(no subject)

Oct 23, 2007 19:21

Title: Providential
Rating: T for minute sexual hints
Pairings: Norrington/Elizabeth, Will/Elizabeth
Summary: James and Elizabeth are more in love then ever, and they're expecting a child together. But will their love be able to stand when Will returns from his ten years at sea?
Status: Part 3 out of 3

The bright sunlight filtered in through the grimy windows. The intense rays made James stir and open his eyes blearily. He sat up, yawned and stretched, before settling himself back against the warm mattress to watch Elizabeth's slumbering form lovingly.

Elizabeth also stirred and her dazzling eyes fluttered open. James felt his fervor for her rise as her naked svelte form turned over to face him. A beautiful smile spread itself on her plump lips. "Morning," she whispered, her face close enough to James's, so that her breath stirred the tendrils of hair lying messily about his face.

James returned her smile. "Good morning, Ms. Swann." He never referred to her as Mrs. Turner, that just brought up too many painful thoughts and memories. Even though he had been living with Elizabeth for five months now, during which time Elizabeth had frequently told him 'I love you.' James and Elizabeth often reflected on how much they resembled a loving married couple.

Elizabeth chuckled at James's salutation. "James, please, how many times have I asked you to call me Elizabeth?" Elizabeth remembered how she had asked Will that question before she'd been whisked away by the crew aboard The Black Pearl, before she'd met the colorful Captain Jack Sparrow. Occasionally, thinking of her husband filled Elizabeth with a dull ache. But, being with James filled Elizabeth with more happiness and joy then she could have ever thought. She loved James with the same burning love she had for Will.

The corners of James's eyes wrinkled as his smile grew wider. "Elizabeth," he spoke her name with a hushed tone of deep adoration.

Elizabeth beamed, raising her body up and wrapping herself in James' muscular arms. Her voice held the same deep adoration when she whispered his name, and when they kissed, they both radiated the same feeling of deep passion.

Since James had washed up on the island, Elizabeth had always showered her love and affection on him. James had assumed the responsibility of looking after Elizabeth: Searching and collecting food and water for them both and keeping her safe from harm. They remained beside each other day and night, as thought they couldn't bear to be apart from one another. Spending the hours stealing kisses and embraces from the other.

Lately, however, it seemed to James as though Elizabeth was avoiding him. Three more weeks had come and gone and Elizabeth had started to act oddly. She vanished very early in the mornings, before James had arisen, and returned at night, when James paced outside, frantically calling her. She didn't show him the same affection and seemed distant with him.

One day, James felt Elizabeth leave the bed. Squinting through his eyes, he saw her leave the room, fully dressed. The fact that she was dressed was nothing new to James. They hadn't made love for at least two weeks. James silently slipped from the bed and padded after her, following her, at a distance, as she left the house and set off into the trees. He followed her into a small clearing where she sat down on a large rock, tugging at the baggy shirt and breeches she had been wearing of late.

James stepped up behind her and sat down heavily beside her, startling Elizabeth. "James!" she exclaimed, jumping slightly.

"What's wrong, Elizabeth? You've been acting oddly of late."

Elizabeth's warm brown eyes were rife with distress and she shifted on the rock. Suddenly, she reached for his hand and laid it over her belly. James frowned in confusion until he felt life stirring in Elizabeth's stomach. He lifted his amazed green eyes to her concerned looking brown ones. "You're with child?"

Elizabeth nodded and broke her gaze, turning her head away. "Elizabeth, that is fantastic!" James whispered, over-joyed.

"I don't know if it's your child, James. It could be Will's."

James paused for a moment before replying. "Well, no matter who's child it is, they will be very lucky to have a beautiful mother like you. I will help you out, regardless of whether I am the father or not."

Elizabeth smiled happily and threw her arms around James. "Oh, James, you have always been a good man."

With Elizabeth's returned affections, time started passing more quickly for James. He took his responsibility of looking after Elizabeth and her unborn child with a fierce zeal. He had made it his duty to make sure Elizabeth and the baby made i throughout the pregnancy safely. As Elizabeth neared the end of her pregnancy, James took his responsibility even more seriously.

One night, Elizabeth lay curled up in his embrace, watching his eyes grow heavily and droop with exhaustion. As he started to lull off to sleep, Elizabeth leant closer and whispered in his ear. "I'm sure the baby is yours, James."

James woke in the early morning to agonized screams. Rushing toward the commotion, James paled in shock and worry when he saw Elizabeth slumped on the ground, legs spread and panting heavily. "The baby...'s coming Jam...James," she whimpered in pain.

Despite not knowing a thing about delivering a baby, James crouched down in front of Elizabeth, coaxing her through the ordeal. It was hard for them both, and equally shocking, but soon Elizabeth cradled her newborn son in her arms. James looked down on them both with a wildly happy expression on his face.

"Oh, James," Elizabeth sighed softly, "he is beautiful."

James sat down beside her, stroking her face as she slumped against him, allowing James to take the baby and rock him in his arms. "What are you going to call him?"

"William Weatherby Turner," she replied.

James smiled and nodded, making Elizabeth laugh in an exhausted way. "William Weatherby James Turner does sound better, doesn't it. Will is gone for ten years, this child is going to grow up knowing you, James. And no child can grow up knowing a more respectable man."

As the William grew, it was apparent who had fathered him. James's fearless green eyes glanced out at the world in a curious nature from little William's face. Elizabeth would lie against James's chest with little William in her arms. "No child could ask for a better father," she'd tell James quietly.

Both Elizabeth and James helped William. As he grew, James taught him how to use a sword and taught him about the Royal Navy. Elizabeth would recount her adventures with pirates and the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow.

Then came the day both James and Elizabeth had been waiting for: The day Will would return from his ten years at sea. James and Elizabeth spent the day packing a nearby cave with supplies James would need. James would spend the duration of Will's stay in the cave, while Elizabeth would pretend that William was his son.

The time came when they had to part. Elizabeth pressed a quick kiss on James's lips. She was clearly excited Will was returning. He was, after all, her husband. She'd already run through telling William to call Will 'father'. He was an intelligent child, he knew what to do. James gave him a quick hug and watched as Elizabeth lead him away. A distant green flash signified Will's return and James drew back into the cave.

He had had many a fantasy about Elizabeth in Port Royal. While none of them had gone as according to plan, James wouldn't trade his life in now for anything in the world.
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