100 things: 100 photos - photo 28

Apr 17, 2014 11:03

For today's photo post, my obsession with reflections continues unabated. As does my narcissistic penchant for self-portraits, albeit fractured ones. I can't seem to resist shiny surfaces!

What's so special about today's photos? For a start they are very recent ones, which makes a nice change. I took them a couple of weeks ago at this year's Surface Design Show.

And even more than most of the other photos I've shared so far they are snapshots. All photos are snapshots - the brief capturing of a moment in time. But some are more so than others. Very often I carefully frame my photo, adjust the settings on my camera and some times even wait for the perfect moment to arise. Other times you see an opportunity that is fleeting and you have to take it as it is. No time to think or set it up. This is how I took these two. The show was a busy one, there were people walking about constantly obstructing my view and the longer I hung around, the more the representatives at the particular stand would try to sell me their wares. So I had very little time to find a good position when the coast was clear, take a couple of snaps and hope for the best. That is why these photos aren't technically as good as some others, but still I like them. They are refreshing and honest - as honest as a reflection in a treated mirror can be - and most importantly a random capturing of a brief moment in time.

[Squared Reflection]

[Older 100 things posts:]
Older 100 things posts:
100 photos - photo 1
100 photos - photo 2
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100 photos - photo 4
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100 photos - photo 6
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100 photos - photo 8
100 photos - photo 9
100 photos - photo 10
100 photos - photo 11
100 photos - photo 12
100 photos - photo 13
100 photos - photo 14
100 photos - photo 15
100 photos - photo 16
100 photos - photo 17
100 photos - photo 18
100 photos - photo 19
100 photos - photo 20
100 photos - photo 21
100 photos - photo 22
100 photos - photo 23
100 photos - photo 24
100 photos - photo 25
100 photos - photo 26
100 photos - photo 27

photos, london adventures, #100things

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