Fic: Save Me (47/?)

Nov 08, 2010 19:04

Title: Save Me
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Angst, AU
Warnings: Underage drinking
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Prompt: Yes, I filled my own prompt. Shut up. ;) You can find it Here
Characters: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Other Misc characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: You can't save me now, I'm in the grip of a hurricane...
Previous Chapters: Prologue/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 1l7/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26/ 27/ 28/ 29/ 30/ 31/ 32/ 33/ 34/ 35/ 36/ 37/ 38/ 39/ 40/ 41/ 42/ 43/ 44/ 45/ 46

Author's Note: This story starts the night that Noah finds Luke in Olde Towne and takes him home. It picks up right after Noah leaves. In my head, that makes Luke 19 and Reid 30,(using the DVD of Reid around 12 yrs old as being taped in 1990). This might end up being the dirtiest thing I've ever written. *hides* Huge thank you's to my official beta for this fic, stl29tide, and alissablue for all her EPIC research. :)

Basically, I'm hijacking the Paul/Josie/Dusty plot for my purposes. Don't know who Josie is? If you visit Dusty's Wikipedia page here, you can read up on it. I'm changing mostly just the dates for the plot, so it runs alongside Luke's plot line. I will probably AU it a lot. Also, in my fic, Dusty/Josie have known each other for a few weeks, and it was Paul's idea to call in Reid (He told Dusty that it was prove Josie was faking, but in reality he wants Reid to keep his scheme going).

As promised, I will be double posting tonight!

Luke woke up alone.

He glanced around the empty bedroom, listening for any sound from the other room.

“Reid?” He called, figuring that Reid was probably gone, but needing to try anyway. Luke sighed. He got up and took a quick shower, washing away all evidence of the night before. He wiped the fog off the mirror and gasped.

One finger touched his neck gingerly, running lightly over the bruised skin. Reid had marked him again. He smiled, and headed out to get dressed.

No matter what Reid had to say about the night before, Luke wasn’t going to make it easy to resist him.


Luke let himself into his parent’s house, surprised that no one was around.

He was supposed to meet Brian to sign some paperwork, so he slipped off his coat and scarf before sitting down on the couch.

He replayed the previous night in his head. Luke could still feel Reid’s mouth on his neck, Reid’s fingers digging into his skin, the groan Reid had uttered as he came.

“Luke!” Jade exclaimed as she let herself into the house. “What are you doing here?”

“Meeting Brian.” He told her. She hugged him, and Luke squeezed her tight. She was pretty much the only one he wasn’t mad at. She gave him a once over, and gasped, her eyes sparkling.

“Well, hello there, Luciano.” She said, turning his head to get a better look at the mark on his neck that was just barely peeking out over the collar of his shirt. He brushed her hand away with a blush. “Someone had a good night.”

“It was very good.” He smiled a little.

“Why don’t you look happier about that?”

“Because I’m pretty sure he thinks it was a mistake.” Luke sighed. “I tried to talk about it last night, and he said we'd talk today.” He paused. “He was gone when I got up this morning.”

“You have to admit, Luke, he’s kinda got a point.” Luke stared at her.


“Just hear me out.” Jade held out a hand to calm him down. “He’s in love with you.” She began. Luke started to speak, but she kept talking. “He is. I’ve seen him look at you when no one’s looking. I’ve talked to him about you - don’t ask - and it was very clear how he felt.”

“You really think…” Luke trailed off; dealing with the revelation Jade had just delivered. Sure, Luke realized that Reid cared about him. Reid was attracted to him, obviously.

But love?

“I really think.” She replied. “He’s good at hiding it.” Jade touched his arm. “He’s scared that you don’t feel the same way, or maybe somehow you’ll confuse what you feel because he’s helping you get sober or that you’re not over Noah.”

Luke thought about that for a long moment.

“When did you get so smart?”

“When you’ve had as many failed relationships as I have…” She laughed. “So how are you, really?”

“I’m doing okay.” Luke said. “I’ve been hiking again, and reading, and trying work on some foundation stuff.”

“Good, I’m glad.” He smiled. “How are things with Noah?”

“They’re not.” Luke told her. “I think I really screwed it up for good with him.”

“Even if he could forgive me for being with Reid while we were apart, there’s no way he’ll forgive what happened on Christmas or New Year’s Eve.” Jade stared at him for a second.

“What happened at Christmas?” Luke’s mouth fell open a little and his face turned red again. “You didn’t.”

“Let’s just say I have a new appreciation for snow, okay?”

“Who are you?”


“You’ve changed so much.”

“Is that a bad thing?” Luke asked.

“No.” Jade answered. “Just different.”

“After what happened, I suddenly realized why my parents act the way they do. I didn’t mean for Christmas or New Year’s to happen that way, but somehow they just did.”

“If Noah could forgive you, would you take him back?”

“I love him.” Luke replied.

“That’s not what I asked.” Jade sighed. “Could you see yourself having forever with Reid?”

“Jade, I -“

“Don’t answer right now.” She said. “Think about it.

“Thanks, Jade.”

“Don’t mention it.”

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, atwt, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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