Fic: Save Me (28/?)

Oct 22, 2010 22:27

Title: Save Me
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Angst, AU
Warnings: Underage drinking
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Prompt: Yes, I filled my own prompt. Shut up. ;) You can find it Here
Characters: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Other Misc characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: You can't save me now, I'm in the grip of a hurricane...

Previous Chapters: Prologue/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 1l7/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26/ 27

Author's Note: This story starts the night that Noah finds Luke in Olde Towne and takes him home. It picks up right after Noah leaves. In my head, that makes Luke 19 and Reid 30,(using the DVD of Reid around 12 yrs old as being taped in 1990). This might end up being the dirtiest thing I've ever written. *hides* Huge thank you's to my official beta for this fic, stl29tide, and alissablue for all her EPIC research. :)

Basically, I'm hijacking the Paul/Josie/Dusty plot for my purposes. Don't know who Josie is? If you visit Dusty's Wikipedia page here, you can read up on it. I'm changing mostly just the dates for the plot, so it runs alongside Luke's plot line. I will probably AU it a lot. Also, in my fic, Dusty/Josie have known each other for a few weeks, and it was Paul's idea to call in Reid (He told Dusty that it was prove Josie was faking, but in reality he wants Reid to keep his scheme going).

Yeah, that last chapter was a little boring....this one is full of juicy goodness.


Luke sighed as he entered his parent’s house and watched his grandmother and Brian jump apart. Even after his talk with Brian the day before, Brian still made him a little uncomfortable, but mostly, he hated having to lie to his grandmother.

Brian had been true to his word so far, backing off, giving Luke space. Luke found when he wasn’t constantly hitting on him and making him feel like he was going crazy, Brian was almost a nice guy. He clearly cared about his grandmother.

He made small talk with Brian as his grandmother ran off to get her coat, encouraging Brian once again to come clean. Brian refused, of course, and Luke sighed as he watched them get ready to leave.

As Brian pulled open the door, Luke’s mouth fell open in surprise.

Noah was on the porch.


“Katie, just how many stores are planning on dragging me to?” Reid griped. “You can’t possibly have that many people to buy presents for.”

“You’d be surprised.” Katie replied.

“I want names.” Reid told her, earning a smile.

“You asked for it.” She went into a list, rattling them off. Most of them he’d never heard of, a couple of them were her family that she’d mention occasionally, and the rest of them were Brad’s family - Snyders. Reid tried not to react when she mentioned Luke’s name, but thought he might have flinched.

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry I asked.”

“Who do you have to buy for?”

“What makes you think I’m buying anything for anyone?” Katie just stared at him as he turned and walked down the aisle.


“What are you doing here?” Luke asked, smiling at Noah. The brunette held out a bag.

“I wanted to bring some presents by.” Noah said. Luke took it from him, his fingers brushing Noah’s. A month ago, a mere brush of Noah’s fingers would have sent his stomach full of butterflies…but now…

Luke pushed the thought away.

It’s just been a long time.

“So, how are things with Brian?” Noah asked, looking as awkward as Luke felt.

“He came on to me again.”


“He tried to kiss me.” Luke glanced at Noah out of the corner of his eye. So far, Noah had yet to believe him.

“When?” Noah asked, sitting down on the couch. Luke settled next to him.

“The night of Jack’s bachelor party.” Luke told him. “He admitted that he’s been a little too hands on, and that night you found me drunk in Olde Towne -“ the night I met Reid - “He took me to the Lakeview to sleep it off, but he was trying to get me alone.”

“He told you that?” Noah sounded shocked.

“He did.” Luke said, and then sighed. “He still won’t admit that he’s gay.”


“I know, and I don’t know what to do.” Luke got up and walked across the living room. “Grandma is so happy, and he’s the reason, and I just can’t take that way from her, Noah.”

“Why don’t we take your mind off of it for awhile?”

“What do you suggest?”

“What are your plans today?” Noah asked, putting a hand on Luke’s arm. Luke stared at him, his gaze slowly leaving Noah’s face and ending where his hand was touching Luke. Luke shook his head wordlessly, indicating he didn’t have any plans. “Why don’t we…hang out?”

Luke smiled.


Reid followed Katie out of yet another store.

“Yo, Goldilocks.” He said, getting her attention.

“What?” She turned around, hands holding a few shopping bags. They paused near the middle of Olde Towne. Reid shifted the rest of Katie’s bags, ones she’d somehow talked him in to carrying, and gave her a look.

“If you want me to keep being your pack mule, I’m going to need coffee.”

“Ok, Dr. Oliver.” Katie told him, smiling. “I’ll go buy us a couple coffees.”

“I’ll be here.” He sighed, sitting down on a nearby bench. Katie walked over and disappeared in side Java. Reid glanced up and froze.


Luke and Noah.


Reid couldn’t look away. Luke looked so fucking happy, and Reid couldn’t remember a time he’d ever looked at him like that or why it bothered him that Luke never had. Noah was fastening something on Luke’s wrist and they were just staring at each other.

Reid’s mouth went dry, and he wanted to shut his eyes, but he couldn’t.

Noah touched Luke’s face and Reid wanted to get up, march across the square and forcibly removed his fingers from Luke’s skin. He knew where looks like that went. They laughed, speaking softly, and then Noah kissed him.

Noah was kissing Luke. His Luke.

Reid’s stomach churned as he watched them.
The conversation that Luke refers to that he has with Brian is here:

Clips for this chapter: and (remember if you watch the clips, Jade is not in legal trouble in my story. :D )

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, atwt, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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