.

“I know. But if I stop now, it will hurt even more. You need to relax. Your body will adjust by itself if you relax. I promise,” he said and kissed her. Elizabeth thought back to what Ahna had said and knew it was true. So, Elizabeth relaxed and kissed James back. Soon, she got so involved in the kissing that she almost didn’t notice when James began to slowly pull out and thrust into her.

Elizabeth flexed around him and he stopped moving. She relaxed and he began moving again. It no longer hurt so Elizabeth moved her legs up and wrapped them around James. She pressed against the bed and flipped them over so that she was on top. She placed her hands on his shoulders and drew herself up before sinking back down on him. James moaned and clawed at her back. She sunk down and gave him a bruising kiss, getting another moan out of him.

She kept up the painfully slow pace until James gasped, forced her hips down and bucked his hips up. As their hips met, he loudly moaned her name then collapsed limp onto the bed. His green eyes stared into her brown ones as she felt his member pulse and warmth fill her. His breathing was ragged and his chest rose and fell rapidly. His breathing soon slowed, but he was still sheathed in his wife. She rested her forehead against his and he fell asleep.

Elizabeth moved her head and sat up a little straighter, looking down at her beautiful sleepy husband. She stayed still, as he was still inside her. Nearly half an hour later, Elizabeth began to flex around him, making him hard, but not awake yet. When he was fully hard, she kissed him awake, and he moaned. She got off of him then stood him up and brought him over to the side of the bed.

Elizabeth stood James facing the bed with his thighs against it and turned over so that she was on her hands and knees near the edge of the bed. She backed up so that his hard member was pressed against her opening.

“Put your hands on my hips,” she told him and he did. Elizabeth flattened her back, then pushed onto him.

James slowly pushed into her and she sank back onto him. Rocked back and forth, flexing around him. She had him breathing hard in two minutes. He was clawing at her sides. He moaned and she twisted her hips making him gasp, then she pushed hard back on him as he fell forward. He wrapped his arm around her stomach, holding himself inside of her and they slowly crawled forward so that they were both on the bed. Elizabeth leaned against the wall at the head of the bed as James held on to the headboard.

They met each other’s thrusts and began to pick up their pace. James’ breathing went ragged and Elizabeth recognized it as a sign that he was going to orgasm soon. She stopped moving, and held him still. James pulled out of her and sat back. Elizabeth turned around and got onto his lap. They scooted back so that he was leaning against a bedpost. Elizabeth tightened and relaxed around him. She flexed at an increasing pace as she and James sat still, face to face. He leaned forward a little and met her lips.

They kissed with their eyes opened and his breathing once again went ragged. James’ mouth stopped moving as he panted into her mouth. Elizabeth continued to kiss him. Then she flexed hard and twisted her hips causing his to buck up as his hands grabbed her hips and forced them down hard. There would probably be bruises the next day, but she didn’t care; she was driving her husband mad. His hips bucked two more times before she forced herself down on him with a flex and a twist.

James’ jaw dropped in a silent scream as he exploded into his wife a second time that night. Elizabeth kissed him hard and kept flexing around him as his orgasm continued. She held his head up and smiled at him as his whole body slouched after his release.

Elizabeth let him sleep for another half hour before waking him again the same way she had before.

“Hey,” she said as he sleepily opened his eyes.

“Hey,” he said groggily.

“I was thinking, I have an idea,” she said with a smirk.

“What’s that?” James asked.

“It’s a surprise. Wait here,” Elizabeth said.

“Ok,” James said with a shrug. Elizabeth climbed off of him and got a small vial out of the bedside table.

“Lean against the headboard or you’ll pass out,” she told him. He cocked an eyebrow then moved and leaned against the headboard, his legs stretched out in front of him. Elizabeth climbed onto the bed next to him and opened the vial.

“Close your eyes,” she told him.

James closed his eyes and Elizabeth poured a little bit of oil from the vial onto her fingers and reached back. She prodded and stretched herself until she felt ready. She then poured some of the oil straight onto the tip of James’ member. She then took it in one hand, and lowered herself slowly onto it. It hurt, Ahna had said it would, but she had also said that it was even tighter and more enjoyable for James.

When Elizabeth was lowered all the way onto him, she told James to open his eyes. His teeth were gritted but he opened his eyes and found out why the grip around him was so tight. He gasped and Elizabeth giggled.

“Pick me up by the hips, hold me to you,” she instructed him. Elizabeth held onto the bedpost as James thrust into her a few times. James pulled her back as he flattened out across the bed. Elizabeth then slowly rotated so that they were face to face. James kneeled so that Elizabeth’s bottom was resting on his knees and her legs were spread wide on either side of him.

He smiled down at her and began to stroke her with his thumb. She began to moan softly. He slipped two fingers inside of her and kept them there as he continued to stroke her with his thumb. Her breathing sped up and her body tensed and relaxed. She gasped and clawed at the quilt beneath them. She flexed around him and cried out his name. He rocked back and forth, keeping the pressure on her with his thumb.

She gasped and moaned then screamed his name again. He kept stroking her center. She screamed and screamed until she was hoarse and shaking. Elizabeth clenched around him and he thrust into her a few more times before collapsing next to her, moaning her name into the darkness. They got between the sheets and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

James awoke the next morning to Elizabeth wrapped around him and he smiled to himself. He squeezed her tight before falling back asleep. Later that morning, James awoke again to find Elizabeth gazing down at him as he slept.

“I love you,” she told him then gave him a kiss.


So... what do you think? Horrible?

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