(no subject)

Oct 12, 2007 19:01

Title: Providential
Rating: Umm... NC-17 for this chapter, I guess
Pairings: Elizabeth/James, with a teensy hint of Willabeth
Summary: James has washed up on the island where Elizabeth now lives. Now they have to deal with their mutual attraction toward one another. Written for the Norribeth What if challenge
Status: Part 2 out of 3

"James!" Elizabeth gasped, her beautiful face buried in his messy hair, "I thought you were dead!"

James tightened his embrace around her. "Shh," he calmed her, in a soothing tone, "don't fret. Look. I'm alright."

Elizabeth drew herself back, studying his appearance. "Oh, James! I'm so sorry! All that you've been through! Oh, why didn't you follow me off The Flying Dutchman? I pleaded with you to! I thought you had died!" Glassy tears glittered in her beautiful eyes.

James placed a finger against her lips, silencing her. He ran his thumb down the side of her face, finally resting it on her lower lip. "Do not trouble yourself, Elizabeth. I saved you from The Flying Dutchman and that had been the only concern to me: Ensuring your safety."

Elizabeth's lips formed a bittersweet smile. She ran a hand through his tousled hair and leaned in closer to him. "You always were such a gentleman, sweet James."

James' face lit up and a shy smile extended across his lips. The spark between them was like that from the hottest, brightest fire. Burning them, setting their souls ablaze. Their passion for one another was smoldering. James leant forwards, and then drew back as his stomach rumbled with aching hunger.

Elizabeth also drew back, her smile falling into a pout. However, she quickly recovered and shook her head. "I'm sorry, James. Where are my manners? Come, I'll get you some food and rum."

Rum. James' nose wrinkled at the word. He remembered how he had depended upon the liquid to dull all his worst memories when he had been living in Tortuga. He wasn't looking forward to having to drink it again, but, beggars couldn't be choosers.

He staggered to his feet, swaying unsteadily. Elizabeth's slender, tanned arm snaked around his waist and James sagged against her, his trembling, aching legs giving way. Elizabeth half-carried him up rocky hills and through, bushes, trees and shrubs. All the while, she questioned him, eager to know how he had survived and he had escaped. She told her own thrilling account of what she had been through after James had helped her escaped. It made the journey easier, and before James knew it, he was standing before a small wooden house.

"This is where you live?"

Elizabeth nodded. "When Will and I arrived here we found it. We couldn't find anything to suggest that someone lived in it, so now I live here."

James felt a dull blow in the pit of his stomach. "You and Wi...Turner?"

Elizabeth didn't turn to look at him, instead focusing intently on the front door. "Yes. We're married now."

"Married." The blow increased and James felt as miserable as he had been when he had resigned his commission as Commodore. "So Turner is waiting for you inside?"

Elizabeth shot him a saddened look. "Will became the captain of The Flying Dutchman. He can only come to land every ten years."

The dull ache in James' stomach lessened slightly, although only slightly. He was happy to hear that Turner wasn't around, and wouldn't be for many years to come, but he had always pictured Elizabeth as being Elizabeth Norrington. He had always pictured Elizabeth as being his wife.

Elizabeth pulled open the door and helped James inside, guiding him to a small rounded table. James gratefully sat down and watched, appreciatively, as Elizabeth scavenged around, placing some fruit and a bottle of rum on the table. James hungrily wolfed down the food and gulped down the rum. All the while, Elizabeth watched him with a strange expression on her striking face.

When James had finished his meal, he sat back in the chair and looked around the room. The house had a minor air of neglect about it. He couldn't help but think about how he could have offered Elizabeth a truly spectacular life. Living in a rich, large, beautiful home, maybe having several children, and Elizabeth would be happy. Talking to him with her lovely voice colored with compassion. And at night she'd met him in their marriage bed and he'd take her slender body into his arms and he would love her, carefully, afraid to show her how much he desired her, wanting to savor the feeling.

"James?" Elizabeth's voice interrupted his pleasant imaginings.

"Yes?" James looked up at her. He could see a strange look in her striking doe-like eyes, and he wondered whether the same look was reflected in his own green eyes.

Elizabeth paused for a moment, her luscious lips half-open as though she were torn between saying something to him. At last, she closed her mouth and simply smiled. "I'm tired. I think that I'm going to have a lie down. I'll show you where you can sleep."

Feeling slightly disappointed, James followed her.

James woke with a start. He didn't realize that he'd fallen asleep. Judging from the darkness, James figured that night had fallen. He sat up and looked around, when a creak sounded from outside and there was a knock on the door.

"James?" Elizabeth called in a whisper.


The door creaked open a little and Elizabeth's svelte form slipped in, a lantern dangling from her hand. She approached the bed, placing the lantern on a bed side table.

"Elizabeth? What's wrong?" James leant forward, cupping her face and looking at her in concern.

"It's so hard, James. I've been struggling with my feelings for a long time. I love you."

James looked into her face, as though he couldn't believe it. After so long, Elizabeth was finally returning his fervent feelings?

Elizabeth took his silence in stride and leant forward and kissed him. James eagerly returned the kiss, all his most passionate feelings roaring to the surface. But he couldn't let them over-power him. He didn't want to frighten Elizabeth away.

She is almost tentative when she deepens the kiss. Frightened almost. Like she knew that she was about to betray her marriage to Will. But she couldn't stop. She wanted this too much. She can tell that James wants this too. The noises of pleasure he makes deep in his throat. The way he moans her name.

Elizabeth herself can feel the hum of pleasure coursing through her body. She had taken this same course with Will, but being with James just felt...So right. When James breaks the passionate kiss and starts to kiss, lick and ever so gently nibble his way down her body, Elizabeth's back arches and the pleasure increased, flooding her every cell.

He is gentle with her, his expanding desire only held back by a thread. They cling to each other, their bodies quivering and beads of perspiration gleaming on their skin. Both emit such desirous sounds they didn't think the other could make, they didn't think they would make together.

Finally, they break together, crying out each others name. They lie tangled together in sweat-soaked sheets, their bodies still entwined. Elizabeth looks up at him and huskily tells him she loves him, then is the first to be caught by slumber and James gently rocks her in his arms, staring down with undying love at her naked form. "I've always loved you," he says.
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