Muddy Green

Aug 13, 2006 14:26

Title: Muddy Green
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: If I owned anything from Pirates I wouldn't be here.
Summary: He was there the whole time...
Word Count: 844
Status: Complete
Warnings: DMC spoilers.
Pairing: James Norrington/Elizabeth Swann

For once, it’s not for the money or the fame. He doesn’t even care if society will praise him for it-though he knows they will. There’s a feeling he can’t quite explain when he’s around her. Something that weakens his knees. He’d expect as much from a noble battle against the kind of people she likes to think are honorable and have good intentions.

He doesn’t know what her answer will be. At this point, he’s not entirely sure he wants to know. Maybe it would be better if someone else were to ask for him. That might destroy any hope of getting the answer he wants-and honestly believes he deserves (which he does)-and he can’t have that. Not if it’s on his own account.

James Norrington didn’t believe in true love. Not even when he first saw the girl-she was, after much younger then. He tries to keep in mind that the age difference is still the same it was then, but it’s hard to remember when she’s so mature. He keeps this in mind when he sees her in the bar, shortly after mockingly joining Sparrow’s crew.

It didn’t mean anything.

It had been pure coincidence that they ended up on the same square inch on that tiny island. However, he firmly believes she knew who he was when she smashed the bottle over his head. Her voice, he could hear it, just barely after he collapsed to the ground.

”I just wanted the honor of doing that myself.”

He still hears that voice when he’s alone. Most often he thinks of its strength and gentleness. James hopes she feels the same about him as a person. He wouldn’t dare hurt her but he’s strong enough to conquer an entire army; at least if it’s for her. Mostly James hopes she knows.

True love is the only thing he knows is real now.

He wonders if she thinks his eyes beautiful. Throughout his life he’s received complements on them often. Sometimes he hates to say so himself, but they are rather like gemstones. The color is nearly indescribable. Perhaps the only way to explain it is this: when he’s angry or determined or focused, they’re a muddy green. He finds them that color most of the time. Occasionally, the explosions around his pupils have a blue tint, much like the sea he wants to dominate.

She doesn’t care what happens any more. It surprises her that so many people still even speak to her after she’d run off in search of Jack Sparrow shortly after the date she was supposed to be wedded to Mr. Turner. The town thinks of Turner as a boy-he hasn’t earned the “Mr. Turner” title and most refer to him as William, the apprentice. That doesn’t matter any more. Elizabeth suspects he’ll get lost in pirating.

They’ll still be friends.

James Norrington waited for her. He set her free; free to choose whom she wanted. At the time, Will was her first choice. Times have changed. Only a year or two ago, she might have said that Jack Sparrow was her soul mate. Now she knows that isn’t true. The man who was formerly known as Commodore Norrington was there the whole time.

She couldn’t believe the mess he was in Tortuga. It baffled her to see the man she once knew as proper and noble as such a poor, misguided man who seemed more like a young boy, lost in a world that seemed to know nothing but hate. Nevertheless, she cared for him while searching for Will and becoming mixed up in her feelings for Jack.

She loves him but she’s not sure he knows. And if he does, he doubts that he can be good enough for her.

As long as those eyes stay intent she will. She can’t help but melt every time she sees those eyes on her. He told her once that God gave him the eyes so he could look at her-the beauty of them didn’t matter. Elizabeth Swann believed something else; God gave James Norrington those incredible eyes to lure her in and make her understand.

It worked.

Those eyes are gorgeous.

She stares up at him in amazement. A smile forms on her lips-she prefers him with his real hair, dark and messy. It suits him much better. He’s one of the few men that look good with a mustache.

“What entrances you so, love?”

She doesn’t answer, instead choosing to wrap her fingers around the back of his neck. He leans to kiss her. He loves that he’s taller than she is. It makes him feel like he can be that much more protective.

James knows she likes protective and possessive men. Luckily, he is naturally protective and possessive. He wants to prove this to her.

After sucking on her bottom lip, he pulls away, moving to ghost his lips by her ear.

“Don’t say no,” he whispers, sliding an engagement ring onto her finger.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”

So that was my first Norribeth fic. I've been posting mostly at a Sparrabeth community under the name roiben_kaye So feel free to check out some of my stuff there. Thanks for reading, please review--constructive criticism is most certainly welcome.

pirates of the caribbean: james/elizabet

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