Forgetting--and 'Dude' :/

Nov 07, 2007 19:44

Title: Forgetting
Pairing: Why, Norribeth, of course.
Genre(s): Romance/Angst/Slight humour
Summary: Sometimes, love isn't as unrequited as you think.
Disclaimer: I do not own anyhing.
Timeline: I have no idea. Post-DMC, pre-AWE sort of area.
Rating: U--anyone can read.
Notes: An oddly angsty piece, by my standards. A dual-narrative... is that a bit odd?

It’s odd, the way things happen. I should probably just forget her, because there’s no point in wishful thinking; she made her choice, and everyone’s accepted it. Everyone apart from me, that is. I should move on-just drop it-forget the whole thing. She chose someone else; perhaps it’s about time I found another. procrastination

But I know I never will.

It’s odd, the way things happen. All the time that I spent with him, I spent longing for something else-an adventure, a big and bold hero to save the day, pirates and a life of swashbuckling fun. But it’s not all it’s cracked up to be; and neither is the one I chose over him. I just get the feeling that I’ve made the wrong decision; and if I could go back in time, I wonder at what would’ve happened.

He was a good man, that I know. Back then, I thought I knew what I wanted; but... I don’t know any more. I longed for adventure; and now I yearn for safety, the warmth of tender arms, unconditional love-something I can’t find now, after years of seeming to have it without realization.

But I can’t go back in time, can I?

I still think about her. Always, I think about her. There’s no point in doing so, but I can’t seem to help it. I suppose I’ll just have to move on in life-once Elizabeth was taken away from me, my career was all that I had left... but now, even that is on shaky ground. It’s hopeless, I’m useless, and I don’t know what to do next.

He might have gotten himself another Lady Norrington now. Yes. Yes, probably. Another woman. Another woman that isn’t me. Should it have been me? It’s not like I own him, he’s allowed to go off with whomever he pleases. In fact, I should probably be happy for him, if he’s found someone else.

(But I bet she isn’t as spirited as me. Or as brave as me. Or, or, or as pretty.)

I just don’t see why she would choose Will Turner over me-he’s never come across as the charming type, to me. I don’t like him any more. And now, every time I look at my sword, I’m reminded of him. That’s not very fair, is it?

Of course, it’s not just Will. I heard tell that she goes gallivanting off with Jack Sparrow too. Well, I don’t care. It’s not like I own her, she’s allowed to go off with whomever she pleases. I’m sure that in their own way, Turner and Sparrow are very honourable and charming men.

(But they’re smelly, stupid pirates in any case.)

So, yes. He has his own life now-and I have mine. It’s different now. We’ll probably never see each other again. I still think about him, though. Sometimes. All right, a lot of the time. But I can’t tell anyone, can I? Can’t tell Jack. Definitely not Will. And who does that leave?

The only person I could really tell is him. And... well, like that’s ever going to happen.

I should forget her. She’s probably forgotten all about me.

I should forget him. He’s probably forgotten all about me.

The End.
Also, another really badly drawn piece of fan"art" that I randomly drew. I still have no idea why. Boredom and procrastination can do that to you...

Even Norrington agrees that the word 'dude' is outdated... hmmm. Well, I told you it wasn't very good, heh. Norrington's expression went all wrong, and Gibbs is just gimped. :( Still, this post was for the fic... so, as you were. ^^;

End Transmission..
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