Fic: Save Me (46/?)

Nov 05, 2010 17:50

Title: Save Me
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Angst, AU
Warnings: Underage drinking
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Prompt: Yes, I filled my own prompt. Shut up. ;) You can find it Here
Characters: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Other Misc characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: You can't save me now, I'm in the grip of a hurricane...
Previous Chapters: Prologue/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 1l7/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26/ 27/ 28/ 29/ 30/ 31/ 32/ 33/ 34/ 35/ 36/ 37/ 38/ 39/ 40/ 41/ 42/ 43/ 44/ 45

Author's Note: This story starts the night that Noah finds Luke in Olde Towne and takes him home. It picks up right after Noah leaves. In my head, that makes Luke 19 and Reid 30,(using the DVD of Reid around 12 yrs old as being taped in 1990). This might end up being the dirtiest thing I've ever written. *hides* Huge thank you's to my official beta for this fic, stl29tide, and alissablue for all her EPIC research. :)

Basically, I'm hijacking the Paul/Josie/Dusty plot for my purposes. Don't know who Josie is? If you visit Dusty's Wikipedia page here, you can read up on it. I'm changing mostly just the dates for the plot, so it runs alongside Luke's plot line. I will probably AU it a lot. Also, in my fic, Dusty/Josie have known each other for a few weeks, and it was Paul's idea to call in Reid (He told Dusty that it was prove Josie was faking, but in reality he wants Reid to keep his scheme going).

Posting early tonight as I am going to a pre-event party for my plans this weekend. I'm double posting tonight (but there will be no post tomorrow as I will have no computer access). I may or may not post on Sunday when I get home, but if I don't, you will get a double post on Monday!

When Reid got home that night, it was late. He’d had an emergency surgery that had been more in depth than he’d realized, and it was after midnight. All he wanted to do was fall into bed, hold Luke and sleep.

He quietly made his way into the bedroom, and froze.

Luke was sleeping on his side of the bed.

With a wry grin, Reid remembered that he’d left his wet towel on Luke’s side. He gingerly touched the mattress. It was still wet. The towel must have sat there all day.

He stared down at Luke’s sleeping form.


Where was he going to sleep now?

Fuck it.

He shucked his clothes down to his boxers, the way he usually slept (with the occasional pair of pajama bottoms in the winter). Reid went around to his side of the bed, and nudged Luke.

“Luke, move over.” He whispered.

Luke mumbled at him.

“Luke.” He shook the blond’s shoulder.


“Move over.”

“Wet.” Luke murmured.

“I know.” Reid whispered. “We’ll share my side.”

That got a reaction, as Luke cracked an eye open. Luke rolled onto his side, carefully avoiding the wet area. Reid lay down on the bed, slipping his feet under the covers. Luke was lying awkwardly now, trying not to encroach on Reid. Reid sighed.

“Come here.” He said, tugging on Luke. Luke let Reid shift him closer, until he was practically lying on top of him.

Luke’s head was on Reid’s chest, his arm flung around his waist. His pelvis was pressed against Reid’s hip.

They lay there awkwardly, Luke stiff in Reid’s arms.

“Relax.” Reid muttered. “Go back to sleep.” Reid felt some of the tension leave Luke’s body as he shifted a little. Luke made a little noise and Reid glanced at him.

Luke was biting his lip, and then his hand slid up Reid’s chest, coming to a rest on the side of Reid’s neck. Before Reid could speak, Luke was pressing kisses into the other side of his neck.

“Luke, no…” Reid muttered, trying to pull away. Undeterred, Luke took his hand off Reid’s neck, and reached down, wrapping it around Reid’s semi-hard cock.

Reid couldn’t help it. He groaned.

“Please.” Luke murmured in his ear. “Need you.” He was grinding lightly against Reid now, his hardness pressing against Reid’s hip.

Reid was trying to do the right thing. It was too soon for this. Luke was still dealing with his addiction and he still had feelings for Noah.

He has feelings for you too.

Luke stroked Reid’s cock, his fingernails trailing over the skin, lightly scratching.

Reid stopped thinking.

His lips found Luke’s, and they moaned into each other’s mouths. Reid rolled them over, pushing Luke on his back and settling between his legs. Reid broke the kiss, grinding his cock against Luke’s, making the younger man gasp. Reid’s mouth trailed along Luke’s neck, to where it met his shoulder, and stopped. His mark had finally faded out, barely noticeable now.

Reid couldn’t have that.

He bit down hard on the tender flesh, sucking it in between his teeth, and loving it with his tongue.

“Fuck.” Luke cried, jerking against him. Reid growled low in his throat, and continued his attention on Luke’s neck. Luke’s hands drifted down and finished what they started, encircling Reid’s cock and stroking him firmly.

Satisfied with the mark on Luke’s neck, Reid’s mouth traveled lower and latched onto one of his nipples. Luke arched against him, one hand coming up and burying it in Reid’s hair. The other continued to stroke Reid, driving him crazy.

“Missed you.” He breathed, and Reid sucked harder in reply.

Reid had missed this too; the feel of Luke writhing under him, the touch of his skin, the sound of his voice thick with pleasure.

Reid took the other nipple in his mouth, devoting the same attention to it as he had the first, letting his hand slide along Luke’s abdomen, before finally grasping his cock tightly in one hand.

Luke moaned, and Reid smirked. Together they jerked the other off, matching their strokes, trying to see which of them would be the first to fall.

Luke was shaking in his arms, and Reid knew it would be him who would come first.

“Inside me.” Luke panted in his ear. “Please. Please, God, Reid, please.”

Reid just stroked him faster, and Luke came a moment later, crying out against Reid’s lips as Reid covered his mouth in a breath stealing kiss. Luke was lost in his orgasm, the hand on Reid’s cock slowing down, and Reid covered Luke’s hand with his own, both of them moving up and down on Reid’s shaft until Reid came.

Reid slumped down on top of Luke, his face buried in Luke’s neck, nuzzling against the mark he’d made.

Reid shifted to one side, careful of the wet side of the bed, and pulled Luke close. He didn’t make any move to clean them up, and neither did Luke.

“Reid…” Luke whispered. Reid shook his head.

“Tomorrow, Luke.” He whispered back. “We’ll talk about it tomorrow.” Reid smoothed Luke’s hair out of his face. “Just go to sleep.”

Luke finally dozed off.

Reid lay awake, staring at the ceiling.

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, atwt, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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