PotC-Fic - Growing shapes (2) The smithy

Oct 12, 2007 22:42

Title: Growing shapes (1-4)
Author: blackpoetcat
Pairing: Norribeth mentioned / Willabeth
Characters: James Norrington, Will Turner
Rating: none
Disclaimer: It's all Disney's, no profit intended, just my little world of fantasy...

Summary: Takes place after CotBP, ignoring DMC + AWE;
What if relationships go another way than expected?

My personal thanks go to dear underworldvixen for betaing :-).

Growing shapes

Part 2 - The smithy

If views could kill I would drop dead to the floor the very moment I entered the smithy. Turner’s eyes shot daggers right through me. His icy voice cut my nerves like one of his swords would my heart. If he could only murder me without consequences…


“Mr. Turner… I would like a word with you.”

No, I didn’t like. But I promised. Promised to try everything to change his behaviour. As if he’d ever care about my opinion, let alone follow my advice whenever Elizabeth was the subject…
Of course I was right.

“No. There’s nothing we have to discuss”, he declared and crossed his arms. “Unless you want to order something …”

I suppressed an annoyed sigh and folded my hands behind my back.

“Mr. Turner… The only thing I would like to order at the moment is a cage. A large cage, which offers enough room for a swan to live and swim, but prevents any attempt to fly.”

His face fell, he clenched his fists and stepped ahead, stopped just an arm’s length in front of me.

“Don’t you dare to tell me how to handle my fiancée, Norrington!”, he hissed. “You don’t have any right to and I demand that you’ll stay away of her in the future. There’s no place in our life for people like you.”

I was tempted to hit him straight in the face. I couldn’t remember when I last had such violent wish. Nevertheless, I stood as stiff and unemotional as usual. More than fifteen years of service in His Majesty’s Navy taught me enough discipline to behave the opposite way I felt.
Well, at least until today…

“People like me, Mr. Turner? What do you mean exactly? People who care about her well-being? People who supported her when she tried her limits or needed someone to talk with? People who lent her a shoulder to cry on whenever someone hurt or disappointed her?”

I didn’t recognize my own voice. Was that really me who used this passionate and rude tone? Me, who should be stoic and calm in any circumstances? The moment I discovered that I’d lost my temper and went too far was exactly the one Turner’s fist stroke the very same cheekbone as he did the day before. My head snapped aside, I tumbled back, touched the bruise and wasn’t surprised to feel blood. Abruptly I became as cold as during battles, straightened and set my jaw.

“This was the second time you attacked me physically where I just used words, Turner. Don’t try my patience. If you do that ever again I will bring you to trial!”

He laughed, hard and with obvious disgust.

“You won’t, Norrington. You’re far too arrogant to let anyone damage your reputation like this. Not to mention that you’d never expose Elizabeth to any scandal. You know as well as I do that she would have to bear the worst of all gossip if her fiancé would have to face a trial.”

His smirk showed a deep satisfaction while he crossed his arms again.

“Your plans have well and truly failed, Norrington. Elizabeth will never marry a man who doesn’t love her the way she needs. I suggest you leave and finally bury your ambitions to become the Governor’s son-in-law.”

I cocked my eyebrow. Now that was the last thing I would accept - that this ever too rash firebrand dared to judge my intentions! Particularly when he didn’t know them at all…

“My plans aren’t your business, Turner. And don’t pretend to know me or my ambitions, least of all my feelings! But I’m glad to hear that we at last agree upon one thing: That Elizabeth will never marry someone who doesn’t love her the way she needs.”

He laughed, again.

“You don’t know what she really needs, Norrington: Protection, first and most from her stubbornness and her rashness.”

My short smile didn’t reach my eyes.

“I see. And you think you are the right person to deal with other people’s rashness? That would be like asking Sparrow to guard a rum storage. But as you so persistently said, that isn’t my business.”

I went to the door, but turned a last time before I left.

“Go on, treat her the same way you did if you’re certain it is the right one. But you will not bar her from talking with me and I will not stay away from her. Fiancé or not, I am still her friend and I don’t care if you like it. Good day, Mr. Turner.”

Never in my adult life had I ever slammed a door. Today it was a most welcome pleasure…


potc, fanfiction

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