Fic: Follow You Home - California Sun (20/26)

Nov 04, 2008 12:23

Title: Follow You Home - California Sun (20/26)
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Cain and DG, but if you saw 'em in the miniseries, they're here or mentioned. Plus some OCs
Rating: PG
Summary: Between the football team, his family and a final exam, Cain's feeling the pressure. And he thought all his trouble was simply falling for his best friend...
Warning: post-series, directly after California Tin. Blame n_e_star, for she fed Steve. ;) *with thanks to ALL the fandom for the love* HERE BE BLUE ICEMIST!
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The rest of 'em are mine.

Prologue | California Queen | California Tin
California Sun: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen | Part Twenty | Part Twenty-One | Part Twenty-Two | Part Twenty-Three | Part Twenty-Four | Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six
Five | Waking Up (CaliSun 20.2) | Almost Like Being in Love (CaliSun 24.5) | An Hour and 45 Minutes | Hava Nagila | Unexpected

The next morning, it was business as usual, with the two of them going through the morning routine of breakfast before Sasha showed up outside and Cain headed for campus. Only, this time, they lost a good two minutes at the door with a kiss to last them all day.

Cain usually saw Josh on Mondays, when he and Randy were walking to their oceanography class, but due to an accident Sunday night, there was a fallen tree at the edge of campus that needed to be attended to.

He'd see Josh the next day in class, so it wasn't really a big deal for Cain. He was heading back to the garage when someone called his name. He turned to see Amanda throwing him a wave and he stopped, giving her a smile.

"Hey, stranger," she said, giving him a half hug.

"How was the game?" Cain asked. Usually Ron was up on the softball and baseball team’s standings, but Cain hadn't seen him for most of the day.

"They won. Barely," she said with a shrug. "How was the beach?"

"It was okay," Cain nodded.

"Please!" They both turned to see Josh coming toward them from the stairs on the left. "He totally made out with Dee." Josh gave Amanda a half-hug and turned to look Cain up and down once. Grimacing slightly, he nodded: "Finally." Cain swatted at him and Josh leaned back with a laugh.

"What do you mean 'finally'?" Amanda asked, looking between the two of them. Cain shrugged and Josh shook his head. "You mean you two aren't-" she waved a hand in the air and looked at Josh.

"Well, they are now... right?" Josh asked, suddenly not sure what might have happened the day before. Cain gave him a half-nod half-shrug and turned back to Amanda.

"Wow... I just figured that you two were-"

"We've decided to go with 'clueless' in regards-" he trailed off, giving her another shrug.

Amanda smiled and pulled Cain into another hug. "Well, congratulations." Cain smiled and shot a look to Josh, who gave him a dirty look.


"You sure you have everything?" DG asked Sasha with obvious sarcasm. The woman was only going to be gone for four days, but she'd most definitely packed for a summer safari.

"You never know when something will come up-" Sasha said as she reached into the trunk of her small hatchback and pulled out a third suitcase.

DG looked away with a smile; that one was just too easy. Sasha pulled her carry-on out last and handed it to DG before she slammed the trunk shut. "You've got your ticket?" DG asked, seriously, this time.

Sasha reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a folded-up page. "Ticket, car and hotel. All here."

DG nodded and waved behind her to the door. "You need help with all this?" She saw the annoying man with the whistle heading back down the length of the terminal and was expecting him to start blowing the whistle at them any moment.

"Nope. I can do this. Thank you," Sasha said, leaning forward to hug DG.

"You have a good time," DG said quietly, giving Sasha an extra squeeze.

"I'm serious about the road trip, you know," Sasha stated, giving her a nudge. She pulled back and gave DG a nod. "Pack the thing, go for a drive..." DG rolled her eyes and nodded. She still hadn't told Sasha about Cain. Or that she was going home in less than a month.

These things needed to be done delicately.

"Go," DG said as the parking attendant blew his whistle at a car at the next door. Sasha smiled and slung one bag over her arm while trailing another behind her. Reaching for the last bag, she smiled. "Call when you get there," DG requested.

"Will do," Sasha said as she stepped past DG and headed into the airport. DG watched her for a second and turned back to the car. She gave a polite wave to the parking guy as she pulled the door open and he walked past, blowing his whistle at the car stopped behind Sasha's.


When DG got home from the airport, she went straight to the bedroom to change out of her work clothes, thankful for the half day because of Sasha's flight. As she pulled a t-shirt from the tall dresser, her eyes moved to the closet and the box.

After two weeks, she and Cain hadn't done much more than kissed - and most of that was in the first few days. She had to admit that it was nice and simple... but there was a part of her that wondered just how far they were going to go with this weird and awkward relationship.

Honestly, they were acting more like a couple married for years than one just together a few weeks. Of course, as Josh had pointed out the weekend before, they had been acting like that from the day he met Cain, so it really wasn't anything new. Only difference was that Cain was a little more touchy and DG, a little more feely.

And that was weird enough.

To say that the idea of Cain and her doing more than that hadn't crossed her mind would be the world's biggest lie, but she wasn't about to push him. In fact, DG was still fairly certain he had hit his head at some point or someone was going to jump out and yell 'Gotcha!'

'Damnit, Sasha,' she thought and dropped the shirt back into the drawer. DG stepped into the closet and reached for the box. Opening it up, she frowned slightly and cocked her head as she looked at the blue fabric.

'I'm not built like those models. I can't wear this thing,' she thought, lifting the slip out of the box. Seeing something else in the box, DG found a tag with the words Blue Mist. She sighed and set the box back on the shelf and pulled the... thing over her head.

"Let's see how bad this is, then," she mumbled and stepped out of the closet. The short dresser on the left had a large mirror and she stepped in front of it and made a face. Obviously, the bra straps weren't helping the effect. Neither were the jeans. DG quickly worked out of her bra and tossed it on the dresser, then got her jeans off and took another look in the mirror.

She turned from one side to the other and tilted her head. Half a second later, she reached for a hair tie from the dresser and pulled her hair up into a messy bun then took another look in the mirror. What about this stuff would make a guy all drooly? It looked like a blue nightgown. A short, blue nightgown that was almost too short.

'Must've missed the memo,' she mused and shook her head. Moving back to the other dresser to grab the t-shirt, DG's eyes went wide at the sound of the door opening and she dove into the closet, reaching for the first thing she could reach to cover herself.

series: calisun (fyh), fic: tin man, series: follow you home

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