Fic: Save Me (18?/)

Oct 14, 2010 20:03

Title: Save Me
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Angst, AU
Warnings: Underage drinking
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Prompt: Yes, I filled my own prompt. Shut up. ;) You can find it Here
Characters: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Other Misc characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: You can't save me now, I'm in the grip of a hurricane...

Previous Chapters: Prologue/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17

Author's Note: This story starts the night that Noah finds Luke in Olde Towne and takes him home. It picks up right after Noah leaves. In my head, that makes Luke 19 and Reid 30,(using the DVD of Reid around 12 yrs old as being taped in 1990). This might end up being the dirtiest thing I've ever written. *hides* Huge thank you's to my official beta for this fic, stl29tide, and alissablue for all her EPIC research. :)

Basically, I'm hijacking the Paul/Josie/Dusty plot for my purposes. Don't know who Josie is? If you visit Dusty's Wikipedia page here, you can read up on it. I'm changing mostly just the dates for the plot, so it runs alongside Luke's plot line. I will probably AU it a lot. Also, in my fic, Dusty/Josie have known each other for a few weeks, and it was Paul's idea to call in Reid (He told Dusty that it was prove Josie was faking, but in reality he wants Reid to keep his scheme going).

Yeah, I borrowed a lot from the show for this chapter. Also, the kidney reveal is in the next chapter, and since I was very productive today, I'll be posting chapter 19 as well! :D

Reid opened the door to the hospital room, taking in Luke sitting on the hospital bed and the two people with him, a girl and a boy about his age. The girl turned around when he walked in.

“Finally.” She said, her tone full of frustration.

“Allison.” Luke hissed.

“I'm sorry.” She apologized. “I didn't mean for it come out that way. It's just that we didn't know where you were...I'm just worried about Luke.”

“I was down in the cafeteria consuming something that called itself lunch.” Reid answered, giving Luke a look out of the corner of his eye. The blond was staring at the floor, and Reid was pretty sure he was drunk. “There's nothing like those orange plastic trays to remind you of botulism.”

Luke snorted, and Allison and the other boy glanced at him.

“Like I said.” Allison repeated. “I'm worried about Luke. He needs some one to take a look at him.”

“Is he suffering from some kind of brain injury?”

“No.” Allison answered.

“Then you've got the wrong doctor.” He glanced at Luke again. “Take him to the ER, they'll be happy to look at him.”

“No!” Luke exclaimed, sliding off the bed. Reid watched as he grabbed the bed rail tightly in his hand, and his whole face turned white. Okay, now Luke had his attention.

“This the second time that's happened, Luke.” Allison said, crossing the room and helping the other boy get Luke back on the bed. “Someone needs to examine him, and he insisted it be you.”

“My parents can't find out that I'm here.”

“You should tell them, Luke.”

“They're already disappointed enough, Allison.”

“You want my professional opinion? Take him home and let him sleep it off.” Reid sighed, annoyed that he was being drawn further into Luke Snyder's web. He hadn't been able to get the kid out of his head since the day at the cottage.

He still had the scarf.

Reid kept telling himself he was going to throw it away.

He couldn't do it, and he didn't want to think about what that could mean. He didn't want to think about Luke anymore.

“See?” Luke said. “The doctor says I'm fine.”
“You are not fine, man.” The boy said.

“Casey, you heard Dr. Oliver.” Luke replied. “I'll go home and sleep it off, okay?”

“Dr. Oliver, could you please just take his vitals and maybe run a blood test? I'm worried about his blood pressure.” Allison asked. “I think he might have a kidney infection.”

“Who died and made you a doctor?”

“I'm a nursing student.” Allison told Reid, sounding unsure. Reid groaned.

“Reid, be nice.” Luke finally spoke to him.

“I am being nice.” He said to Luke, walking over and pulling up the rolling stool in the room to sit down. “If I wasn't, I wouldn't be biting my tongue to keep from saying what I really think about nursing student thinking she can diagnose someone.”

“Listen, Ali, why don't we run down to the cafeteria?” Casey suggested. “We can let Dr. Oliver check out Luke, and come back when they're done.”

“I'd rather stay if it's okay with Luke.” Allison answered.

“Whatever.” Luke replied.

“Fine.” Casey said, heading for the door and slipping into the hall.

“Please, Dr. Oliver, just look him over.” Allison pleaded.

“Yeah, okay.” Reid slid closer, ignoring the way that Luke's eyes followed his every movement, or how his pulse sped up with Reid picked up his wrist to check it. He looked at his watch, noting that Luke did look sick.

Worry twisted in his gut and he forced it down, buried it deep.

As suddenly as he left, Casey was back.

“Dude, your mom is here!”

“What?” Luke looked like he was going to throw up.

“She's across the hall with your grandmother.” Luke put his hand on his forehead, his expression tense.

“She's got her post-op today. I forgot.” He slid off the bed, and Reid rolled the chair back a foot. “I have to get out of here. She can't see me.” Luke looked panicked, the same terrified expression on his face as the night that Katie caught them in the barn.

“Luke, no.” Allison tried to dissuade him.

“I can't stay here, Ali. My mom can't know.”

“You need to talk to someone, Luke.”

“Damn it, Ali, are you going to help me get out of here or not?” The atmosphere of the room was thick and silent for a moment, and Reid watched as Luke stared his friend down.

“Yeah, okay.” Casey checked the hall through the window.

“She's gone. It's now or never.”

“So, you're not going to need me?” Reid asked, standing up.

“I guess not.” Allison said softly.

“Thanks, R - Dr. Oliver.” Luke gave him a long look, and Reid was grateful his friends were distracted and didn't notice.

Casey went out into the hallway first, then Allison, and finally Luke, who glanced at him one last time.

They all stopped short in the hallway, and Reid heard Luke's voice utter one word.


luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, atwt, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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