Fic: Save Me (1/?)

Sep 27, 2010 20:43

Title: Save Me
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Angst, AU
Warnings: Underage drinking
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Prompt: Yes, I filled my own prompt. Shut up. ;) You can find it Here
Characters: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Other Misc characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: You can't save me now, I'm in the grips of a hurricane...

Previous Chapters: Prologue

Author's Note: This story starts the night that Noah finds Luke in Olde Towne and takes him home. It picks up right after Noah leaves. In my head, that makes Luke 19 and Reid 30,(using the DVD of Reid around 12 yrs old as being taped in 1990). This might end up being the dirtiest thing I've ever written. *hides* Huge thank you's to my official beta for this fic, stl29tide, and alissablue for all her EPIC research. :)

“I saw that.”

Luke turned around slowly. It was him. The gorgeous guy with the “I don't give a fuck” attitude. Luke's mouth went dry.

“So you're not blind then.” Luke replied, his mouth speaking the words almost before he'd thought them. The blue eyed man blinked at him for a second, seeming surprised by his tone and his words.


“Are you deaf now too?”

“Excuse me?” Luke fought to keep the grin off of his face.

“Not fifteen minutes ago, in the lobby, you ran into me like I wasn't there.” Luke answered. “I figured you must be blind.” The man's shocked expression made Luke a little giddy. He'd done that.

“Are you serious?” The guy asked, after a pause in which he did this...thing with his tongue that Luke couldn't quite describe, but made him a little weak in the knees.

“What, you can't remember that a far back?”

“I have a photographic memory, thank you.” The guy sounded so offended, and Luke couldn't help the slow, lazy grin that formed. This was the first time since the election, since getting expelled, since losing Noah, that he'd felt any kind of alive at all. “I didn't acknowledge you because I don't care.”

“And yet, you're calling me out for this.” Luke gestured to the bulge in his sweater, and flushed when the guy's eyes did more than just follow his hands. His breath caught in his throat, as the older man's eyes took him in. Luke had never felt so naked while wearing clothes.

“What can I say? Confidence appeals to me.” The man smiled sort of crookedly, and Luke blinked. If he was hot before...

His almost smile was breathtaking. Despite himself, Luke could feel his cock growing hard. He'd never thought he'd have that reaction to anyone but Noah, especially not to some good-looking ass that he'd just met in a bar and who probably wasn't even gay.


Luke had pretty good gaydar, and this guy was pinging pretty loudly.

A movement near the door of the bar caught his eye, and Luke swore under his breath when he saw Brian hovering there. The other guy looked too.

“Friend of yours?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Definitely not.”


“God help me if he ever is. I can't let him see me.” For so many reasons. Luke tightened his grip on the bottle under his sweater, heading for the opposite way out of the bar area, brushing past the guy he'd been flirting with.

Wait. Flirting?

He didn't know what made him pause, what made him glance back, what made him speak.

“You coming?”

Luke didn't know what made the guy pick up his bag and follow him.

He didn't care.


They found themselves in an empty stair well, one flight down from the floor that contained both of their rooms. They were perched on the landing, the guy's bag leaning against the wall behind them.

It was damp, and cold, and hard and impersonal, and Luke couldn't think of a better place to get drunk with a random guy.

He was shocked by how much he wanted it. Not just the drinking (God, YES), but to spend time with this man, this person he didn't know. Luke pulled the bottle out from under his sweater once they were sitting down, unscrewing the lid and taking a long drink.

He closed his eyes in bliss, the cool liquid filling his mouth, the fiery burn relaxing him as it made is way down the back of his throat, tantalizing him as it settled in the pit of his stomach.

Why, oh why had he ever given this up?

Luke held out the bottle to the guy, who was staring at him.

“Are you even old enough to drink?” He asked. Luke grinned.

“If I was old enough to drink, I wouldn't have to steal it, now would I?” He said, bumping his shoulder into the other man, who chuckled. His laugh sent tingles down Luke's spine, and when his blue eyes met Luke's brown ones, Luke thought his heart might have skipped a beat.

Luke had never felt this kind of attraction, this kind of desire so instantaneously.

He wanted this guy like he'd never wanted anyone, even Noah - as much as that hurt to admit. Luke took another drink, relishing the feel of the alcohol slipping past his lips.

“Fuck.” The other man swore quietly, and Luke was surprised to see a little bit of lust in those blue eyes.

“Want some?” Luke held the bottle out. The man took it silently, their fingers brushing as the bottle changed hands. It was like an electric shock, and Luke could see that the guy felt it too.

Luke could only stare as the blue-eyed man put the bottle to his lips and drank. He got it now, what the guy must have seen when staring at him. Luke licked his lips, tasting vodka. He wanted to kiss this guy, kiss him, and touch him, and...

Shock ran through him.

He couldn't...could he?

“So how old are you?” The guy asked, handing the bottle back. Luke took it with a shaking hand.

“Not old enough to buy booze.” He teased, taking a drink. Luke could almost taste the other man's lips on the bottle, and it was enough to make his cock rock hard.

“Don't get cute.”

“You think I'm cute?” Luke smiled at him, leaning closer. The alcohol was numbing him now, the lethargic feeling spreading into his extremities. To his surprise, the other guy blushed a little.

“Maybe.” He allowed, giving Luke that crooked smile again and making his insides twist is all sorts of pleasurable ways. Luke drank again, and then handed the bottle back.

“How old are you, really?” The guy asked, drinking.

“Why do you want to know?” Luke moved a little closer, definitely invading the man's personal space.

“Because if I act on what I'm thinking about, I need to know if I'm looking at jail time.” Startled, Luke's mouth fell open.

“Nineteen.” Luke stammered out, caught up in the other man's gaze, lost in his blue (oh, so blue) eyes. The man groaned, taking another drink.

“Thank God.” He sounded relieved.

“What exactly are you thinking about?” Luke found himself asking, his voice barely above a whisper. He wanted this so badly and he didn't even know why.

The man leaned close, incredibly close, and Luke could smell him. He smelled like cologne and soap and something distinctly manly.

Noah never smelled like that.

Luke took the bottle from the man, surprising him, and took several long swallows. He nearly gagged on it, but he didn't care. Anything to get Noah out of his head. He could feel the alcohol now, warm all over. Or maybe it was the guy staring at him that was causing that.

“Well?” Luke slurred a little, his head rolling on his shoulders a bit.

“I'm thinking that you're hot.” The man spoke in his ear, his voice a low, dangerous growl. It turned Luke on like nothing else ever had. “I'm thinking that you'd look good in my bed.”

“Yeah?” Luke breathed, almost like a challenge. The other man brought his hand up, placing it on Luke's shoulder and running it down his arm.

“I'm thinking about all the different ways that I could make you beg.” Luke closed his eyes, a jolt of desire flashing through his stomach, his toes curling at the thought.

“I'm thinking I'd like to fuck you.”

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, atwt, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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