Fic: 45 Minutes

Nov 26, 2008 13:12

Title: An Hour and 45 Minutes
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: DG, Cain and some random OCs (mention of Coop and Josh)
Rating: PG
Summary: DG has a surprise for Cain's birthday
Warnings: post-series, post- CaliSun *Written for the Fall/Winter Seasonal Challenge at tm_challenge.
Prompts: Smirk, Unexpected, Beguile, Relocate, Predatory, AC: Wise, AC: Sway and Covet
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors.

Prologue | California Queen | California Tin | California Sun
Five | Theatrics | Waking Up (CaliSun 20.2) | Almost Like Being in Love (CaliSun 24.5) | Watching the Pot |An Hour and 45 Minutes | Hava Nagila | It's Never a Three-Hour Tour | Unexpected

Cain was sitting in conference with the heads of the palace and city security teams when DG popped her head in. He had volunteered to act as an advisor, offering tactics and opinions 'from the old school', as DG put it.

Really, it was just something to keep him occupied during the day, as he didn't have much else to do since returning.

"You could always offer your services to the grounds crew," DG had suggested.

"Why should I work?" he teased. "You're the one with the career." DG raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"Now you want to be kept?!"

DG nodded to the men sitting around the table. "Pardon the interruption, gentlemen," she smiled and directed her gaze to Cain. "May I have two hours, when you're done?" Cain gave her a quick nod and she smiled again.

"Actually, Highness," the head of the city's police force started, raising a finger. "We're really done here," he continued, throwing the other men a questioning look. When they all nodded and shrugged, Cain let out a breath and pushed himself up from the chair.

"I'd still consider this plan," he said to the men, pointing to a page off to one side. The men nodded and began collecting their reports, discussing the idea amongst themselves as Cain moved along the table and stopped at DG's side. Tilting her head toward the door, they excused themselves and moved into the hallway.

"How's it going?" she asked, knowing that they'd been in talks for the better part of a week regarding new safety protocols. Cain let out a deep breath and rubbed the back of his neck.

"If they would just make a decision, either way..." He turned and looked at her for a moment. "It would at least be progress." DG gave him a sympathetic smile and hooked her arm around his.

"I have something for you," she said, pulling him along. A few minutes later, they arrived in one of the libraries of the North Wing and DG directed Cain to the couch. She moved behind the couch and reached down for the box, taking a moment to reach across the couch and turn Cain's head away.

"You'll ruin the surprise." Cain smirked and focused on the bookshelf across the room and, a moment later, turned to DG in shock as she produced a portable DVD player in front of him.

Cain was still staring at DG with confusion as she reached around him to press the Play button on the DVD player. "Did you know," she trailed off and hit the button and pulled back enough to look at him. "-that the Zone is Europe." She made a face and he blinked as the opening tune of White Christmas started emanating from the speakers.

He was still holding on to the player when he turned toward her. Before he could say anything, DG held up two fingers. "One tiny plug," she said quietly. "-and anything with a power cord'll work."

DG smiled as she watched Cain blink, his eyes moving from her to the screen and back. She rather enjoyed knocking the man off-center. Moving her hand to the back of his head, she ran her fingers through the short hair and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"Happy Birthday, Tin Man," she whispered.

"How did you-?" he asked, finally finding his voice. DG smiled and moved around the couch to sit down next to him.

"I ran a little experiment over Spring Break," she replied.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Cain asked.

"Because it was more fun this way."

DG pulled the player from Cain's hand and set in on the table before leaning into his side. She smiled as his arm went around her and, for a few minutes, they stared at the screen in silence.

Cain leaned over and pressed a kiss to the side of DG's head and whispered: "Thank you." DG smiled and turned her head to look at him. He glanced down to her and smiled as his eyes took in the sight of her. She looked tired, he noted, but she had been working very hard to help her mother and her sister prepare for the City Festival.

"Actually, I'm surprised you didn't find it," she said with the slightest smirk. Cain narrowed his eyes and she shrugged. "It's only been under my bed since we got back." She smirked again, knowing it really wasn't fair to pick on him. After all, she had left the letters out.

"Was my name on it?" Cain asked. DG leaned back, pretending to be offended but failing miserably, as she was laughing. Cain smiled and jerked back as she poked him in the side. "I apologized for reading your letters," he reminded her.

"Yes, you did," DG nodded and leaned back to rest against his chest. Closing her eyes, she sighed and admitted: "I can't be mad at you for reading them." Cain nodded once. "Besides, if you hadn't read them," she started with a wicked grin and moved her hand between them and the cushion. "-I wouldn't be able to put my hand here."

Cain jumped again and pulled her into a bear hug. "Watch it, Princess," he warned her. Ducking his head down, Cain let his lips hover just over her ear and he whispered: "Only person allowed to touch me there is Coop."

"So I can watch this any time I want now?" Cain asked, nodding toward the DVD player.

"Well, anywhere there's an outlet, yes." Cain looked away, trying to hide his grin. "I saw that," DG said with a smirk.

"Saw what?" Cain asked in a stoic Cain-manner. DG leaned into him and pinched his stomach as she planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Don't mess with me, Mister Moody. You won't get the rest of your birthday present." Cain caught her shoulders and pushed her back slightly, then raised an eyebrow.

"Moody?" he gasped. "I've never been moody."

"Liar, liar."

"So there's more to my present?" he asked with a smirk. DG narrowed her eyes slightly and pushed herself up. Cain watched as she moved around the couch again and then turned with something in her hands. She moved across the room, trailing a cord, and set the white box on the table. She kicked the cord away and waved to Cain with a finger.

He stood up and watched as she turned again and fiddled with the box again.

As the sound of trumpets blared out, she straightened and turned to him with a smile.

"Let's dance, Tin Man."

They made it about halfway through the song before Cain stopped DG and pulled her into a deep kiss. "You constantly amaze me," he said quietly, a few moments after pulling away from her. DG smiled and rested her head against his chest.

"I should hope so," she breathed, knowing he wouldn't get the reference.

Cain looked over to the box on the table and nodded. "What is that?" he asked, moving around DG but still holding her hand.

"It's an iPod... thing," she said with a wave. "I asked Josh to load the sucker up, so who knows what's on here," she informed him. Cain gave the box another look and turned to her with an impressed nod.

"So we can school the Zone in musical appreciation?" Cain offered. DG snorted and had to turn away as she laughed at him. "What? Did I say it wrong?" he asked, pretty sure he used the phrase correctly.

"No," DG waved, reaching up to wipe the tears from her eyes. "You got it right," she laughed again, trying to regain her composure.

"You don't think the Zone can handle this?" Cain nodded to the iPod as the song change over to the one they'd semi-danced to a few months before.

"I highly doubt the Zone is ready for New Kids on the Block, Cain." Cain leaned close and pressed a kiss near her ear.

"You'd have to explain what it means, anyway. That might be awkward," he whispered, then pulled back. DG raised an eyebrow and leaned back.

"I think you should explain it," she challenged. Cain gave her a look and pulled her close again.

"I'll explain it to you," he informed her. "With diagrams... charts," he mumbled into her neck as he kissed her again. "Maybe some visual aids..."

the Big Damn Prompt table

~challenge, ~drabble, .tm_challenge, series: calisun (fyh), fic: tin man, series: follow you home

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