Fic: Save Me (12/?)

Oct 08, 2010 22:25

Title: Save Me
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Angst, AU
Warnings: Underage drinking
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Prompt: Yes, I filled my own prompt. Shut up. ;) You can find it Here
Characters: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Other Misc characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: You can't save me now, I'm in the grip of a hurricane...

Previous Chapters: Prologue/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11

Author's Note: This story starts the night that Noah finds Luke in Olde Towne and takes him home. It picks up right after Noah leaves. In my head, that makes Luke 19 and Reid 30,(using the DVD of Reid around 12 yrs old as being taped in 1990). This might end up being the dirtiest thing I've ever written. *hides* Huge thank you's to my official beta for this fic, stl29tide, and alissablue for all her EPIC research. :)

Basically, I'm hijacking the Paul/Josie/Dusty plot for my purposes. Don't know who Josie is? If you visit Dusty's Wikipedia page here, you can read up on it. I'm changing mostly just the dates for the plot, so it runs alongside Luke's plot line. I will probably AU it a lot. Also, in my fic, Dusty/Josie have known each other for a few weeks, and it was Paul's idea to call in Reid (He told Dusty that it was prove Josie was faking, but in reality he wants Reid to keep his scheme going).

Reid woke up that morning the same way he had for the last couple - alone. He sighed, rolling over, and dropping his legs over the side of the bed. He had to admit, if he had to be stuck in Oakdale, there could be worse places he could be living - like the Lakeview, or with Katie and Brad (no matter how much he liked Katie, Brad was another story). After the excitement (he used the term loosely, except where Luke was concerned) of his first couple of days in Oakdale, the rest of his week had passed in a relative blur of boring.

Because Luke hadn’t called.

Reid supposed it was for the best. Luke was too young, too inexperienced, too emotionally damaged for a causal sex relationship.

Still, Reid had caught himself staring at his phone throughout the day, wondering if Luke would call and hating himself for it.

He went through his morning routine, grabbing a quick shower and getting dressed. Reid dropped his toothbrush back into the holder (in the left slot, facing to the left), and gave his reflection one last look in the mirror.

He glanced at his watch, and saw that he had some time before meeting Josie at the hospital for her next appointment. Reid hoped she’d leave that neanderthal she and Paul were duping at home.

Deciding that coffee was in order, Reid headed out the door, intent on stopping by Java for his fix.

It had nothing to do with the fact that Luke’s ex worked there, or that Luke himself might show up.

Nothing at all.


Luke curled up on his bed in the fetal position. He stared around his old room, the room he'd grown up in. He couldn't believe he was back at his parent’s house. For about five minutes this morning, joking around with his dad, it had been like he'd never left.

It was a good thing, moving home. At least, he kept telling himself that. When he got up this morning, and clattered down the stairs at the farm for what was becoming his customary morning beer, he'd had no idea what was going to happen. That the pain would start again - that it would be so bad, so intense he'd grabbed his side and doubled over. In that moment, that brief moment of agonizing pain, Luke got scared.

He couldn't get sick. He just...couldn't.

Sick meant hospitals, and kidneys, and disappointing his family. And they were disappointed enough already.

Luke wondered if his parents would ever be proud of him again. He'd spent so much time letting them down.

He'd been so afraid, terrified he'd dumped out the beer.

Promised himself that was the last one.

He'd meant it, at the time. He'd even been looking forward to coming home, being with his family again. And then another bomb -

Brian and his Grandmother were moving in.

With her house under construction and Reid in her guest cottage, his mother had insisted they move in too. Luke tried to play it off in front of his family, but he'd made it no secret that he didn't like Brian. Brian knew about the drinking and he was using to get at Luke. Luke knew how he got after a few drinks; that he tended to stumble a lot - like he didn't have any bones. Brian knew it too, often using that as a reason to touch him.

And now they were going to be under the same roof.

He just couldn't deal with that.


Reid walked into Java and stopped short. Luke was sitting with Noah, and they were talking in low tones. Reid ordered a coffee from the barista behind the counter, watching Luke talk to Noah out of the corner of his eye. Reid paid for his coffee and headed for a table.

He sat at the one behind Luke and Noah, smirking as Luke caught sight of him and froze for just a second. Their conversation continued, and Reid pretended to read his paper. He told himself that he was only paying attention to Luke's conversation because it impacted his sex life.

After all, if Luke and Noah were back together, he'd have to find someone else to fuck while he was in town.


Luke’s heart stopped when he saw Reid come in and sit down at the next table over, and he stuttered on his words, but Noah didn’t seem to notice.

It didn’t matter anyway, as Noah didn’t believe him.

“I know the difference between a friendly touch, and touching.” Luke snapped. He’d just told Noah about Brian. His voice must have been louder than he realized, because he saw Reid glace up at them from the paper he was reading, a smirk forming on his lips.

“You do.” Noah allowed. “Usually.”

“Are you saying that I’m making this up?” Luke asked. He couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that Noah didn’t believe him. Wasn’t he supposed to be on Luke’s side?

Luke tried convincing him for a few more minutes, but it didn’t seem to be working. He sighed, unable to take it anymore.

“I’m talking about my Grandmother’s husband wanting to go to bed with me.” Luke’s voice got a little louder, and he could see Reid raising his eyebrows in their direction. Luke blushed.

“He said that?” Noah looked shocked, but thankfully not noticing the Luke’s flushed face.

“No, but I could tell.” Luke said, standing up. “Just like I could tell with you.”

He had to get out of there, so he turned and headed for the door. He’d made it three steps outside when a voice piped up behind him.

“So, Mr. Snyder.” Luke paused. “You don’t call, you don’t text…”

Turning around, Luke came face to face with Reid.

Clips that correspond with this chapter: and

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, atwt, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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