Fic: Follow You Home - California Sun (06/26)

Nov 03, 2008 20:39

Title: Follow You Home - California Sun (06/26)
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Cain and DG, but if you saw 'em in the miniseries, they're here or mentioned. Plus some OCs
Rating: PG
Summary: Between the football team, his family and a final exam, Cain's feeling the pressure. And he thought all his trouble was simply falling for his best friend...
Warning: post-series, directly after California Tin. Blame n_e_star, for she fed Steve. ;) *with thanks to ALL the fandom for the love*
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The rest of 'em are mine.

Prologue | California Queen | California Tin
California Sun: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen | Part Twenty | Part Twenty-One | Part Twenty-Two | Part Twenty-Three | Part Twenty-Four | Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six
Five | Waking Up (CaliSun 20.2) | Almost Like Being in Love (CaliSun 24.5) | An Hour and 45 Minutes | Hava Nagila | Unexpected

The entire scene with the microphone, Cain was trying so hard not to laugh that it was actually making him laugh harder. He actually had to clap a hand over his mouth when RF pulled on the cord and Lena went end over end.

DG couldn't help herself when the sound went out, shaking her head and nodding with the audio. Cain shook his head and threw a look to DG. He couldn't figure out what about it would make Josh watch it a million times. He could see it with the beach movie, but this one was awfully confusing for him.

'Maybe it's because you aren't from this side. There's obviously something that people over here already know. Makes sense to them...' Then he thought about how many times he'd watched White Christmas. Maybe it just happened that a person liked one thing, but not another.

It took Cain a second to realize that DG was singing along and he turned to look at her. She realized he was watching her and not the movie and she turned to him. "What?" He eyes darted back to the screen for a second and her eyes shut. "I was doing it, wasn't I?"

Cain nodded and turned back to the screen. "It was good." DG shuddered and shook her head. She pointed to the screen a few minutes later.

"One of the most famous scenes in movie history, right here," she informed him. Cain nodded and watched Gene Kelly dance in the rain. He had to admit: that was pretty impressive.

DG pointed to the screen a bit later. "The singing-" Cain looked from the screen to DG and nodded. "That's her," she said, pointing to Lena. Cain looked back to the TV and frowned slightly. "She's actually the one singing. It's a long story," DG said, waving her hand. "This part's really good," she added a moment later, pointing again to the screen.

"Those are some bright colors," Cain stated. DG laughed and just shook her head. Cyd Charisse was about to appear. And there she was.

When Gene Kelly hauled her up in the air, even Cain knew this was the scene Josh was talking about. At the same time, DG was thinking about the party and what Sasha said. There was no way the two of them were even in the same time zone as that dancing.

"So, he's famous?" Cain asked a few moments later. DG smiled and nodded, still watching the TV. While Don was professing his love to Kathy, Cain found himself watching DG. He saw her smile and glance down to the table, then take a deep breath and glance back to the TV.

Cain actually gasped when Lena came back into the office quoting her contract. "She can't do that!" he claimed and DG laughed. She held up a hand and pointed to the TV.

"Just wait."

After the premiere and the bows and the speech, Lena was pretending to sing while Kathy was actually singing and Cain turned to DG. "This is going to end badly, isn't it?" He may not be the smartest Zonian on the Other Side, but he surely wasn't stupid. DG only pointed to the screen.

While Don and Kathy sang to each other on the stage, DG pointed to the screen. "Her daughter is Princess Leia," she informed him with a nod. Cain looked back to the screen and tilted his head. After another minute or so, the movie ended and DG reached for the remote.

"Congratulations," she told him. "You've just seen one of the greatest movies ever made." Cain opened his mouth to respond, but DG beat him to it. "Now, I know it's not White Christmas, but..." She raised a hand and picked up the case. "You need to see Brigadoon," she nodded.

"I actually like that one more, in terms of Gene Kelly and Cyd Charisse dancing," she stated, putting the case down again.

"Do you have that?"

DG shook her head. "I'll ask Simon. So," she said, leaning back. "What's Josh's project that has you watching a classic musical?" Cain sighed and leaned forward, picking up a few pieces of paper and passing them to DG. She read through the questions Josh had written down and laughed.

"I'll let you watch Brigadoon after you answer these. Don't want you confusing the two." She yawned handed the papers back.

"You all right?" Cain asked. He realized he hadn't been keeping much of an eye on her since they'd returned from the Zone, now that he knew a possible cause for her exhaustion. DG rubbed her neck and blinked a few times.

"Yeah... just-" she reached for his hand and took a quick glance at his watch. Shaking her head, DG let go of his hand and leaned back. "I'm kinda pathetic," she said, yawning again.

"Why don't you turn in?" Cain asked, tossing the pages back to the table.

DG shook her head. "Too early to go to bed." Cain huffed and leaned forward again, reaching for his notebook. DG yawned again and Cain pushed himself up.

"I'm getting a drink, do you need anything?" he asked her. DG shook her head and leaned forward, reaching for one of the magazines on the table. "You mind?" Cain asked, holding up one of Josh's CDs as he moved back from the kitchen.

DG shook her head again. "Not at all," she stated, sitting back and flipping open the magazine. Cain switched out the movie for the CD and moved back around to sit down, reaching for his notebook again. DG flipped through the magazine for a few minutes then closed it and tossed it back to the table.

She leaned back and closed her eyes for a second and waved to Cain. "Just gonna rest my eyes for a few minutes. Don't mind me." Cain's eyes moved from the page he was reading to her and back and he smiled.


And it seems to me, she's a casualty of all the pressure that we put on her

Cain was looking at his notes, listening to the CD he'd listened to a hundred times. It took a moment for the lines to click. His head shot up, he blinked and then turned to DG

It's such a shame shame shame that our homecoming queen was a lot like you and a lot like me
And she never walked on water; guess no one really saw her
She was so adored by everyone; when it came to looks she was next to none

He looked at the white wall under the counter but didn't really see it, thinking instead about the lyrics.

It's such a shame shame shame that our homecoming queen was a lot like you and a lot like me
And she never walked on water, 'cause no one really saw her
It's such a shame shame shame that our homecoming queen had a lot to prove and so many to please
She's just somebody's daughter, just looking for somebody to love her

Maybe he was reading too much into it, misunderstanding the meaning... but they had put a lot of pressure on DG. She had been treated as if she could walk on water. Whether they intended it or not, all of them had put her in a position to prove to the Zone that she was capable.

She was just a girl who didn't know what was happening and was suddenly expected to save the world; no questions asked. And she did. And then they expected more.

Cain frowned and looked back to DG. A smile spread across his face, simply because he could tell she was completely asleep. Granted, she went to bed every night, but he doubted she ever really slept. He considered telling her about what Jeb had discovered, but that would bring the conversation around to Az.

And if she didn't want DG to know, whether he agreed with it or not, Cain would respect her wishes.

Cain reached for the remote and stopped the CD, then set his notebook down. Standing up, he moved closer to DG and bent down to pick her up; he wasn't going to risk waking her up. He got one arm under her knees and the other behind her back and he lifted her, rather easily, from the couch.

He carried her around the chair and angled her so that he could get her through the door without smacking her head or her feet on the doorframe and moved across the room to the bed. Cain set her down on the mattress and pulled on the covers, lifting her legs again so that he could pull the blanket free.

He pulled the blanket up to cover her and leaned forward to press a kiss to the top of her head. He didn't care, at that point, whether she woke up or remembered or not. As he pulled back, something on the floor caught his eye and he twisted to reach for whatever it was.

There, on the floor between the bed and the nightstand, was a yellow envelope.

With his name on it.

Song is Homecoming Queen by Hinder. ;)

series: calisun (fyh), fic: tin man, series: follow you home

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