Fic: Follow You Home - California Sun (16/26)

Nov 04, 2008 12:21

Title: Follow You Home - California Sun (16/26)
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Cain and DG, but if you saw 'em in the miniseries, they're here or mentioned. Plus some OCs
Rating: PG-13 *aka the return on Josh's potty mouth*
Summary: Between the football team, his family and a final exam, Cain's feeling the pressure. And he thought all his trouble was simply falling for his best friend...
Warning: post-series, directly after California Tin. Blame n_e_star, for she fed Steve. ;) *with thanks to ALL the fandom for the love*
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The rest of 'em are mine.

Prologue | California Queen | California Tin
California Sun: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen | Part Twenty | Part Twenty-One | Part Twenty-Two | Part Twenty-Three | Part Twenty-Four | Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six
Five | Waking Up (CaliSun 20.2) | Almost Like Being in Love (CaliSun 24.5) | An Hour and 45 Minutes | Hava Nagila | Unexpected

Cain glanced over to where DG sat on the towel, immersed in her book. He huffed slightly and turned as Josh stepped up beside him. "I'm so glad we brought the ball of fun," he said, looking at DG then turning to Cain with a grin. "She always this sociable?" he asked, glancing over his shoulder to where Randy and Scott were trying to get their girlfriends on their shoulders. Scooter-Mike was talking to two girls nearby and Trent has disappeared.

"I've got lunch says I can get her away from the book," Cain said with crossed arms.

Josh narrowed his eyes and shook his head. "Minimum of three feet from the towel. For five minutes," he amended. "Ten bucks." Cain glanced back to DG, considering the deal.

A grin slipped and he turned back to Josh. "Fifty if she kisses me?"

Josh gave him a dirty look. "It was funny once," he groaned.

Cain laughed and nodded. "Lunch," he insisted. Josh nodded and Cain pointed to the football. "Set it up." Josh moved to pick up the ball as Cain stepped away. "Don't hit her," Cain warned a moment later. Josh made another face and waited for Cain to get closer before chucking the ball wide.

Cain dove for the shot and caught himself before he hit the sand completely. DG glanced up over the top of her book and watched Cain push himself up, reach for the ball and toss it back to Josh. He breathed, hands on his hips and turned to look at DG.

'Look at his face,' she told herself, trying not to focus on him standing in front of her in only a pair of board shorts. It hadn't been awkward when he first took the shirt off, simply because her train of though was on keeping him from getting sunburned again.

She'd pulled Cain over and made sure he had a good inch thick of suntan lotion on his arms and back before she let him go off and play with the boys, threatening to turn him into a toad or sic a Papay on him if he complained. The second he stepped away, properly lathered, DG realized she'd practically just felt him up.

Of course, if he noticed or was bothered, he said nothing, so she just blew it off and focused on her book. And it was rather difficult for her not to look their way and find herself staring. She’d had to reread an entire page three times at one point.

Cain moved toward her and knelt down next to her bag. "Do you have a dollar?" he asked, glancing into the bag.

"Wallet," she replied, returning to her book. Cain poked into the bag and pulled out her phone. As he flipped it open, then closed, DG asked: "Something wrong with your watch?"

Cain's eyes narrowed at the fact she never even looked up from the book. "Just checkin'," he said with a shrug. 'Phone, wallet,' he thought. "Where are your keys?" he asked again, reaching into the bag.

DG pushed the book away and gave him a look as he stood up with the bag. "Why do you need my keys? And what's with twenty questions?"

Cain shook his head. "Not in here."

DG made a face and set the book down, huffing as she hauled herself up. "Yes they are," she demanded, yet still concerned otherwise, for whatever reason. She pulled the bag toward her and pushed her wallet aside. "They'd bite you," she stated, letting go of the bag and shaking the few keys at Cain.

He pulled them from her hand, dropped them into the bag and tossed the bag back down to the towel while DG stared at him with a raised eyebrow. "Thanks," he said simply.

"For what?"

"For standing. Makes it easier for me," he shrugged.

DG shook her head. "Huh?"

"So I can do this," he said, leaning forward and grabbing her around the waist. Cain hauled DG up, almost over his shoulder, and tore for the water; DG yelling the whole way. Josh had to cover his mouth to stop the laugh.

Cain made it a few feet - until the water was deep enough he couldn't get a full stride - and he lunged forward, still holding on to DG. They both popped up a moment later; Cain laughing and DG fuming.

"You son of a-" she huffed, pushing wet hair off her face. At least Cain had a suit on. She was in shorts, a t-shirt and shoes. He was so dead.

"Behave, Princess," he mocked. She smacked water toward him and groaned.

"What the Hell?" she asked, throwing her arms up.

"Trying to get you to have some fun. One of me is bad enough," Cain said, shaking his head.

"And your idea of fun is to toss me over your shoulder like a sack of flour and dump me into the ocean?" she screeched. Cain only nodded. She groaned loudly and smacked water at him again before turning and heading back to shore.

Cain reached out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her back. "Come on, DG," he pleaded. She froze and he noticed. Moving toward her, Cain frowned. "What?"

"Nothing," she stammered, shaking her head. "It's stupid."

Cain frowned again. "Please tell me," he asked sincerely. DG opened her mouth and shut it, then looked out over the water.

Looking down to the surface of the water in front of her, she said quietly: "You said my name."

Cain frowned slightly. "I say your name all the time," he shrugged.

DG shook her head. "Not to me," she stated, shaking her head. Cain moved to respond, but DG beat him to it. Holding up both hands, she said: "That was ten. In three-and-a-half years," she continued, throwing him the slightest glance. "-you've said my name ten times. And I can tell you every single one, right down to the color of your shirt. Granted, you were wearing the same shirt for the first five and you aren't wearing a shirt now..." she rambled.

Cain considered this for a moment, trying to remember when he last said her name to her face. That was terribly disrespectful of him; future-Queen or not. "I'm sorry," he said quietly.

"Oh, no," she started, not intending to offend him. "It's just..." DG pressed a hand to her forehead. "It's stupid, I know. And I can't believe I told you..."

"It's not stupid," Cain assured her. "It's rude, on my part."

"No, really, it's not," DG shook her head. "It's just... rare," she said, breathing a smile.

Cain glanced back to shore and noticed Josh looking their way as Trent joined him with some food. "Ten?" he asked.

"Five in the Zone and five here," DG nodded.

"How long?" he asked, not remembering. He knew he said her name, but he realized she was right: He never said it to her. "Since I said it last," he added when she frowned.

"The party," DG said with a smile. "Right before the shrimp puff-drama." February. And it was now the middle of May. "Now, I don't want you to start saying it just to say it. Takes all the fun out of my count," she said playfully. Cain forced a smile but was still running the numbers.

There were still three instances he couldn't count. She hadn't mentioned it in the letters, so it must not bother her that much. 'Of course, if she's keeping track...' The letters, he realized: the four random lines on the notes.

DG sighed as she pulled at her shirt. "By the way, you are so dead." Cain tilted his head slightly. "Fully dressed here," she said, trying not to smile. Cain laughed and DG narrowed her eyes. "Where is my stick-in-the-mud Wyatt Cain?" she asked.

"Haven't seen him," Cain shrugged. "Don't really miss him, either. He was really boring, Princess." DG smiled.

"Well, I like him," she said defiantly.

Cain snorted. "Have you had some fun?" he asked, throwing another glance to Josh and Trent.

DG followed his gaze and her eyes went wide. "You bet on me? Again?"

Cain laughed as DG swung at him. "Only lunch and only to get you away from the book."

"You are so goin' down, Tin Man," she threatened.

"Wave," Cain replied.

DG frowned. "What?"

"Wave." DG gave him another look and waved at him. "No," he said, pointing behind her. "Wave." DG turned to see a decent-sized wave breaking a few yards from them, but before she could react, a wall of water slammed her forward.

Right into Cain.

Of course, he'd anticipated the direction she'd go - at least he learned one thing from his surfing lesson - and was able to shift slightly to catch her. His arms wrapped around her and he was all too aware of how close her lips were to his.

'Dear God, I'm gonna be killed by the Humunga Cowabunga from Down Unda and, oh boy, Cain is right there,' her brain registered in all of two seconds. She felt her breath catch as she stared at his mouth.

If she was any closer, she'd be behind him.

Cain wanted to laugh; he'd been trying so hard to find the right moment to tell DG how he felt and it kept escaping him. And, here, nature had just provided him perfect timing. "I love you," he said simply.

DG actually had to gasp for air at his words. Sure she was hearing things, her eyes moved to his and he gave her the slightest shrug. And, for the first time in - well, longer than she knew - DG didn't analyze, consider angles or think.

She acted.

DG moved the half-centimeter between them and pressed her lips to Cain's. To say the moment was earth-shattering, bell-ringing and star-seeing would be an overstatement.

It was simply perfect.

Cain's right arm held her tight against him while his left hand found the back of her head and neck. He tried to push her back, which made her push harder. She pulled back, just enough for her nose to clear his, and she switched sides, ignoring everything else in the world.

Until they heard Josh yell, of course.


Josh and Trent had been watching the distant exchange when Scooter-Mike appeared at their side. Matching his gaze, Josh anticipated Mike's catcall and clapped a hand over his friend’s mouth.

"Dude, let him do this," Josh demanded. Randy and Scott joined them, wanting to know what was going on. They all watched as DG turned back to Cain and smacked water toward him.

As she swung toward Cain a moment later, Trent pointed to the water. "Think he sees that?" Trent asked, genuinely concerned.

"Dude," Randy said, also jumpy. Josh held up a hand. He knew Wyatt well enough to know that he saw the wave coming. What he would do with it, however... A moment later, the water slammed into both of them and Randy clapped a hand over Mike's mouth and Josh held his arms down.

"Do it," Josh chanted quietly as they all watched. It took a moment for them to see that Cain and DG were, in fact, making out and Josh let go of Mike, as did Randy. He smiled and Randy and Scott started hooting.

"It's about fuckin' time!" Cain and DG heard Josh shout from the shore.

series: calisun (fyh), fic: tin man, series: follow you home

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