Fic: Follow You Home - California Sun (10/26)

Nov 03, 2008 20:53

Title: Follow You Home - California Sun (10/26)
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Cain and DG, but if you saw 'em in the miniseries, they're here or mentioned. Plus some OCs
Rating: PG
Summary: Between the football team, his family and a final exam, Cain's feeling the pressure. And he thought all his trouble was simply falling for his best friend...
Warning: post-series, directly after California Tin. Blame n_e_star, for she fed Steve. ;) *with thanks to ALL the fandom for the love*
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The rest of 'em are mine.

Prologue | California Queen | California Tin
California Sun: Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven | Part Twelve | Part Thirteen | Part Fourteen | Part Fifteen | Part Sixteen | Part Seventeen | Part Eighteen | Part Nineteen | Part Twenty | Part Twenty-One | Part Twenty-Two | Part Twenty-Three | Part Twenty-Four | Part Twenty-Five | Part Twenty-Six
Five | Waking Up (CaliSun 20.2) | Almost Like Being in Love (CaliSun 24.5) | An Hour and 45 Minutes | Hava Nagila | Unexpected

WENN last we met: I don't even know what I'm saying. Well, I do. Just not in the right words. Are there right words? I can only think of three.
I love you.
At that point, his heart jerked from his stomach to his feet.

I love watching you study. I love watching Josh drive you crazy. I love watching Jeanie Lowry trying not to stare at you. I love seeing you every morning. I love knowing you'll be here when I get home.
I loved dancing with you. I love that you don’t force me to change.
I love that you came after me. I love that you are my friend.
I love you.
And I hate that I wish I was Adora.
And now I've just realized that I didn't even think of Jeb. Or my parents. Selfish DG, that's me.
God, I'm pathetic.
Besides, Coop has more to offer you. Sorry. I couldn't resist...

Cain let the pages fall back to his lap and he stared at the far wall. As the words sunk in, a smile ghosted across his face and Cain closed his eyes.

'Idiot.' How did he not see it? This whole time, he was trying so hard to not let her see that he was falling in love with her, that he didn't even notice she was falling for him.

'She loves me... Why?' He couldn't give her anything special. She should be marrying some rich Lord or Duke and living a royal life. He was just a bitter old man who'd lived, loved and lost.

She could do better than him.

I swear that the Wyatt Cain fanclub is getting bigger every day.
Just remember me when you take over this side.

This made no sense to him either. He'd have to ask DG about it sometime.

All of a sudden, I'm terrified. I can't do this. I love my sister, but I can't do this.
Breathe, DG. This was your idea. You can't back out now.
They'll hate you or they won't.
It's just a travel storm. Don't think about what it looks like.
Focus on the where. Not the how. Well, the how.
Can't have a surprise if the travel storm drops us outside the city. We'll have to walk a little. Maybe south - more fields...
Tell Cain. He needs to know this part.
Don't forget!

"Yeah, thanks for the warning," he mumbled, turning the page over onto the stack.

Note to self: KILL SASHA. A lot.
And if ONE more person tells me "you know what they say about friends..." I will seriously SLAP someone.
I'd scream, but you're in the other room and you'd put on your superhero cape and rush in here to see what was wrong.
I'd almost pay to see that.
I just screamed into my pillow.
Honestly, though: Sasha's dead.
Obviously she's never seen Gene Kelly and Cyd Charisse dance together. THAT is sex set to music.
I have to scream again.

This was another note with far too much going on for Cain to pick a starting point. What had Sasha done? Now he really needed to know what that phrase meant, as he'd heard it from Josh and, now, DG was hearing it.

He did have to laugh at DG's comment about the movie from the night before, especially since Josh had said the same thing. And he did have to admit that the scene was rather... well, there was a big difference in the way Randy and his girlfriend were dancing at the club and the scene in the film.

If you drown, I will kill you.

He laughed out loud at this one, assuming it was in regard to the surfing lesson. Which was roughly a month before. He blinked at the next page, which was the palace stationery, and found himself nodding through the entire note.

I swear to God, Wyatt Cain...
Are we seriously fighting over PANTS?
I'm going to ignore the fact you only brought one pair.
But really?!
That's what we've come to?
You are the most annoying son of a...

oookay... that was awkward just a BIT.

Having caught on to DG's thought process, this was most definitely referring to the sleeping arrangements. Only she didn't know about his dream. Well, the kiss...

Funny, Cain. Real funny. Thanks. Ass.

This note made Cain smile. He wasn't sure which moment it referred to, but assumed he deserved it.

Az knows. Everything. I can't believe I told her. I really thought I had a handle on it, but it's apparently obvious. Like REALLY obvious. How do you ignore it? I'm so sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable. Really, I am. I told Az I'd tell you, but I really just told her so she'd drop it.
There's something she's not telling me. I'm not sure what it is. I have a theory, but I just don't know. Crap. I just remembered how we're getting back. I hope you'll let me hold your hand again.
I feel much safer with you. Always.
Dear God... am I really this hopeless? I'm mooning over Wyatt Cain. What is wrong with you, DG?
I really just want to hold your hand.

Cain blinked. Azkadellia knew how DG felt; Jeb and Raw knew how he felt.



Cain glanced over the last few scribbles since they'd returned from the Zone, but his focus was on the book. She loved him. Just like that, she'd managed to say it. Of course, writing it and saying it were two different things. And he wasn't supposed to have seen it.


He packed the envelope back up as he'd found it and returned it to its spot next to her bed. Trying to decide what to do to bide time until she came home - what would he do when she got back? - he decided to give Singin' in the Rain another watch.

And, boy, was it an interesting watch with his new knowledge.


DG got home about eight, with a bag from the Huntington. "Hey," she said, giving him a tired smile. She leaned around to see the TV to watch the scene and passed the bag over the table. "Brought you dinner." Cain peeked into the bag and saw a few wrapped sandwiches from the café.

DG moved into the kitchen and pulled a bottle of water from the fridge. "So, what viewing are we on?" she asked him, nodding to the TV.

"Two," Cain said, standing up and carrying the bag over to the counter. "Plate?" DG smiled and turned around to pull a plate from the cupboard.

"Is that counting last night?" she asked with a smirk.

"Yes," Cain said, returning the smirk. He passed the bag over and DG traded him the plate for the other sandwiches. She put the other sandwiches in the fridge and turned back to look at Cain.

"Sash is picking me up at seven. I should be home around one-" she managed before the yawn got out.

"So the wedding is back on?" Cain asked with a raised brow.

"The wedding is back on," DG nodded. Somewhere between the flowers and the food and the music, Kevin and Christina had called off the wedding. After about two weeks of Christina in tears in Sasha's office, the girls had convinced her that she was getting married for her and not for anyone else. If she was happy with the arrangements, that was that.

"I think seating charts should be outlawed. If one family member can't sit next to another, that's their problem," she nodded. Cain smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"You don't look good."

"Thanks," DG laughed, closing her eyes for a second.

"That's not what I meant," Cain sighed heavily.

"I know," DG replied, forcing a smile.

"Come here," Cain ordered, waving her around the counter. DG rolled her eyes slightly and pushed off the counter.


"Just come here," Cain repeated. As DG moved closer, Cain reached out and put a hand to her forehead.

"It's just a headache-"

"No, you're burnin' up, Kiddo." Cain frowned and pulled on her arm.

"What?" she whined, closing her eyes again. Okay, even she had to admit that the headache was really bad.

"I promised your mother I would take care of you, and I haven't been. So," he said, pointing to the bed. DG gave him a resigned sigh and slumped over to the bed. She sat down and let her head fall to the pillow as Cain reached for the blanket on the end of the bed and shook it out over her.

He moved into the bathroom and came back a second later with two aspirin and a glass of water and held it out for her, offering her a hand to help her sit up, but she managed to push up on her own. DG took the pills, handed the glass back to Cain and let her head move back down to the pillow.

"Let me know if you need anything, Kiddo." She nodded and murmured into the pillow.

She rolled over a second later and held out her hand. "Hey."

Cain turned back and let the tips of his fingers catch hers. "Yeah?"

"Thanks," DG said quietly. Cain gave her a smile and nodded.

"No problem. Sleep," he ordered, pointing to DG with the glass. Her fingers pulled away from his and she rolled back over.

series: calisun (fyh), fic: tin man, series: follow you home

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