Maya (chapter thirty five)

Nov 08, 2010 21:55

Title: Maya
Author: thatsiturdead aka becky.
Summary: luke brought reid to oakdale with a different form of blackmail, under damiens manipulations. reid is angry, but not only because hes been taken away from his patients by a spoilt brat, but cause hes been taken away from someone else too....
Warnings: um, no spoilers as its AU. im still technically practicing writing atm, so im not sure if im ready to write smut.. maybe in later chapters? not making promises though. and i suppose i should warn you im still learning with writing, so im terribly sorry if im awful! oh and theres gonna be angst.
Disclaimer : not mine. if they were, we'd be celebrating right now, not crying.
Rating: pg-13.
A/N : chapter thirty five, in which luke is extremely happy but noah is putting doubts into reids head. damnnn him! oh, and its noahs surgery. LOL. oh my god, it feels like forever ago that we saw luke and reid on our screens. i really miss them :( and this month is gonna be a busy month for meee! my best friends 18th, MY 18th (about time, too!), and quite a few appointments and that. but ill do my best to get these chapters up as frequently as possible, so dont yous worry. i shall never give up on this story, as its near enough the end anyway and i want the chance to give lure the ending they should have had :) anywayyy,  thanks to traci for beta-ing for mee, i really appreciate it :D. feedback = pure love. continue to leave some <3 click on authors tag for previous chaptersss! enjoyyyy  <3

Over the next week, things were great for Luke. He was spending more time bonding with Reid and Maya at Reid and Katie's place. Simon was there most of the time, too. Reid had been unsure of him at first, but Simon somehow managed to win him over and they were acting like they were best mates, which dumbfounded both him and Katie.

Sarah and Chris were doing well. Maya was living with Reid at the moment just in case she had a relapse.  They just felt better having her near her father the doctor. They were finalizing everything with the divorce and custody of Maya and for the moment, everything seemed too good to be true.

It was.

Luke hadn’t heard from Noah since he had told him about his relationship with Reid, nor had Reid heard from him. Neither of them knew if Noah was planning on going ahead with the surgery or not, but because there hadn’t been a cancellation, Reid had to assume he'd be there.

And his surgery was today.

"What are you going to do if Noah turns up?" Luke asked as Reid was having his morning coffee. Luke had stayed over the night before, but nothing had happened. Maya was in the room, after all.

"Do the surgery?" Reid replied, eyebrows raised. Luke rolled his eyes.

"You know what I mean. What if he shoots his mouth off?"

"Luke, this is me you’re talking to. I’ll be fine."

"Yeah, but-"

"No buts. I told you. Besides, if Noah Mayer thinks he can out-bitch me, he's in for a surprise."

"He's your patient."

"I’ll be nice about it, at least until after the surgery is a success. Let Maya sleep until nine, then give her breakfast and take her to Sarah's."


"Yeah, she's wanting to spend time with Maya today as it’s her day off. That okay?"

"Maya isn’t my daughter, and I’d never stop her from seeing her mom."

"I know you wouldn’t," Reid gave him a quick kiss and a smile before leaving.

Luke had been hoping to spend time with Maya on his own today just so that Maya to get used to spending time with him. He didn’t mind though, because he and Reid had had her all week. Besides, there was plenty of time for them to get to know each other one on one. Her whole life, in fact, if Luke played his cards right.


Sarah was on the phone as she opened the door, smiling at Luke and gesturing for him to come inside. Maya was clinging onto him, leaning her head against his shoulder. Luke couldn’t help but run his fingers through her hair a few times, just because her hair was so damn touchable, silky softness in the form of curls.

"Okay, so why can’t you just ring them and tell-"

The person on the other side of the phone started speaking and Sarah was 'mhm-ing', clearly stressed. Luke went towards the sofa and sat down on it, standing Maya up on his knees and bouncing her as she squealed happily.

Five minutes later, Sarah walked in after hanging up and sighing while shaking her head.

"What's wrong?"

"Someone sent two important contracts to the wrong companies. All of the paperwork for the contracts has to be in by today. I have to get into work to sort things out and try and convince them to give us an extension."

"I’ll do it," Luke offered, standing up and passing Maya to her mother, who sighed but took her daughter.

"I should be the one to do it, I’m your assistant who was hired exactly to sort these things."

"Yes, but it’s your day off. You haven’t seen Maya in a while and she misses you, so spend time with your baby and let me sort this out."

Sarah smiled, laughing, "You know, you’re a pretty cool boss."

"Why thank you!" Luke said, grinning.

"I mean it. You’re a great guy, and you'll be an amazing stepfather to this little one," she smiled, gesturing to Maya in her arms, who giggled. Luke gave Maya a kiss on the forehead and Sarah a hug then left, smiling so much his face was aching. But he didn’t care. He was happy for the first time in a long time and he was going to treasure this feeling. He deserved this after everything.


"Mr. Mayer, how are you feeling?"

Noah looked as if he'd been slapped the moment he heard Reid's voice, "I’m fine."

"The nurses talked through the procedure with you, got you ready?"


"Anyone going to be waiting while you’re in there?"

Noah scoffed, "Is that a joke? Or are you just bragging because you know there won’t be?"

Reid sighed, "I meant a friend. Not a boyfriend."

"Well, my boyfriend is now your boyfriend, or whatever the hell you call each other, because I highly doubt you want him as a boyfriend, he's more of a fling for you isn’t he?"

"You don’t know anything about Luke and me. And if I were you, I’d be a little nicer to the guy who is about to crack open your skull."

"It’s a conflict of interest if you ask me, I mean, you could try kill me so you could have Luke to yourself."

Reid counted to ten in his head, angry. How dare he?!

"I’m going to pretend that you didn’t say that."

Noah laughed, which added to Reid's anger, "Of course, Dr. Oliver. You’re just interested in having your way with people, regardless of the consequences. But the moment my eyesight is back, Luke will be back with me. And you'll be nothing to him."

"He loves me."

"No, he only thinks he does. It’s me he loves."

"Really? So, why did he ask me to marry him?"

Noah froze and swallowed. He was quiet for a minute and Reid was beginning to think maybe he shouldn’t have just blurted it out like that, but honestly what did he expect?  The guy was trying to hurt him.  Okay, fine, maybe he deserved to be hurt. But saying he may kill him just to keep Luke? That was way too far.

"He asked you to marry him? What are you going to do, leave the country?"

"Assuming I say yes, we don’t know. He's given me a couple of months to think about it, so he can prove to me that he loves Maya and me. He doesn’t want my answer until then."

"He asked you to marry him and you asked him for a few months to think about it? Are you serious?"

"It was him that told me not to give him my answer right away, actually. He wanted to prove to me that he's sorry, and that he's serious about us. Besides, I have Maya to think about. I can’t just rush into things that could affect her whole life."

"So, are you going to say yes?"

The nurses came in then, telling Noah it was time and taking him down to the operating room.


Reid stepped into the staff room shower, letting the hot water cleanse out the tension in his muscles. The surgery was over. Done, dusted. It had, of course, turned out to be another success. A part of Reid was dreading the upcoming days, weeks, even possibly months ahead of him. He was happy with Luke, and although he wasn’t quite there completely, he was forgiving him. He realized where he had come from.

He hadn’t meant to start this quick in the game, he really hadn’t. What Noah had said got to him…maybe Luke did love Noah. Maybe he only liked the idea of Reid, an older, more experienced man, with a child, a ready-made family. Now he wanted marriage?

Could he really do it? Did Luke really love him?

The water fell down his face, hiding away his secret tears. The truth was, he could imagine a life with Luke.  He was amazing with Maya and he got along with Sarah. He knew for a fact his mother and sister would love him - he did, after all.

He was in love with Luke, although he hadn’t told him yet. He'd only realized it himself these last few days, spending time with him and watching him with his daughter. And he knew if it did turn out as Noah had said, and Luke did really just love Noah, he wouldn’t be able to take it. The first time he had trouble staying away from Luke, and he was angry. Now they had sorted that out, Luke was close again, close to him and to Maya, and he couldn’t bear it...

Stepping out of the shower, he wrapped a towel around him and got changed quickly. Luke was right. He did need these few months. Before he could give his answer, he needed this proof that Luke was committed to him and only him. Only time would tell if this would really work, if Luke Snyder could let go of the Luke and Noah love affair and become invested in the Luke and Reid love story.

If not, then... He'll have to do his best to muddle through. What else could he do, really?

!author|artist: thatsiturdead, fan fiction

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